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Posts posted by Trues

  1. Hey, guys, just want to make sure before I put down the money for the subscriptions. Do we just go to where it says to contribute on the front page, or do we have to go to a special page to donate. The reason I am asking this is I can only donate $5 dollars right now, and don't want to put the contribution in the wrong place and not be able to download then. I am going to do the yearly plan for the moment, and then come tax time, to do the lifetime subscription.

    Thanks, Jay

    You can access subscriptions from your control panel, under options.


  2. Trues,

    $10.00 is a bargain. Thanks for the great site. I've downloaded a bunch of great mods and read many topics in many forums, gathering information for MVP and now 2K9, and have benefited greatly. It's been a while since I last contributed, so it's really 10 measly dollars that are overdue to your endeavors. I appreciate the fine work of the modders and yourself, and hope this site can continue on.

    I would encourage everyone that's like me, who basically lurks in the background, enjoying the crisp conversation about a variety of topics, who enjoys hours of fun from the mods we cherry pick, to step up and help this site out. There's no big government taxing you into this, there's noone forcing you to do this, it just seems the right thing to do at the right time.

    Thanks again to all the modders and especially Mr. Trues.

    P.S. - I am now a proud Lifetime Member!!

    Thanks for your support.

  3. Trues,

    Is having a charge for new members going to be enough to be a long term solution or would it just stave off the inevitable for a few monthes?

    What would be some ideas to reduce overhead of maintaining the site for a long time?

    Only time will tell. We'll have to see how this does and go from there.

  4. I like how modders get the subscription free, but I think you guy should review who is really a modder and who isn't.

    IMO, a couple CTS, does not equal a modder.

    I agree and that will be discussed.

  5. With the lack of consistent donations and subpar ad revenue, I'm sorry to report to everyone that we are in jeopardy of losing this site. I have had no problem in the past making up the difference (out of pocket), but my financial situation has changed and I can no longer make that commitment each month. While this is not an easy decision for me, I really don't see another option at this point.

    Starting immediately, new and regular members (only) will be limited to (2) downloads per day or they can choose one of the following paid subscriptions in order to gain full access (no restrictions) to the downloads section (among other features). Please note: this is NOT a charge for individual files but an overall charge to cover the cost of bandwidth and space required to host these files.

    If you are a modder, you'll automatically receive a lifetime subscription. If you are a current contributor, you will also receive a lifetime subscription and upgraded to the new "contributors +" group.

    Once the server costs are reached each month, the rest will go into a pool to cover the next month and so on. Hopefully, this will allow us to continue to exist and grow for the foreseeable future.

    Thanks again for your continued support.

    You can access the following subscriptions from your control panel, under options.

    Basic Plan: $5 (yearly subscription)

    · Full access (no restrictions) to our downloads section with over 3900 files.

    · Full shoutbox access.

    · Private message storage increased from 25 (standard) to 100.

    · Contributor status indicated with your name in blue.

    Plus Plan: $10 (lifetime subscription)

    · Full access (no restrictions) to our downloads section with over 3900 files.

    · Full shoutbox access.

    · Private message storage increased to 200.

    · Mass PM ability. (up to 5 people at one time)

    · Personal title.

    · The ability to change your username (up to 2 per year).

    · Contributor + status indicated with your name in gold.

    **Updated on 7/3/09**

  6. I just noticed that the Total Classics logo in the upper right corner of the website just returns you to the main MVPMods page. Should it point to the Total Classics page that used to be available?

    Working on that. :)

  7. i'm still getting this. seems to be happening more and more frequently. and when it does this, i have no way to view any new posts.

    I'm dealing with some family issues at the moment, but I will take a look at this when I get a chance.

  8. Regarding this...

    I am using a widescreen display. Is it possible to get MVP 2005 to run in widescreen mode?

    It's possible to get the game to run in a widescreen resolution, but the image may be "stretched" from 4:3 or 5:4 as opposed to running at true 16:9 widescreen. Check out this thread for information.

    The link in the post doesn't work and just redirects you to the main page. Anyone know the answer to this? My laptop stretches the whle game out to widescreen and it'd be nice to get awy from that :)

    There's no way to get true widescreen. It will always be stretched.

  9. I had a moment or two of difficulty finding where this is. So, for anyone looking for it: It's the dropdown box next to the languange selection box (lower left of page)... the default selection in the skin box is "mvpmods" and the default language (of course) is "English."

    BTW: I love the Cardinals outfield wall (and the STL background). I like the Cubs brick wall... but shouldn't it be ivy?

    Thanks Raptor. You're right, it was supposed to be ivy. I forgot to switch it.

  10. There is a conflict with the slideshow and shoutbox both being displayed on the front page so I had to move the shoutbox to the top of the forum index page until I come up with a fix. Sorry.

  11. Whats the maximum dimensions that an image can be in the forums before it is minimised?

    Plus is there a way to make sure the images aren't resized?

    Will there be some more options available for the text, such as alignment?

    I just changed the setting for images. You should be safe with any images 1024px wide or less.

    There are already alignment options available. When posting a new message, look in the upper right hand section for alignment and other options.

  12. I'm loving the site trues. A wrigley/cubs theme would be pretty tight ;) .

    Thanks man, glad you like it.

    Once I have everything functioning the way it should, new custom team skins will be added. At least that's the plan.

  13. I submitted a download yesterday and it has not appeared in the recent list on the right. Is that an issue or did the upload get messed up?

    It's an issue with the latest downloads block. I'll be working on that today.

    Edit: Fixed

  14. how about a Home button in the top menu? there's one in the main menu, but that's only there if i'm on the homepage already.

    and i'm not sure if you got more planned, but i liked the baseball headlines from the previous version. thought that was nice to have.

    also, no picture of the day any more?

    All of the above will be added. A variation of the picture of the day will be added at some point.

    Thanks Homer.

  15. Looks real sharp. It would be cool if you could make a theme for each team by changing the lime green to your teams color then having a MVP Mods banner image up top with the teams logo or home field. I see though that it may be a lot of work.

    It's very possible and something I planned on doing, but it will take some time.

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