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Total Classic Uniform Request Thread


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Well, first let me say Thanks to all the TC Mod Squad. Great 1st phase.

Ok, if you've played with some of the teams, you know not all uniforms (exact team/year) are available......YET. Like the 77 Reds. They wear the 61 Reds uniforms.

So, if you found a team that you would love to have the real year/uniform post it here and maybe some guys will be able to do some and we can slowly update each team in the TC so that maybe most or all teams will have their exact unis.

My uniform requests:

75, 77 Reds

86 Mets (there is a close 84 one)

84 Tigers

87 Cardinals

86 Red sox

78 Dodgers

87 Twins

88 Dodgers

78 Yankees

thanks if you have time for any of these... Smile

Maybe some of the unifrom makers can help us out...

thanks again guys!

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