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infielders catching everything? and other modding questions


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before I start my dynasty, I want to make sure I've tweaked the game to my liking. here are some of the things i'm concerned about:

-cpu infielders catching absolutely everything--all of these soft, floating line drives are miraculously caught, and its almost impossible to get a groundball through the infield--it seems like every infielder has unbelievable range. is there anything i can do other than lower the cpu infielder speed?

-the camera view--#1 allows you to see the hitter's eye but not the pitch location/trajectory/speed that well, and #4 you can see these better but can't really see the hitter's eye that well. i've heard of some low view batting camera mods--is this the best option now?

-outfielders not taking good paths to the ball--if a ball gets over or past my infielders, my outfielders are running back towards the wall instead of cutting the ball off. any way of fixing this other than increasing user outfielder speed?


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I was setting infielder speed to -42. Then I went into the datafile & edited it there. Now I set it to my -20. It's fine. Also if you wanted, you could edit the datafile to make the balls harder hit, this way they won't get to them. The problem with that is, then the balls roll to fast in the outfield & unless you are right on top of the ball in the outfield, the ball will roll all the way to the wall. I actually slowed down the ball so now the ball trajectory is much more realistic. (which is why I slowed down the infileders so much) I actually think I have the game tweaked pretty well.

If you want, here are my settings in my datafile. You can copy & paste it into your datafileedit.txt & then save it to your datafile... Back up your data file in case you don't like these settings though... ("39" is the one that controls your infielder speed) (I have adjusted other things here too, to tweak the settings).

<audioai>;0 ;1 2.50;2 22.00;3 14.00;4 8.00;5 ;6 95.00;7 180.00;8 15.00;9 ;10 0.00;11 80.00;12 70.00;13 ;14 60.00;15 6.00;16 6.00;17 36.00;18 50.00;19 30.00;20 36.00;21 60.00;22 45.00;23 50.00;24 ;25 17.00;26 10.00;27 3.00;28 9.00;29 80.00;30 115.00;31 70.00;32 ;33 50.00;34 45.00;35 ;36 15.00;37 15.00;38 5.00;39 7.00;40 6.00;41 7.00;42 0.80;43 ;44 4.00;45 5.00;46 1.50;47 1.50;48 10.00;49 10.00;50 0.5;51 30.00;52 4.00;53 100.00;

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Thanks for the tip, big shmooz and Kamasutra. Another datafile change that helped me was to increase the pull%. The default is 10, I bumped it up to 15.

I play on All Star and had trouble getting around on the pitches.

The pull data field is under the <batterai> section of the datafile.

One thing I cannot find, is how to get the jumbotrons a little brighter. I can

barely see the screen.

This game is great! Whenever I think I have a perfect datafile, someone will

contribute with other tweaks. :D

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set outfielder speed to -15

set infielder speed to -15

set baserunning speed to +15

Where do you have your basestealing sliders set then? Does the baserunning speed correspond directly with the Steal Speed... i.e. If you up your baserunning speed by +10, should you drop your Steal Speed -10 to offset the change?

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Thanks for the tip, big shmooz and Kamasutra. Another datafile change that helped me was to increase the pull%. The default is 10, I bumped it up to 15.

I play on All Star and had trouble getting around on the pitches.

The pull data field is under the <batterai> section of the datafile.

This game is great! Whenever I think I have a perfect datafile, someone will

contribute with other tweaks. :D

First of all, you're welcome, glad to help.

I have actually also done some tweaks on the <batterai> section to make the groundballs not travel as far. It's a constant issue of balance. If you slow the ball down too much & let the infielders run at the same speed or don't slow them down enough, they will get to almost every ground ball. I was actually thinking of dropping my infield speed even a bit more like to 6.50 or even 6.00 (as experimentation & then not have to move the sliders at all in that area).

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Where do you have your basestealing sliders set then? Does the baserunning speed correspond directly with the Steal Speed... i.e. If you up your baserunning speed by +10, should you drop your Steal Speed -10 to offset the change?

Obviously I can't answer the first part of your question since I am not the one you are asking this. However I do have the answer to the second part. The steal speed & baserunning speed are not connected to each other.

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big shmooz, where in the datafile can you edit the speed of the ground ball, and speed of ball off the bat. thanks

