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n00b batting question


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Do I aim the bat or aim the hit? OK sounds stupid I know. When I use the left stick exactly what am I doing? Can I hit a fly ball if the pitch is low and I move the left stick up when I hit it? If this is the case then the only thing I am realy doing myself is timing the swing, but I can not actually move the bat up or down in order to make contact. I can aim the hit but not move the bat into position to make contact?

I mean the pitch is low but I want to hit a fly ball so I aim the stick up. Sometimes I make contact in this situation. Therefore it seems the CPU takes over the simulation and moves the bat into position and I am just timing the swing and telling the CPU were I am trying to get the ball? No?

I hope this makes sense.

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Okay, your'e aiming the hit. If you point up on a low pitch, the CPU will try and hit the ball even though its low, but they make it at the last moment, causing weak contact unless you time your'e swing perfectly. There's a great article about this on the perfectgame.net, I'll try and find it.

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