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September Call-Up

September Call-Up (2/10)

  1. olipoo

    2013 And Beyond

    ehh, 2K giving up on this franchise is a real turn off. i just can't play a dead-end game that can only go so far even with the modders. i bought The Show and have been playing that. a lot more fun. except the one thing i do like, which i probably will never stop, is updating and creating uniforms for 2K, too much fun, and i love that the PC version allows that, having none of that on the PS3 is the only downside.
  2. ahhh gotcha. i didn't read it correctly, and was under the impression it was Extra Base Hits not Extra Bases Taken.
  3. wait a second. can we define "BASERUNNING AGGRESSIVENESS" ?? from that formula, i'm seeing stolen bases at 2nd, stolen bases at 3rd, stolen bases at home, caught stealing, and triples over hits (i think?), which, if i'm understanding it correctly, does not take into account runners who are already on base, for example going first to third, or going first to home, or second to home. Albert Pujols by no means is a good base stealer or a fast runner, but i will say after watching him for 11 years in St. Louis, he is a very aggressive, and very savvy baserunner. Jose Oquendo (third base coach) meant NOTHING to Albert rounding third, he had made up his mind already. i've seen Albert run through so many signs, and take more chances than ever. sorry to make it complicated, but there is no stat for that. Albert is as aggressive of a baserunner as i've seen, and i think there are more things that go into baserunning aggressiveness. but now that i really think about it more, in terms of the video game trying to think correctly, forget what i said maybe. it's really just trying to make the best simulation of how many bases he would steal, or how many triples he'll collect. i'm a big believer that baseball is purely a game of stats at the end of the day, but i'm a bigger believer that baseball is a game of intangibles at the end of the day.
  4. i like what you're doing, a very good idea for the game. 2K has become WAYYY too generous when it comes to giving out ratings these days. no one should deserve a 99 overall rating, only the Cooperstown players should be allowed to have that. i wish you luck on this project, won't be easy. Something i've always disliked in video games, is there is no way to measure intangibles. for example: by no means was Pete Rose a more talented baseball player than the next guy, but he played harder than anyone, and has the stats to show for it. how do you rate those grind-it-out players who just simply play hard? a good example i see in baseball right now is the difference between Jon Jay and Carlos Beltran. Beltran is a great player, but looks extremely lazy out there if you watch him play everyday. Jon Jay on the other hand looks like he's trying to win the gold glove playing centerfield the way he is. He plays hard, and keeps his job for a reason.
  5. where exactly are the files for the facial hair artwork?? or, what are they called? i assume it's the same as editing uniforms, throwing the DDS file into photoshop and editing them as i like. the more i play this game the more i hate it, and i can't create certain players without giving them proper facial hair. any help is appreciated.
  6. on a podium accepting his 8th Cy Young you mean.
  7. i jumped in late to this thread, and haven't read any of it, probably won't keep up with the debate either...but here's mine. SP - Bob Gibson SP - Randy Johnson SP - Roger Clemens SP - Sandy Koufax SP - Greg Maddux RP - Goose Gossage RP - Bruce Sutter RP - Dennis Eckersley RP - Billy Wagner CL - Mariano Rivera BN - Alex Rodriguez BN - Willie Mays BN - Ken Griffey Jr. BN - Rickey Henderson BN - Albert Pujols BN - Ivan Rodriguez BN - Pete Rose SS - Derek Jeter CF - Barry Bonds LF - Ted Williams RF - Stan Musial 2B - Rogers Hornsby 1B - Lou Gehrig 3B - Mike Schmidt C - Mike Piazza (pitcher (DH is for wussies))
  8. jeter is my ideal leadoff hitter. plays good defense, has some pop in his bat, batting over .300, steals bases, and i've seen him play in the modern era. i've seen him put the yankees on his back in October. (and November). he can pinch run if he comes off the bench, he can play the whole game and lead a team. he has certain intangibles that might be him in his own class among any player. The only thing i have with Honus are stats, and those stats come from the turn of the century. i can't know how comparable the game was back then and how his stats convert.
