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PS 2 or PC


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ok i have a question, i already have mvp 2005 on ps2 i was thinking about getting for my pc when it gets out the shop. i had to get a new mobo and vid card. do you think its worth getting the game on both systems? can you add mods to the ps2 version? any suggestions would be greatly appreicated.

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Only rosters if you have a way of putting saves from your pc to your memory card

so you can only save the rosters , not any of the other files ??


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I was in your predicament. I preordered the PS2 version of MVP 2005 and was enjoying myself until I stumbled across this web site. After seeing all the sweetness of mods (i.e. stadiums, jerseys, etc) my mind was made up and purchased the PC version.

For me, there is definetely no buyer's remorse about having it for the PC. I absolutely love it!

My advice...go ahead and spend the 29.99 and pick up the game for the PC. You won't regret it.

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