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September Call-Up

September Call-Up (2/10)

  1. is there any way to trade players, or move them from team to team in MVP edit? from what I've seen you can only edit their attributes
  2. Ok, so I'm looking to edit my roster on my Blue Jays Dynasty so that the entire team will consist of Canadian born players. Since this is proving to bit of a pain in the *** to do manually in game, I was looking for some kind of roster editor tool (similar to NHL View for the EA NHL series). I was looking around and I'm not sure which one to use. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated
  3. Yeah, im about 60 games into my first season of owner mode and I'm a little under $5 million in the hole. I'm play .700 or so with a good home record. I'm not gonna start worrying until the playoffs are over. And doing a massive salary dump will not help either...cause then your sponsership gets cut down, which brings you back to square one ;)
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