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Fuzz - Portraits Please


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I saw the classics post late after it was locked.

Please use the portraits!!

It makes no sense to hear a false name just because it

is close.

Can I vote twice??

Portraits please.

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well danc, then i'd have to release sometime tomorrow instead of tonight. I was planning on uploading late tonight.

I get what the Team Classics Roster Guys send me so i guess you're going to have to take it up with the other members of the team. They've got a couple of good reasons to go with audio.

I have about 15 portrait packs ready, but no sense uploading if audio is the preference. Maybe i'll do it anyways, might take longer to release though.

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I would rather wait and have a correct portrait displayed for

each person. It just is more interesting to see what these guys

looked like rather than hear a "modern" announcer give the "incorrect"

name for the guy. Really interupts my"suspension of disbelief" if you

will. Just IMHO. I can wait for the added quality.

Thanks for all your hard work.

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