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is this the END of EA's MVP?


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  MarkBTheYankee said:
No, it's not a crime to say it. But if it's blatantly insulting to someone, then that's why there are moderators on the site.

MiJo, you are missing the point. Look up at the top of the page. There is a link that says "Search". If you click on this, type in some keywords and perform the search, that automatically brings up the threads where the keywords you typed are mentioned. It doesn't take long. In fact, it's generally quicker than posting a new topic, and that's not including the time it takes to respond to replies etc. You don't have to scroll back each page manually to check each thread. If you actually thought that, then I feel sorry for you.

No dissrespect to you MarkB but since there are so many posts and topics that sometimes Searches dont always come up. Im sure this one would have but just a heads up. Again, no dissrespect.

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ok how is the h's post about old news please move along any less insulting than Mifo's? that probably made Mifo feel stupid. so i am sure the h is just as much if not more in the wrong here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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NYM, if you use the correct criteria, there is a pretty good chance that you'll get the result you want.

Now, back to the original topic, please. :)

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  MarkBTheYankee said:
Why do I say that? Ever hear of the word retaliation? Your comment was a direct insult to a player he happens to represent in his signature image, which is the only available shot you could take at him. Like if 2 people are in a room and one is wearing a bright yellow shirt and he insults the other guy, the other guys first retaliation would be something about his shirt because that's the first thing he sees.

If you've never seen any talk of it before, then you obviously didn't follow the announcement at the top of the forum.

And the reason people are still trying to figure out how to use patch 2 is because they don't follow the announcement either.

All I see in these forums is punch and counter punch. Like a bunch of whining women. All of you. Noone has anything good to say about someone who may have overlooked a thread that may have been posted before. So lets teach him with a negative response so he can come back with something else and then it goes on a little more. Then the guy who posted the thread is immediately the one who is the bad guy. Then the admin comes in and has his back. Thats really a load of BS. I dont care who is an admin or who is a member. Thats not fair. Mark as an admin, you should know better. You should be correcting anyone who has a derogatory remark in response to a created thread, if it matters or not.

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what i heard is that ea is going to try to get themselves put under nintendos umbrella (since nintendo is a console maker) and if that does not work they will be heading to a ncaa college world series type of game. ea has just locked ncaa football for 5 years. i have a firend who works at ea sports and they want to keep doing baseball so i think that we can count on something next year.

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All I know is that my reply to him was just a simple quotation that I normally use... he went the really, really wrong way and took it as if I had just pissed over his grave... come on... people need to grow up.

That's why these forums sometimes get out of control... people that simply post/ask crap without using the search engine before (especially when the subject surely has already been discussed like a thousand times), simple because they are lazy... and that, my friends and haters, is WHAT WE SHOULD BE DISCUSSING HERE.

Next time, I just won't bother to reply... apparently this has become more of a kindergarten/prep school than a baseball simulation forum because if you dare to even think about how stupid/lazy/whatever some people can be, you just earn attacks from those who simply can't handle the fact that they are being criticized.

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Steroid, think about that. That would mean that we took no action or did anything to stop people posting things that have already been discussed or asked. If we did that, I'm pretty sure the forums would be over-crowded with people asking the same questions and getting the same answers time after time after time. That would not only be a massive waste of time on many fronts, it would totally dismiss the point of having a search facility and icons representing new topics.

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  steroid said:
So lets teach him with a negative response so he can come back with something else and then it goes on a little more. Then the guy who posted the thread is immediately the one who is the bad guy. Then the admin comes in and has his back. Thats really a load of BS. I dont care who is an admin or who is a member. Thats not fair. Mark as an admin, you should know better. You should be correcting anyone who has a derogatory remark in response to a created thread, if it matters or not.

What are we supposed to do??? sit down and baby-sit/teach you how to use this thing correctly until you decide to pay attention?

I've done that before... several times... but my patience tends to run thin when people simply don't want to listen and keep making the same errors again and again.

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  steroid said:

All I see in these forums is punch and counter punch. Like a bunch of whining women.

As I said before..............People keep proving my point. H just let it go. I seem toremember our discussion a week or so ago and we settled it. Some times when you use a key word for search, alot of threads come up for different things. It may look as though you may never find what your looking for. Things that are way to old need to be deleted if they have no use for modders or people looking for information. Im not trying to cause trouble and Im not trying to dis anyone. I just want to stick up for someone who has done what I have done. Its an honest mistake and it happens to the best of us. Maybe not you or a few others because you guys are perfect in every way. It just happens.

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  reddawg60 said:
Yea this will be my first and last post here but the mods here sound like there ten years old give me a brake.

Otherwise good site

Your right bro except it is the BEST site. Mods ar'nt 10 years old though. Just 2 years old if your counting 2004 mods.......?? :?

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  waterboy100 said:
tell me about it i worte a for real post and they buried it with their $hit

They just moved it to the proper category. If you start a post in the wrong spot it will be moved. Just a thought to pass on. I do that with no annomosity.

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  MarkBTheYankee said:
Steroid, think about that. That would mean that we took no action or did anything to stop people posting things that have already been discussed or asked. If we did that, I'm pretty sure the forums would be over-crowded with people asking the same questions and getting the same answers time after time after time. That would not only be a massive waste of time on many fronts, it would totally dismiss the point of having a search facility and icons representing new topics.

Mark your correct and I wont argue with you because so. I was trying to say there are a few and I quote "A FEW", that get lost in the shuffle. Its not crowding the board. Its the whole annomosity thing I dont understand. You can answer a post by saying.....Hey bro, been posted already try looking it up by the search. You notice that its never the same ones. Its always noobies......LOL I was a noob and did the same thing, but I used the search and my fault was I didnt say to H that I had used the search and we had a brief discussion about it. We settled it with kind words. I know this isnt church, but we should know how to treat people. Our mothers taught us that......

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  waterboy100 said:
i was talking about this post in this topic. i have made 2 other posts before today and i was satisfies with the responses, in fact i went out of my way to thank the ppl who answered me.

I do too. Its nice when that happens. Makes us feel like we are family........... :D

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  steroid said:
Maybe not you or a few others because you guys are perfect in every way. It just happens.

OK, this will be my last post in this thread... but dude, stop the BS... your characterization of this whole deal is just ridiculous... and please, give me a break, we never have said that we are perfect or even close to it.

All I know is that everytime I'm learning new things, I try really hard to LISTEN and PAY ATTENTION to what other users with more experience than me have to say. That's what my parents taught me, at least. Be quiet, pay attention and you'll learn.

Is that so hard to do and understand?

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  The H said:

All I know is that everytime I'm learning new things, I try really hard to LISTEN and PAY ATTENTION to what other users with more experience than me have to say. That's what my parents taught me, at least. Be quiet, pay attention and you'll learn.

Is that so hard to do and understand?

Well lets show a little respect to people are asking for help. When they use search and dont find exactly what they are looking for. Im not charicterizing anything. I dont question your charicter. Never did. I question your politeness with responses. People wouldnt get so mad if they were made to feel like someone and not to be made to feel stupid and thats exactly what you did to mijo.

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  The H said:
Old news... nothing to see... please move along.

Mark I apologise for coming off the wrong way.........If that was what you were thinking. Just felt that it could be handled a diferent way and should have. You know what I was trying to say and I know what you and H were saying. If respect is shown it gets passed on. Thats how it works. If you give you get, If you give less you get less. The responses have to be a little more considerate than this. It makes the board a better place and we dont clog up a thread talking about who was right and who was wrong. Hers how I read this......If I am a viewer of the thread, I am told not to answer because I should move along, and this post doesnt matter. Thats how I read it.

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