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Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. Ah okay.
  2. Is there any way to add custom songs in replace of the God-awful soundtrack? I would love to be able to listen to my own music as the soundtrack.
  3. Is there a way to add a photo to the player card for My Player? Or is that not possible? No big deal, I was just curious.
  4. Ooooooooooo Myyyyyy Goooood. I would not be offended at all if I were to be called a dumbass for this one. I had an installation of MLB 2k11 on my pc, and in my haste, I never paid attention to the fact that I was dropping all of the files into this folder, and not the 2k12 folder under steam/steamapps/common. I feel extra stupid, but I finally figured it out.
  5. got it. was making a mistake I don't feel like explaining
  6. I'm not gonna lie. I have no idea what the heck to do to edit the dds files for equipment logos. The tutorial only shows how to edit titlepage.iff, which only has 2 slots, or whatever they are called. I'm really trying to understand this but I'm new at it. What are the dds files that were included in the Pena download, and how to I 'apply' them?
  7. ok so I did it, and nothing has changed. Only the same options for styles are there. is there something i'm missing?
  8. Alright. Trying again now. I was trying to assign them to a player I was creating, that may or may not have been the case. But I'm sure I did something wrong the first time. Will update. And thanks for the reply.
  9. Hi. I 'm trying to apply the Pena accessories pack, like the cleats and the catchers gear, etc. No one responded to my post on the download page, but I've never modded a 2k game before, and the directions apply to a title page, not this. I would really like to enable the brands and different style of catching gear. I tried just dropping the global.iff file in the root folder, and nothing happened. I know I sound like an idiot because I can't figure it out, but please help. Thanks
  10. How do I change the logos for the equipment? I can't figure out how to do it. I tried for so long. :(
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