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Everything posted by Trues

  1. Version 1.0


    MVPMODS Overlay for MLB 2K12 by Trues. 10/19/12. Instructions: Extract files to your Major League Baseball 2K12 main directory and enjoy.
  2. File Name: MVPMODS Overlay File Submitter: Trues File Submitted: 19 Oct 2012 File Category: Overlays MVPMODS Overlay for MLB 2K12 by Trues. 10/19/12. Instructions: Extract files to your Major League Baseball 2K12 main directory and enjoy. Click here to download this file
  3. I haven't done any modding in a while, but count me in on this. I plan on doing some mods very soon.
  4. Thanks everyone. :)
  5. Thanks for the info.
  6. I'm very sorry for your loss. RIP.
  7. Thanks DJ, that means a lot.
  8. Due to the lack of revenue generated from the google ads the past few months along with the continuing bandwidth usage, I have decided to reinstate the subscription packages. Please see the first post in this thread for details. Thanks for your understanding.
  9. Working on some updates. You should be in the proper group now with full access to downloads.
  10. Thanks guys.
  11. File removed.
  12. I deleted the duplicate listing. I'll see about the screenshot sizes. Thanks.
  13. @ Dennis and Y4L I like your taste in music! :good:
  14. Well said, Homer. :good:
  15. This should be fixed now. You may want to do a hard refresh (ctrl+f5).
  16. Trues

    Site Issues

    I agree. Should be good now. Thanks.
  17. Trues

    Site Issues

    This should be fixed now.
  18. Thanks, I'll have a look at the lock-up issue.
  19. Awesome, thanks Jim!
  20. I'll try and get the downloads section up tonight, if not, tomorrow for sure.
  21. Trues

    Site Issues

    I just found out that this is a known bug when replying to a large thread. They are working on a fix.
  22. Trues

    Site Issues

    What browser are you using?
  23. Trues

    Site Issues

  24. Trues

    Site Issues

    I'm aware of the latest post issue and I'm working on it. Is the PM issue still happening with the new skin?
  25. I'm sure I can figure something out. Good idea.
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