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Total Classics 2005 Highlights


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I posted it, it should be up later today if I did it correctly. NOT a music video, this will be an OLDSCHOOL highlights reel for the oldtime players.


EDIT: BTW he whacked NINE (!!!) homeruns off of me!!!! Also feaures a double, a steal of third, and a classic Koufax strikeout. I literally can't compete on All-Star level, but my loss is your gain for a nill.

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u fall into pitching patterns peter!! U FALL INTO PITCHING PATTERNS!!

Every now and then, you gotta throw that changeup down and away to throw pete rose off guard.

it was fun, hopefully we'll do it again and that video is sooO sick.loOOL.

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One of the coolest things about ghost stadiums are the ghosts that play ballgames there. Witness the ghosts in the bullpen walking through walls!


It was fun. I'd play again if I felt I had improved enough to at least score a run...

Thanks again, Fuzz.

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hey fuzzone & peterbernard, U guys had all the fun while I was scatching my head to figure out how to install phrase 2.

Although I figure out way to make the tc2 to work I still had few question hopefully fuzzone when U have time go over to the tc faq section.

fuzzone & peterbernard when u guys want online match again please tell me so I am ready anytime.

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Let me know when you get your tc2 installed and we can try it. I should be around tonight after 7, the rest f the week is hazy at this point.

EDIT: Can we play pro mode or something easier than all-star? I'm not ready for prime time yet I don't think.

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peterbernard I got the tc2 to work just that I have few question more to ask fuzzone.

I am ready now just msg here and I will able to log in. Your IP I know from yesterday chat room so U don't even have to post it here.

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Nobody's done a Ted yet. Actually, I've done 3 or 4 but none are good enough to show. The front shots i have of him are washed out and it ends up looking like a guy wearing a Ted Williams Halloween Mask or something.

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can we make it 8? i haven't had dinner and my cat needs attention or he'll scream through the whole game

Awwwwwwwwwww. Kitty. You're good people Peter.

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My first homerun I caught on fraps, or most of it:


Oh wait this is the classics section. Well Manny's pretty classic! Right?

We thought our sync probs were related to bbfans' trouble with the tc roster, so we tried it with 2005 teams but it was prob city all over again.

Here's bbfans hitting one off me in Ebbetts.


He hits it with Mantle and it goes over my Mantle's head. BTW he wins HR Derby because his homer was 421 and mine was 414. Of course, I set the wind to blow straight out at 30 mph and he set it at zero, but still he won

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i'm trying to download the total classics phase two files, but when i hit the download button, i don't get the usual download window. instead i get a lot of symbols such as these:


any idea what might be wrong?

thanks very much in advance.



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That's the special detector Fuzz put in so only people he likes can download it. Your ip must be similar to one of his enemies.

Just kidding, I have no idea what's up with that. Maybe try closing all windows and opening a new browser window?

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