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Everything posted by Trues

  1. Trues

    Site Issues

    It's very possible and something I planned on doing, but it will take some time.
  2. Trues

    Site Issues

    I just put it back up. :)
  3. Trues

    Site Issues

    The downloads section will be up and down for a while as I sort through missing screenshots and information. The download links should all be working now though.
  4. Trues

    Site Issues

    Thanks DylanBradbury for your help.
  5. Trues

    Site Issues

    As you can see, we've upgraded our site once again. This time however, it's a major conversion from the Dragonfly CMS to Invision Power Board. There is still lots to do, but instead of keeping the site down for an extended period of time, I chose to do this in stages. All user accounts, passwords, posts and pm's have been converted. Some things didn't convert very well, such as attachments and avatars. I'll see what I can do to fix that, but you can always just update your avatar manually if you want. I'll be working on the downloads section today along with many other things to help get the site back up to speed. Thanks again for all your patience.
  6. Thank you for taking the time to do this. As Homer stated, it's well worth it. I can't believe I missed this thread back when it was posted. This along with the FAQ thread will be very helpful.
  7. I agree. I'll see what I can do. Thanks guys.
  8. Testing new NBBCode module. This will allow you to embed videos from youtube and more. 2pNTrYd-4FQ
  9. Dude, you are a trip. You need to learn to get your facts straight before you type crap like this. Once again, it was a plan to help pay for the servers we have and eventually upgrade to better ones, but people like you just cried and cried about it. No biggie though, it matters not now.
  10. 2342 downloads

    Directions: Extract the igonly.big and ingame.big files to your MVP Baseball 2005datafrontend dir. As always, back up the original files first. If you have trouble with the pitch meter location, be sure to download the Overlay Updater by krawhitham (thanks kraw). You can find it over at EAmods. http://www.eamods.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=242 Enjoy!
  11. 5721 downloads

    ----------------------------- v1.2 changes: - Fixed player speed graphic from showing in pitcher warmup screen. - Changed header in player speed graphic to blue (blue version only). v1.1 changes: - Added bl
  12. Trues

    1964 Jukebox


    The Music of ‘64 was just too good to only use a single Jukebox of selections for an entire Season. Thus the following mod: This mod consist of 5 Directories of 1964 Jukebox Music (music2; music3; music4; music5 & music6) to be interchanged with the original Jukebox Music of the TC64 Full Season Mod. These directories should be placed into the data/audio/cd directory of the game where the games “music” directory currently resides. It also consist of 5 associated FEEng.Loc files (FEEng2.loc; FEEng3.loc; FEEng4.loc; FEEng5.loc & FEEng6.loc) that should be placed in the data/ directory of the game where the games “FEEng.loc” file currently resides. To use any of these JUKEBOX Selections it would be necessary to “Rename” both the original FEEng.loc file in the data/ directory as well as the data/audio/cd/music directory (likely to FEEng1.loc & music1) – then – Rename the Jukebox music directory & FEEng.loc file of Choice below to FEEng.loc & music . 1964 --- Original Jukebox Music : 1) I Want to Hold Your Hand …………………………. The Beatles 2) Downtown……………………………………………Petula Clark 3) Promised Land……………………………………….Chuck Barry 4) Do Wah Diddy……………………………………….Manfred Mann 5) Fun Fun Fun………………………………………….The Beach Boys 6) Time is On My Side………………………………….The Rolling Stones 7) Glad All Over………………………………………...The Dave Clark Five Under the Boardwalk………………………………....The Drifters 9) All Day and All of the Night…………………………The Kinks Music2 --- FUN of ’64 : 1) No Particular Place to Go……………………………..Chuck Berry 2) Keep Searchin’………………………………………...Del Shannon 3) Bread and Butter………………………………………Devo 4) Leader of the Pack…………………………………….The Shangri-Las 5) Surfin’ Bird……………………………………………Trashmen 6) I Get Around…………………………………………..The Beach Boys 7) Tobacco Road………………………………………….Nashville Teens My Boy Lollipop………………………………………Millie 9) Dead Man’s Curve……………………………………. Jan & Dean Music3 --- SOUL of ‘64 : 1) My Girl………………………………………â€&Atild
  13. 256 downloads

