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Posts posted by Trues

  1. As you can see, we've upgraded our site once again. This time however, it's a major conversion from the Dragonfly CMS to Invision Power Board. There is still lots to do, but instead of keeping the site down for an extended period of time, I chose to do this in stages. All user accounts, passwords, posts and pm's have been converted. Some things didn't convert very well, such as attachments and avatars. I'll see what I can do to fix that, but you can always just update your avatar manually if you want.

    I'll be working on the downloads section today along with many other things to help get the site back up to speed.

    Thanks again for all your patience.

  2. Wow, I' speechless. Thank you, Trues, for making this thread front page material. :hail:

    Thank you for taking the time to do this. As Homer stated, it's well worth it. I can't believe I missed this thread back when it was posted. This along with the FAQ thread will be very helpful.

  3. I find that hard to believe since he tried to make this a paid site at one point

    Dude, you are a trip. You need to learn to get your facts straight before you type crap like this.

    Once again, it was a plan to help pay for the servers we have and eventually upgrade to better ones, but people like you just cried and cried about it. No biggie though, it matters not now.

  4. it is special and important for the league, and I have already email him and he does not reply and i see he check this board everyday, so I thought I might have a better luck by replying in here.

    And this is my last post i'm not returning back to this board.

    ATT: Eddymvp

    Owner of the MVPleague.net


  5. Trues I don't see the problem with mine being side by side, they only screw one or two peoples screens compared to the half a dozen who said it looked better and the 3000+ who don't care. I ask you nicely, let me have my two sigs? It doesn't seem to disrupt anyone anymore.

    Sorry man, we can't have special rules for certain people.

  6. Kerry's right. Let's stick to one sig per person.

    I think I'm going to add this to the rules and start enforcing it.

    New rules starting now....

    1. Only one graphic sig per person.

    2. Sig dimensions - No larger than 475px x125px

    I think that's more than fair.

  7. Pretty cool...The top one is the best IMO..

    Still, those are more like wallpapers than sigs that you can use on the forum. I'd suggest cutting them down to about 500 x 120 at max

    Yes, let's try and stick to that please. Thanks K.

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