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College Baseball 2K5 WIP updated 9/6


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Hopefully Ohio State is on the game because my dad works with this guy and his boy is a pitcher for Ohio State and he went 18th to the Pittshburgh Pirates (but he is expected o go higher next time) but went to college instead and he will be eligible for the draft when he turns 21.

p.s. if you dont know who he is. His name is Cory Luebke.

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Update for everyone out there today, we got some more stuff done this week including


Jerseys for UCONN,Boston College,Notre Dame,Auburn,Arkansas,Tennessee

Rosters for Illinois

Aluminum Bats !

In Game Music

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Update for everyone out there today, we got some more stuff done this week including


Jerseys for UCONN,Boston College,Notre Dame,Auburn,Arkansas,Tennessee

Rosters for Illinois

Aluminum Bats !

In Game Music

Awesome, has that been put up for Download?

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any update on if theres gonna be a XBOX version....? just wondering

What part of "once the mod is completed further" dont you understand? Have some patience boy. They barely have anything completed for the PC version, how could they have anything done for the XBOX yet?

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Whta's the progress on this thing? How far are we? 50% 75% And where's the beta download? Thanks Guys, let me knoe if I can help.


-CB 8)

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Hey guys, it looks like this is going great. I was wondering how difficult it is to make uniforms for this game. I really wanna help out with this and if isn't too hard, I would like to try it. Thanks.

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Hey guys, it looks like this is going great. I was wondering how difficult it is to make uniforms for this game. I really wanna help out with this and if isn't too hard, I would like to try it. Thanks.

read the last page of Umachines feedback thread it has a link that explains uni making.

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okay...bbf sent me over a music file for the theme for basketball on cbs. i'm just wondering if it's okay with the masses if we use that theme for the broadcast music. we couldn't find any college baseball music. it sounds okay though.

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You could just get some new main stream rock songs like they use for MVP. You could use the same style music, just different songs.

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You guys shoold create a few college baseball clips, and have tem play instead of the regular MVP videos that play at the start. I think it would give a lot more life to the project.

that idea has been suggested aldredy, but we'll try to get a intro movie anyway...

on that subject, we need help looking for the theme music that espn uses for baseball or the one cbs used for baseball, ethier one will do....

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