  9. pandora's box! ..i just got home from work, i read most of the stuff in my email at work, but i'm too fried to respond in any crazy depth. i'm still excluding Honus, Hank, and Babe. I guess one thing i could say is that I grew up learning baseball in the Tony La Russa era, meaning having as many movable parts as possible, playing for the big inning, and really using your entire roster situationally and trying to think of the most ideal scenarios possible. once the big inning happens, replace your big boppers with solid defenders, stuff like that. that's still how i go about thinking about baseball. to be honest, i have my own biases, opinions, and emotions. it's really just up to you. and saying Stan sits on the bench makes me wanna smack ya cross the face. Stan THE MAN never sits on my bench. but again that's your opinion and your way of seeing it. i'd be interested in opening a thread for discussion on the best at each position, using all batting stats, fielding abilities, clutch factors, that factor that makes you call some players "gamers" like Rose, and really anything that defines a good player. Then creating an all time team based on that. i'd really stir up some arguments then.
  10. Trevor Rosenthal is a young righty in the Cardinals bullpen right now. however for some dumb reason 2K thinks that he is black. Trevor Rosenthal is as white as they come, so i edited him in Ty's editor to change his skin tone to #3. Trevor Rosenthal is now white ONLY below the neck... I assume i need to change the face number under the General tab? but i'm not sure where to go with those face numbers.
  11. ok ok. i didn't want to get into this, but you're getting me all excited and itchy. one at a time though. as for the outfield, i'm just the GM here making suggestions, make your own defensive alignment. when it comes to a team like this, outfielders are outfielders to me. shifting them around for situational managing shouldn't be a problem. Barry Bonds: Barry Bonds is the only man in the 500HR/500SB club. the man truly did it all. he was so feared that he walked 232 times in a season resulting in a .609 on base%. he won 7 MVP awards. Yeah, SEVEN. no one else comes close to that. 7 MVPs, the most all time deserves a roster spot. And if you want to play the steroid card, whatever, i'm not hearing it. let's see the positive tests. Let's prove which homeruns, which stolen bases, which this and that were effected by something that is only an accusation so far. i know that sounds ridiculous calling it an accusation, but i'm a guy of facts. let's talk about facts, not emotions and accusations. choosing bonds over aaron though, i almost think of them as equals in some ways. however bonds has some more skills though. he is more feared, he proves that he's the best in the league, he steals bases. he adds another dimension to the game beyond power numbers. i understand how good Hank Aaron was. but he doesn't make my team over my other outfielders. and i included rickey henderson as a leadoff hitter coming off the bench/pinch runner. he adds a different dimension that Aaron doesn't. Same with Griffey Jr and Mays. Honus Wagner: first of all, this is fictitious. if it were not fictitious and all these players could come back and play in their primes on the same team, i would not care about the press, or what the press thinks. the press and media makes me want to bake my head in the oven on 400 for an hour some days. it's beyond me how dumb the media can be sometimes. Honus Wagner played in an odd time, 1897 to 1917. which wasn't your typical rememberable age of baseball. yes he has good stats, really good stats indeed. but i hate comparing stats from that time period to stats of some one like Jeter or ARod. Jeter is arguably the best Shortstop ever, maybe, plus we're also talking about Mr November if i remember that postseason as well as anyone else. Jeter has been one of the most legendary postseason players of all time. If i want 1 game to win, Jeter is going to start, hands down. and Alex Rodriguez is having one of the best careers ever. PLus ARod plays both positions on the left side of the infield. I'm honestly taking Jeter or A-Rod over Wagner any day of the week, based simply on stats and the day they played in. I have respect for our founding fathers of baseball, but not in this case. Hornsby is on the team because he won 2 Triple Crown awards, is the best 2nd Baseman ever based on his offensive numbers. Hornsby wasn't a very skewed baseball player either. skewed baseball players in my opinion are guys like Joe Morgan and Yogi Berra. Yes, they were great players, and defined their positions. They played on many postseason teams. But let me ask you, who is Joe Morgan without the Big Red