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Positive or Negative??


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I play on the PRO setting for MVP 04. I've made some slider adjustments to cut down on the flashy leather plays by the CPU, but there still remains one problem....the pitcher.

I never truly understood how the -50 to +50 worked. I assumed that if you place a certain feature in the minus that it was considered a takeaway and visa versa if it was a plus. But I've just read a few post that indicate to make a CPU pitcher tire more quickly, it should be a plus value.....Is this the case??? :?:

Thanks in advance

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Thanks hongfu_chen. I just want to make sure that I'm clear on this. Using positive numbers on the slider settings will lower the ability of the CPU, and putting numbers in the negative will increase the CPU ability??

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Here are the cathegories:and some suggestion

Pitch Speed(the higher the faster: +50 would add 4mph on fastball)

User Pitcher Fatigue(higher make your pitcher tire faster,vice-versa)

CPU Pitcher Fatigue(same)

User Batting Contact(hit better when higher)

CPU Batting Contact

User Batting Power(more HR when higher)

CPU Batting Power

User Bunting Ability(put it around 30)

CPU Bunting Ability

User Outfielder Speed(+8)

CPU Outfielder Speed(-2)

User Infielder Speed(-2)

CPU Infielder Speed(-8)

User Baserunning Speed

CPU Baserunning Speed

User Throw Speed(-5)

CPU Throw Speed

User Throw Accuracy

CPU Throw Accuracy

User Runner Aggression(+9)

CPU Runner Aggression(+15)

Runner Injury Frequency(+22)

Pitcher Injury Frequency(+22)

Batter Injury Frequency(+22)

Fielder Injury Frequency(+22)

CPU Steal Rate(+50, computer still rarely steal)

User Dive Difficulty(-5, I use keyboard.)

User Catch Errors(+23)

CPU Catch Errors(+30,eliminate all those infield dive)

User Runner Steal Speed(-2)

CPU Runner Steal Speed(+5)

User Runner Steal Delay(- is less delay, + is more delay, - is better)

CPU Runner Steal Delay

Bullpen Fatigue Rate

Bullpen Fatigue Grace

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Thanks bro. You cleared this whole mess up. Granted I think that I may have been punishing myself with some of my settings. Overall, I've enjoyed the game play itself other than watching the CPU pitcher throw 110-120, before the bullpen even considers warming up. I've managed to slow down the CPU OF to allow a few more balls to drop into play. The CPU was eating up anything going into the outfield but you watch a ball game and see there are a lot of balls the OF can't generally get to. By doing this I end up using the field shift more. It just makes it more realistic.

I'm gonna consider some of your recommendations and balance this circus out. Once again, thanx. :D

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User OF speed is + 8

CPU IF speed is - 8 (or more, This is especially important to avoid most of those diving plays and making some senses out of hitting ground ball)

I didn't mean to put the face there.

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