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Any walkthroughs, general info on how to edit a stadium?


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I want to dive into editing Angel Stadium, but was wondering if there was a site with a walkthrough ...or maybe one of you guys would give me a brief "manual" on where to begin.

I'm assuming you use Eagraph and then open the "stadium.big" file of whatever park you want to edit.

Then, i'm stuck...lol

I just want to edit the ads. Now, I've found the ads0.fsh file that shows all the ads, but I don't know if this is the one I need to edit.

Then, even if I figure that our, how do I save the new edited fsh files...

Anyways, just wondering if someone had a walkthrough...

appreciate all you guys' work!

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i dont think there is a walkthrough.....but there should be. It would probably take someone less time than to mod a stadium to explain the basics of it....same with cyberfaces.

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FAQ Section, Pirates OEdit Tutorial. Just replaceing the ads0 file won't make you happy cause a bunch of the ads will be stretched out unfortunately :( If ya wanna try OEdit I know the basics of it and can help you if you need

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8O Wow..ok...I don't think i'll tackle OEdit. Isn't there a way to edit the ads with just EAGraph. I did it a LONG time ago with Microsoft Baseball 2000 and was hoping it might still be possible with MVP.

If I was to edit a fsh file, how do I convert it baqck to a fsh file after I've edited the bitmap of it?

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Yes you can do it just the .fsh ad with nfshtool but lazy ea only made like 10 different ads for the whole stadium and it makes them all stretched out cause the same ad appears in more than one place

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