Machine, and who is Yogi without the legendary Bronx Bombers of the 50s? I'm not trying to discredit either of those players, but just something to think about. Hornsby played his entire career in the shadow of Babe Ruth. YEAH, THE BABE. Greg Maddux: I have 4 unarguable starters on this team. Bob Gibson, Randy Johnson, Sandy Koufax, and Roger Clemens. ( i do not want to hear any steroid cards on Clemens. The man was proven NOT guilty for taking performance enhancing drugs, and proven NOT guilty for lying about it. There are ZERO positive tests on Clemens. his name is clear) Just like Barry Bonds, Clemens won 7 Cy Young awards, over 350 wins, struck out 4600+, i make a good case for those 4 guys. Greg Maddux is an interesting choice i'll agree. Let me just say, Pedro was good, but this isn't about how good some one COULD have been, this is about how good people actually were. Pedro should have won over 300 games and struck out another 1000 batters, injuries really hurt his career. Christy Mathewson played in the Honus Wagner era, and i really don't like comparing those players to the players of the 40's and forward. Mathewson is good, i don't necessarily know how good. Players are getting better every single year, it'd be interesting to see how a round robin tournament would play out where the teams were sorted by decade. Would the modern day players domniate? or is it a case of, "there'll never be antoher golden age?" I think the same goes for me with Walter Johnson, i just don't know how good they were. We don't have footage, we can't really see them pitch and see how the hitters were against them. Yeah there's stats out there, but watching baseball is just another thing. Tom Seaver was a tough choice to leave off. Trust me, he was in my notes glaring at me for the longest time. I chose Maddux because Maddux has over 350 wins, and 4 Cy Young awards. The guy was pinpoint with his stuff. He didn't need to throw smoke, because he'd carve you up and make you look stuuuupid up there. very crafty pitcher who always got his spots. very intelligent pitcher too. Not that Seaver doesn't have any of those skills, because he has ALL of those skills. It was a tough choice, but i stand by mine with Maddux. I do like Spahn a lot too, but not over my rotation. If i'd throw Spahn in there, i'd take out Billy Wagner and convert Spahn to my lefty out of the pen. I also like Carlton, and you might have even swayed me to bump off Maddux for Carlton. Just kinda mad that Carlton and Gussie Busch couldn't come to terms over ONLY $5000 to keep him in St. Louis. Woulda been a Cardinal for life probably the way we do things in STL. As for Juan Marichal and Schilling, i'm going to throw them together in the same basket. They both played in the shadows of some of the best pitchers the game has ever seen. It's tough with those two. All the names you've mentioned indeed make the 40-man roster, no doubt there. It's just my opinion over another. I respect your opinion and your judgement calls, but i could sit and yak about baseball for the rest of my life, and never come to any conclusions with anyone else. All for the love of the game.
  12. he played the outfield, had to stick him somewhere, i imagine someone of his caliber can play center field, and there's no way i'm letting arguably the best hitter to ever live not be in the starting lineup.
  13. on this note...there's no way to get super fancy and make the clocks in the stadiums actually show the time of game? i'm guessing absolutely not, but i know the Busch stadium clock above the scoreboard has a clock face and no hands, looks odd.
  14. just checking before i download, are all the retired numbers put up on the brick facade below the scoreboard? STL, 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 14, 17, 20, 24, 42(notJackie), 45, 85, and microphone? and has the left field wall been properly decorated with those retired numbers + photos of the players on there? is TLR's newly retired outfield wall panel sitting in left-center field? Hardees neon sign on the third base terrace? Big Mac Land sign in the 2nd deck in left field? have any more screen shots before i download? sorry to be such a freak and a jerk for details, but i haven't seen a decently accurate busch is any video game.
  15. ok. Ty'd editor still makes the Create-a-Teams disappear when i tamper with them in there. i still can't get a differential for Home and Away uniform logos.. i think imma move on. figure this out never. ...also still confused about how to add alternate teams through Ty's editor, i don't like using the thing, messes everything up. BUT i was able to add your alternate DBacks uniforms before i had Ty's editor, KC...
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