In the <audioai> section

0x871ae7a9 54 1;38 OutFielderDirectDist;23 GBMaxWeakSpeed;14 GBMaxDistance;43 CloseStuff;34 PopUpInfieldExtension;21 MaxDribblerDistance;20 DribblerMaxSpeed;11 LDMinHardSpeed;9 LineDriveSpecifications;32 PopFlySpecifications;28 BloopMaxDistPeakRatio;16 ChopperMinPeak;8 MidDeepByondOutflder;22 GBMinHardSpeed;33 PFMinVertical;3 UpMiddleYawWidth;26 FBDistPeakRatio;17 RollerMaxSpeed;10 LDMinVertical;5 HitDepthCategory;49 ClosePlayOutDist;46 CloseFoulDistance;45 CloseToLineYaw;42 MinWildThrowError;52 HeldBallSafeDist;7 Shallow;47 CloseFoulYaw;31 FlyMaxWeakSpeed;4 GapYawWidth;35 Fieldability;19 MaxBouncerDistance;15 ChopperMaxDistance;51 EasyPlayOutDist;50 ClosePlayOutCatchTimeDelta;41 PopFlyDirectDist;40 InFielderDirectDist;18 BouncerMaxSpeed;1 MaxCurveOnStrtHit;37 OutFielderSpeed;27 BloopMinDistPeakRatio;0 GeneralHitSpecs;36 MinLDPeak;30 FlyMinHardSpeed;13 GroundBallSpecifications;48 NearWallDist;29 MinHighFlyBallPeak;25 FBMinVertical;2 CenterFieldYawWidth;53 InAinBallSafeDist;24 FlyBallSpecifications;44 CloseToLineDist;39 InFielderRunSpeed;12 LDMaxWeakSpeed;6 InField;

0x46c93f61 54

<audioai>;0 ;1 2.50;2 22.00;3 14.00;4 8.00;5 ;6 95.00;7 180.00;8 15.00;9 ;10 0.00;11 80.00;12 70.00;13 ;14 60.00;15 6.00;16 6.00;17 36.00;18 50.00;19 30.00;20 36.00;21 60.00;22 45.00;23 50.00;24 ;25 17.00;26 10.00;27 3.00;28 9.00;29 80.00;30 115.00;31 70.00;32 ;33 50.00;34 45.00;35 ;36 15.00;37 15.00;38 5.00;39 7.00;40 6.00;41 7.00;42 0.80;43 ;44 4.00;45 5.00;46 1.50;47 1.50;48 10.00;49 10.00;50 0.5;51 30.00;52 4.00;53 100.00;

As you can see, # 22 & 23 in the above section is where you can edit the ground ball speeds. (note: the numbers that are listed for the bottom section (which is where you actually edit this, is my own edited numbers & not the default one's)

As far as speed of ball off the bat, look at # 11 & 12. Also check the <batterai> section.

Here is what it looks like (again note that numbers here reflect already edited numbers by me)...

0xc12d4655 45 1;41 BallUpDownInfluence;32 ContactQuality_;31 BallSpeedMaxMod_BatterPower;30 BallSpeedMinMod_BatterPower;22 ContQualityMaxMod_UDvsPitchType;17 ContQualityMinMod_ContactAttr4Pitch;11 ContQuality_UDvsPitchType;1 LRInfluence;43 BatterUpDownAngleEffectivenessWeights;29 BatterPower;20 ContQualityMaxMod_LRIntent;19 ContQualityMinMod_LRIntent;39 BallSpeedMinMod_PitchSpeed;23 ContQualityMinMod_UDvsPitchLoc;6 ContactQualityFactors;40 BallSpeedMaxMod_PitchSpeed;35 AmountOfPull;9 ContQuality_ContactAttr4Pitch;28 OutgoingBallSpeedWeights;25 BallDesiredUpDownAngleWeights;5 ContQualInfluence;36 BallSpeedMinMod_AmountOfPull;18 ContQualityMaxMod_ContactAttr4Pitch;14 ContQualityMaxMod_Timing;12 ContQuality_UDvsPitchLoc;7 ContQuality_Timing;0 LRInfluenceContactQuality;26 PitchLoc;16 ContQualityMaxMod_HotColdZone;8 ContQuality_HotColdZone;3 TimingInfluence;34 BallSpeedMaxMod_ContactQuality_;24 ContQualityMaxMod_UDvsPitchLoc;15 ContQualityMinMod_HotColdZone;44 ContactQuality;2 TimingInfluenceContactQuality;42 BallUDInfluence;38 PitchSpeed;37 BallSpeedMaxMod_AmountOfPull;10 ContQuality_LRIntent;27 PitchType;33 BallSpeedMinMod_ContactQuality_;21 ContQualityMinMod_UDvsPitchType;13 ContQualityMinMod_Timing;4 ContQualInfluenceBallSpeed;

0x2ebaa4d1 45<batterai>;0 ;1 3#0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#4.838308e-001,5.000000e-001,1.600000e-001#1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#;2 ;3 3#0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#4.838308e-001,5.000000e-001,1.600000e-001#1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#;4 ;5 3#0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#4.838308e-001,5.000000e-001,1.600000e-001#1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#;6 ;7 50.0;8 0.0;9 0.0;10 50.0;11 0.0;12 0.0;13 0.000;14 0.000;15 0.900;16 1.100;17 0.850;18 1.150;19 0.000;20 0.000;21 0.950;22 1.050;23 0.950;24 1.050;25 ;26 65.0;27 35.0;28 ;29 0.0;30 0.750;31 1.070;32 50.0;33 0.000;34 0.000;35 10.0;36 0.000;37 0.000;38 10.0;39 0.000;40 0.000;41 ;42 3#0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#5.696517e-001,6.057143e-001,1.428572e-001#1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,0.000000e+000#;43 ;44 1.0;

The section in bold represents batter power, which would reflect the speed of the ball off the bat obviously also.

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