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Posts posted by Trues

  1. Id like to join the lifetime subscription but it wont let me pick payment options to go to the next screen it says error pick the radio to pick plan and i dont see a radio

    Should be fixed now. Please try again.

    Thanks for pointing this out and thanks for your contribution.

  2. FYI, IPB supports embedding YouTube and other videos directly into a post. Here's how:

    1. Go to YouTube and find a video you want to use.
      For example:
    2. Copy the URL.
    3. Click the "Insert media" button on the editor toolbar.
    4. Paste the URL into the box.
    5. Click the "Insert media" button on the box.
    6. Here's the tricky bit. There's a bug in the code that puts TWO copies of the media code into your post:
    7. So to complete the entry, you'll have to erase all of the code (from opening media to closing media tags) for one entry until IPS fixes this bug. You should have something like this:

  3. Just noticed that if you click on the Total Classics section in the upper right hand corner of the main page, an error message is displayed.

    I'll have that fixed this weekend.

    Trues, would it be possible to allow .7z files to be attached to any PMs that are sent?


  4. then why was thread bad mouthing him allowed?

    I could have sworn he had a chance to explain himself in that thread, oh wait, that was AddisonClark, I'm sorry. :unsure:

    Anyway, this isn't the thread for any of that so let's just move on.

  5. Trues if no ones mentioned it, even with the 2 downloads per day for normal users there are still restrictions on certain files. I found this out attempting to download updated portraits in the mvp 2005 section.

    Fixed. Thanks for the info.

  6. Or use torrents! ^_^

    I think it would help to detail the costs of the website, what plans and from where. And what is needed (bandwidth, space)

    Ip.Board ("Optional 6 month renewal: $25"?), dedicated server (current host is liquidweb.com? webmaster series dedicated server $150?)

    Server specs:

    Processor: Dual Xeon 2.8GHZ Hyperthreaded

    Memory: 4GB DDR Registered/ECC

    Hd1: 160GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache

    Hd2: 160GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache

    OS: Linux - CentOS 4

    ControlPanel: CPanel / Web Host Manager

    Bandwidth: 2000GB Monthly Transfer

    Total cost: $269/month

  7. I removed your posts because they had nothing to do with the topic at hand. Please stay on topic. I'm not going to let you bash eamods (or any other site) here. If you have a problem with them, take it up with one of their admins in a PM.

  8. You do know there is no such things as unlimited storage/bandwidth. They use it for marketing gimmick, because most site don't use alot of storage space. Just like your HD for your pc, it doesn't have unlimited space, you gotta run out sometime, unless you keep buying HD. Also most of the problem is CPU usage. Also this site could be on a dedicated server or VPS, explaining why it cost alot per month. Shared hosting is always cheaper

    You are correct, and for the record, this site has been running on a dedicated server for over 4 years. Now, I also had to make a few moves (upgrades) along the way as we grew. I'm sure most people can remember how this site used to crawl.

  9. In an effort to find some middle ground here, regular members will be allowed (2) downloads per day with the option of purchasing one of the subscriptions to remove the restriction (among the other added features).

    The first post in this thread has been updated.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  10. Please remove all my downloads from the site.

    i too am requesting my mods to be removed since i can't do them myself anymore.

    i've been back and forth on this since this started now. i've contributed my share when you guys had to do this the first time. and i completely understand why you have to do it now. but i only see it as a short term solution. and if this is what you need to do to keep the site up and running, then i don't foresee this site surviving. which is a real shame.

    i've always supported modders doing what they wish with their files. whether they provide them for free and charge for them, that is their prerogative. but this option takes that choice out of my hands, as i have always been willing to share my work and have never asked for a dime in return, and i would still prefer it that way.

    i'm sorry it has to come down to this, but i think that if you guys want this site to survive, everyone needs to start contributing more donations. if the cost of up keeping the site is the issue, i think a better solution needs to be made as you cannot possibly expect donations like this to keep coming in from new members every month, especially during the off season.

    i wish you guys the best as always.

    I'm sorry you guys feel that way. I'll remove your files asap.

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