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how many euro/british/australian/asian/??? mvpers are here ?


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ok i'm trying to be politically correct but the subject line only holds so many characters. this is a mvp question so i don't believe it would go in left field. but if need be move it i guess.

i'm just wondering and amazed at how many people from countries other than the u.s.a. are into baseball and this game. growing up i lived in england and played little league on american military teams, and also lived in japan, which obviously has plenty of bball fans, playing on american teams vs. the japanese teams. but aside from asia, latin america and the usa/canada i never really imagined baseball would ever be so popular in other countries.

what i want to know is how many members are from other countries, how popular baseball/mvp is where you live and if what type of organized teams/leagues there are in your country, if you play for any of these leagues and for how long has baseball been popular where you are. also is there a huge baseball following on your country? thanks, i hope this will prove interesting.

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There are leagues, yep. Baseball as a whole is becoming more popular because they are making an effort to try to bring it to the forefront of the sports world and the TV coverage helps, but there are so many braindead monkeys in this country that like soccer that it's hard to believe it will be represented in any real way any time soon.

The most popular thing about baseball here is baseball bats. :wink:

There are local teams and UK-wide divisions. I was in our local team until my knee decided my fate (Some kind of cartilage injury). I'm trying to get back into pitching now and was planning to go to the doctors today to see how it is, but it's 9.25am already and they close at 10.30am, so I don't think I'll be going today. Maybe tomorrow.

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Also Amsterdam, The Netherlands. And I can proudly say that we're playing the best baseball in Europe. Holland and Italy are the two "biggest" baseball countries in Europe and have a long history of rivalry.

We also were the first team to ever beat Cuba on the Olympics (Atlanta 1996). Unfortunately the last Olympics were a big deception.

This year in September the World Championships will be held here in Holland. Too bad that the MLB won't let the big guys compete. Would have been nice to see Cuba play USA with all their MLB stars.

We also got a semi-pro league here in Holland. I think it's got the highest level of competition compared to the rest of Europe.

And once a year we have the Haarlem Baseball Week / the Rotterdam Port Tournament. This year neiter of those because of the WC Baseball.

But those two tournaments are really big in Holland. In the summertime, nice crowd, nice stadium (like a minor league-type compared to US) and good baseball from countries like Italy, Taiwan, Japan, Cuba etc.

Once saw Mark Prior pitch back in 1998 or so when he was on Team USA. :)

That's about it for baseball in The Netherlands. It will never be that big like in the US, because of soccer.

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Gomel, Belarus. Yes, I'm MVP fan. An i also like OOTP and ITP series. Big problem what in our country no baseball TV coverage. I like play baseball on PC. A month ago I download from internet Game 1 and 2 of ALCS 2004. It was my first and second baseball game what i see. And my wife present to me baseball glove on New Year(from Moscow, Russia), because we have no baseball equipment for sale. Now it's most souvenir. I don't have baseball bat and balls. But sometimes....I hope...My sun. will play baseball in our local team. I try create a baseball team in my city.

Sorry for bad english.

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I come from Taiwan...

this is my first time to chat at here...

so...all I want to say is...

Chin-Feng Chen is the best hitter !!

Chin-Hui Tsao is the best closer !!

Chien-Ming Wang is the best starter !!

why Chin-Feng Chen's power and contact are only 40...

that is really unfair...

my english is not good enough...

if you do not understand what I said...

PLEASE...forgive me... :mrgreen:

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Australia here. Big MVP fan and have been importing since 2003. Baseball games do not get an Aus release on any platform at all.

Baseball had a surge of popularity here during the mid 90's but has since dipped with the demise of our national league. We still supply a few MLB guys and there will be a few fresh aussie faces this year i'm sure. MLB coverage is only on cable and although our national league had free to air coverage in the nineties we now only get a passing story here or there (e.g. the olympics).

I was lucky enough to work with a national league team which had affiliations with the Mets and Expos. We had a couple of guys pass through that went on to majors, a few were only one game guys but we did have Geoff Blum (Padres) and Bob Henley (Former expos catcher). If it wasn't for injury we would have also had a season with Preston Wilson and Octavio Dotel.

I've recently taken a break from playing and coaching due to uni commitments stealing my time but love the game too much to ever leave it (I've been playing since I was 9). Like soccer in the UK we will never be bigger than Rugby League, Cricket or Ausse Rules.

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Australia here. Big MVP fan and have been importing since 2003. Baseball games do not get an Aus release on any platform at all.

I've been able to buy MVP 2003-2005 from stores quite easily

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Belgrade, Serbia!!

We have baseball league for 12 years already, and our National team (with me being member of the squad) participated in 5 European chamionships B pool - 4. Place last year in Germany. We have great talented players but no money for improvement and development, but things are going for the better now.

Some guys play MVP, but our internet connections are poor so we can't play it over the net. Also, we cannot buy the game in the stores (therefore, half of the in-game features are not working 8O ). I have played and moded MVP 2004, but this Bsht of 2005 :x ??!!

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Antwerp Belgium,

There is some baseball here but on European level we are not a big contender :(

Also Softball Fastpitch is growing in popularity here, but again, not to a serious level compared to Holland and Canada and New-Zealand.

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Barcelona, Spain. Baseball in this country there isn't to much popular, but there are some people who like it like me. In Spain there are a Amateur league and there is a national team who plays in some competitions like the world championship or things like that. :mrgreen:

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UK here - theres a bunch of us playing in my MVP League www.emlb.net

setup specifically for european MVPers - but we have a few american players too

lots more euros than i expected tbh :)

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I'm from UK too. Had to get the game off eBay from states, couldn't find it anywhere over here. Only just getting into the whole MVP/MLB thing, but after downloading the MVP2004 demo I just had to buy the full game. It's so cool.

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English, though currently in Denmark. My copy of MVP baseball 2005 is sitting in my room at home waiting to be played just arrived via ebay (8 days to go :)

Got MVP 2004 last year, played one complete season with the Yanks winning it all. Thanks to all for the portrait updates and to this site in general for giving access to them.

Its so hard to get baseball games here console ones are non existant, luckly no regioning on pc games. Bit worried the licencing change might means there wont be any more pc baseball games to buy.

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Melbourne, Australia here. It is available on PayTV here and I subscribe and watch most games on MLB.tv. Im a Cubs fan!

Like was said earlier, Baseball enjoyed a little popularity here in the 90's but soon died off. I havent played since i was in high school. I cycle instead now.

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...hello, here is munich from germany calling...work here, but from

aurich. this at the coast in the north of germany...

...like soccer (most popular in europe). my favorite team is

Hamburger SV (see the link at signatur). also icehockey,

football, baseball, basketball and fromular 1...

...see us at the next oktoberfest, cheers ;-)

...nice greathings from here, jörn

god save benedikt XVI

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