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  1. JonJay


    Ok it's me again with the same question.....6/20/2012 Started playing, got the message 2k12 server down, game started so I was playing my Player Mode game. Game starting acting slow, so I thought about exiting and come back in, played like 28 games. Game booted me out, I can't even get the game to start, it goes to the point of " tring to download living roster " " 2k12 server is down hit a to continue " than it boots me out...... So now I can't even play the damn game...........what to do I ask JonJay
  2. JonJay


    Yes, it sticks, I bet Microsoft doesn't have these problems, GOD for bid if xbox360 is down......who care's about us old PC gamers, right??
  3. JonJay


    Ok, I have the non-steam ver of 2K12 and for the last 2 days I can't log in to do live play.....anyone having this problem and is there a way to fix???? Thanks JonJay
  4. I am new here and just love this web site. To all who has put in the time and energy, " Let me say Thank You!!!!" Now onto my most likely newbie question here: 1) I have MLB 2K11 and I can do ( Xbox Controller ( USB )) single button for hitting, A or green button. So can I set that up for MLB2K12???? And if so how????? 2) In MLB2K11 I can do the same with the pitching - lets same button A is fastball - I aim where I want the ball and press and hold the button until I get it to max and let go and the ball flies to that point. So can I set that up again for MLB2K12???? And if so how???? I HATE full control pitching - I stink at it and just want to play the old fashion way of hitting a button or two. I like the auto throw and fielding even thou more errors happens this way. So please any help with the settings and such. JonJay Go Brewer's Go
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