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lee you

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Everything posted by lee you

  1. Wow it ,s great news! I think the show13 style scoreboard looks good Hope we can get new scoreboards soon
  2. Wow I,m waiting for release please! Thanks in advance
  3. Nice works again! I expect your another team release also Thanks
  4. thanks! looking for another new bp uni also.
  5. Hi Raidersbball20 It,s easy to do Just edit uniforms-hoa.iff It have some dds textures and there will be 512x512 size dds logo file at last Just import new logo and then it will work in wipe Hope it will help P.s) do you have any plans to update new portrait packs please
  6. great!! want to see more pics please :good:
  7. Nice work! Hope we can see your great cyber face works often not only nba2k but also at mlb2k please
  8. hi i tried to add nike logo (white color) on the neckline and add under armour logo (white color) on the wristbands please see pics i found textures by 3dm inner parts texture is 037FFC00 wristbands is 02158E90 i tried everything that i can do and i can do it in black color but if i change color to white (what i want) it,s dissapear -not shown . i searched all 2k9-2k12 globals but can,t find how to change in white. tried for several days now i almost give up but last try need serious help from hard modders. thanks in advance
  9. 2k Default helmet looks dull So I try to make it more shine by editing dds file in global But it's not change Please need help Thanks in advance
  10. Nice works! But highlight logo still NL houston I hope it will be updated soon
  11. thanks!
  12. great!! always thanks for your works.
  13. Nice job !! Sorry but anyone can upload Latest living roster and latest 2k rosters please. Lost my cd keys and can't log in 2k share Need help please Thanks in advance
  14. played all minor league stadiums and found some errors HERE LIST FOR NEXT PATCH 1. legends field LOC ERROR select legends field but in game here looks pics -LOC appear as waterfront park and some stadium name didn,t appear at all 2. legends field and tinker field are same a002day.big and a003day.big are same files only different names but all files are legends fields please check it 3. team audio error team audio files no 97.dat, 103.dat, 104.dat, 105.dat are corrupt -cause sound off errors i hope it will be fixed soon by next patches thanks in advance
  15. lee you

    Face Moises Sierra

    thanks for uploading but cyber face number 883 same as jose altuve need new id
  16. GREAT! always thanks for your works
  17. HI Kyle just found bud black cyber face so need id numbers please waiting for it to upload files and to make portrait need audio id please here minor league players lists brett eibner chih-fang pan ryan berry ryan j.baker matt barnes jose fernandez (p) felipe rivero santiago chirino jason gurka tyler clark tyler austin jeremy williams eliezer zambrano alex meyer thanks in advance
  18. yankee4life i also had some problems with TIT install-don,t know why especially audio (hdr. dat) files so i just extract all files in some folder and then import each files using biggui it take more times but safe just try this way. hope you will solve the problems soon
  19. playing games nice rolling camera view effect but noticed some strange batter intro views like this and washington and NY mets stadium have some camera view problems both home and away bullpens and dougout are missing and upset.... anybody know how to fix it i don,t want to change full datafile.txt just want to fix it .. thanks in advance p.s) checking datafile.big saw aa03nite.txt is not compressed may i compress it and rebuild big fle?
  20. nice mod ! anyone got crash in some stadium ? i had some crash in yankees, fenway night only for my old computer ?...
  21. HI i change hero and legends teams to futures all star teams so need new team audio DAT files check all download sections but couldn,t find it need NL futures all star team and AL futures all star team AUDIO. please help me thanks in advance. :good:
  22. lee you

    David Wright face

  23. great!!! dennisjames71 really thanks for your helps now it work!! so now i have to change screwball audio data to gyro-ball i know it,s very hard things!! but try... please need helps to complete new gyro-ball pitch thanks in advance. p.s) ye. i still use original o8mods overlay i think it,s basic and good but want to swap good one (fox or mvp12..) please recommend best one..thanks.
  24. great!!
  25. hi everyone now just saw gyroball in MLB THE SHOW and i want to add gyro-ball so changing screwball into gyro-ball i edit 2 LOC files (IGENG.LOC and FEENG.LOC) by WINHEX find all WORDS (SCREWBALL, SCR , SCRE, SC ) carefully and change into gyro-ball, GYR, GYRO, GY ye!! almost done -see below pics but as you can see from second pics pitch selector (SCR) still not change!! anybody know how to change it and if possible also want screwball audio data change into gyro-ball -i know it,s very hard. PLEASE HELP ME!!! thanks in advance
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