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Wrigley Field v1.2 "Day Version Only"


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Although it's far from perfect, I think it's still a big improvement over the original. There is only so much that can be done. I did some work in OEdit (thanks to everdever) to change the marquee and a few other details but unfortunately I wasn't able to do much with the buildings. They do look a lot better, but still not right. Night version to follow soon. Enjoy!

new in v1.2:

1. custom hi-res grass texture

2. scoreboard

3. lengthened marquee below scoreboard

4. dugouts

5. buildings

6. Miller sign in right

7. Culvers sign

8. fence behind bleachers

9. various texture resizing

10. various color adjustments

11. pressbox

12. luxury boxes

13. distance markers

14. clear "summer day" blue sky

15. brick

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Awesome job on the new Wrigley Trues...i put it into my game and when I played a game the McDonalds and Cubs logo on the scoreboard do not appear clear at all...they are both really blurry...has anyone else experienced this problem???

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Actually, I forgot to pack the latest stcs file. The marquee is a little clearer in the new one. I updated it just now. You'll have to re-download the file though :(.

Also, The texture EA uses for the marquee is pretty small even whith it resized. Plus it's stretched in the game so it's really tough to make it look really clean. The buildings are done the same way.

Remember, It's gonna have a lot to do with your video card and it's settings too. I have the ATI 9800 pro with all details set to high quality.

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The texture EA uses for the marquee is pretty small even whith it resized. Plus it's stretched in the game so it's really tough to make it look really clean. The buildings are done the same way.

Why not make the texture bigger and closer to the actual shape to reduce stretching? With OEdit, all is possible ;)

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Very well done, trues.....Thanks for making this available for all to use.

Great improvement from the original!!

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im having a problem with this update. The fielders are going right through the walls in the poutfiled. And the outfielders are playing so in that they are in the infiled. WHy is thi s happenning.

I've seen this a bunch of times while editing Oriole Park. It seems that the cram32.fsh file has a limit as far as size. When the file went above a certain limit the close-up crowd would disappear, animations on the scoreboard and the sky would stop and fielders would go through the walls. I had to play around with resizing images to get everything in there and have all aspects going. It was tough! So maybe the cram32.fsh is too big?

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v1.2 works for me... good job Trues... although I don't like the new "blue sky" texture... it's, well, too simple.

Keep up the good work.



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The fielders are going right through the walls in the poutfiled. And the outfielders are playing so in that they are in the infiled. WHy is thi s happenning.

I had this problem whenever I tried to use Mike's grass in Fenway. I figured it had something to do with file size.

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New update 1.3 available.

new in 1.3:

1. resized the marquee in OEdit for better quality (special thanks to ezorn33).

2. changed sky texture.

Thanks ezorn

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