    Please make sure you backup your files before you install this. For use with the 2007 Mod. Thanks to everyone who worked/works on it. Includes a patch for Home, Away and Spring Training jerseys. You can either use Kraw's Installer Thingy or the EaGraphics Editor and use import function into the models.big file. The Cardinals will wear a special patch on their uniform sleeves with Hancock's number (32) for the duration of the 2007 season to commemorate his life.
  14. 3319 downloads

    Changes in 1.1: - Added pitch meter position fix for those using the 07 mod patch 2. - Added baserunner ratings and pitch counts to infobar. - Various graphic tweaks. For comments and support, please check out the following thread... http://www.mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=29195.html Directions: Extract the igonly.big and ingame.big files to your MVP Baseball 2005datafrontend dir. As always, back up the original files first. For best results, use the logo.big file included with the 07 mod. Enjoy!
  15. 10155 downloads

    Overlay by Trues Logos by Hokie20 (Thanks) HD Screenshots provided by HardcoreLegend (Thanks) --------------- Changes in v1.3: - Minor tweaks. --------------- Changes in v1.2: - Added version with no infobar. Changes in v1.1: - Fixed crashing issues with various logos. --------------- Directions: Extract all files to your MVP Baseball 2005datafrontend dir. As always, back up the original files first. Known issues in v1.0: - When runner steals base, the baserunner speed indicator will still show the runner at previous base. When this happens, hit the pause button to correct it. I'm still working on a fix for this. - Pitch count only updates after the current at bat is completed. - Baserunner indicators on top bar will show up on some screens without the main graphics. Enjoy!
  16. 3254 downloads

    v.1.2 : Yankee Stadium - Removed dirt from coaches' boxes and on deck circles Jacobs Field - Touched up patterns for day and night versions Dodger Stadium - Fixed missing texture in day version v.1.1 : Fixed issue with dirt in AT&T Park Various color adjustments made to the following stadiums: Yankee Stadium (day & nite) U.S. Cellular Field (day & nite) McAfee Col./Cisco Field (day only) Petco Park (day & nite) This mod will update the field graphics for all 30 MLB stadiums in the game. Both the infield dirt and grass have been changed for all stadiums and certain ones have a recolored warning track and on deck circles etc. All modifications that were made should closely resemble the correct colors for that particular stadium. The most important thing about this mod however, is that it is low-res meaning it shouldn't cause memory issues and that it is 90% shimmer free, a huge improvement over the original EA grass. The MVP 07 mod is required for this installation and can be downloaded at MVPMods.com or EAMods.com Before installing remember to backup your entire stadium folder in the MVP data folder. To install run the field_changer.exe and follow the instructions as prompted. All questions and comments should be directed to the Field Changer release thread on MVPMods.com Donations for the efforts put into this mod are very much appreciated and can be sent via Paypal (jtrea81@roadrunner.com) The modders for this project are as follows: Trues - modder for all NL parks The Big O - modder for all AL parks Compmaniac - complier and installer creator Special thanks to raindelay for his original Grass Changer mod (a great idea that has now been expanded upon to be even better), Pirate and hyman for the permission to use parts of their mods and to the beta testers at MVPMods.com. Thanks again guys! Enjoy!
  17. 7542 downloads

    *** This is only good for those who use the "behind the pitcher view" from the 07 mod (see screenshot). ***
  18. Trues

    07 Overlay


    New in v1.4: - Fixed lower resolution issues - Completely re-worked info bar (much cleaner looking) - New pick off button graphics added New in v1.3: - Added an all new info bar at bottom of screen (see screenshot) New in v1.2: - Fixed hot/cold zone colors New in v1.1: - Jumbotron bug fixed
  19. That sounds like a great idea actually.
  20. You have to install Framework 2.0. .NET Framework 2.0
  21. It's the least I could do, excellent job!
  22. He's not interested in sharing, I already asked. :(
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