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Splash Durham

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    Music of course, Building pc's & my buddy Major my dog.

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  1. Ya BSU-FAN' was the man when it came to rosters, and he just plain split ... Don't get me wrong Headtrip I appreciate the work your doing he just knew how to do without problems sorry that I don't know what kind of magic he did with them I wish I would have got more involved with and had him teach me. I have the time to do now so I would take it over if I could it seems like all of the other bases are covered as far as mod's go, stadiums, sound, photo's ect.
  2. Thanks very much it really is appreciated, and cool bonus Headtrip did his roster with your pack so perfect.
  3. Thanks very much bud it really is appreciated. And matching it up with a portrait pack a cool bonus, I'm still using BSU Fan V5 roster or Raiders V6. Those were really the last good well done ones that don't crash. I haven't tried yours yet, probably won't till tomorrow but I hope they are OK in My Player mode too. I play that mode alot myself.
  4. There is another called Tunngle https://www.tunngle.net/en/ I used it when I was playing Tiger 08, worked very well you can create rooms to meet in ect. to hook up.
  5. Anytime bud, glad I could help & feel free to pick my brain if something else comes up. I don't know everything, just enough to make me dangerous.....lol Peace bud
  6. Nvidia Profile Inspector introduction and Guide http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=403676 here ya go, will explain settings ect.
  7. OK got a reg'ed fraps.... I'll work on some better ones. Race on right now. What compatability bit are you using for sparse grid? Need that, and also it works in conjuction with MSAA alone, then you mess with LOD bias for detail and unclamp, look up sparse grid supersampling, just google you'll find it, theres more to it bud. I tried when I first got game but couldn't find the right "BIT" to use for compatabilty for it. Just trying to help. Still haven't tried Ambient Occulusion yet but I will. It's like that 1 bud you need the compat BIT to use it.
  8. OK, lets try this ....... Better? OK why they so small? Can't see the detail this small but I left same size as bmp's just saved as a jpg.
  9. God I'm such an idiot, I could of just opened up then saved as jpg, lmao jezzz. Just to get out there starting in 2001, 3 back surgery's, cancer, 1 stroke, and arthritis, LMAO and I'm on crap load of pain meds. Ever since my stroke my memory is for chit, I'll remember couple minutes later, making me crazy but ... anyhow not looking for pity at all, just letting you know whats going on, mostly why I'm not trying to learn all this, real hard to sit down, read, comprehend, and remember chit. Anyhow I'll fix all this when I get back from walk, bear with me.
  10. Yes that's what I used, free version will only let you do in bmp. , stupid yes. I'll work on it, I've got some sites where I can get reg'd one prob. I just wanted to post a few for now. Hey KC, what setting did you use in inspector for ambient occlusion? I seen a post somewhere on here were you said you got it to work? Would like to try it out, back in hour dog's drivin' me nutts. I won't post anymore till I get it fixed up.
  11. OK, heres some more. You know I didn't even try to go higher with quality, taking dogs for a walk then I'm gonna try jacking it up some more, see what happens, keep ya posted. I Don't have any overclock software in for my card at the moment or I could of used the RTSS to take shots of in jpg, dunno why my print screen key ain't working. Don't think I've ever tried with my wireless keyboard must be something with that. mlb2k12 2016-NICE 1.bmp mlb2k12 2016-NICE 2.bmp mlb2k12 2016-NICE 3.bmp mlb2k12 2016-NICE 4.bmp mlb2k12 2016-NICE 5.bmp mlb2k12 2016-NICE 6.bmp mlb2k12 2016-NICE 7.bmp
  12. OK, here is a couple quickies. I haven't done this in a while and I haven't really messed with cameras in the game, so these are just some simple quickies for now, I'll work on some better ones. For some reason my screenshot key isn't working so I had to use fraps, and free version only saves in bmp. I suck at doing this been a while. There at my screen resolution 3840 x 2160. mlb2k12 2016-07-16 12-15-38-32.bmp mlb2k12 2016-07-16 12-16-20-65.bmp mlb2k12 2016-07-16 12-16-25-89.bmp mlb2k12 2016-07-16 12-16-48-29.bmp mlb2k12 2016-07-16 12-16-49-93.bmp mlb2k12 2016-07-16 12-17-24-63.bmp I'll work on some better ones.
  13. Gotcha I'll work on it, I gotta play with the camera's and take some screens not something I do a lot. I'll try to do tonight and post.
  14. Well, I was always under the impression that triple buffering was only for OpenGL games, lol, well not true if you run games in fullscreen mode triple buffering does work with directX. So I plugged that into my setup and it does help keep frames up ect. and was more constant less fluctuating, now it played fine without but it did seem to make it more fluid? is the word I'm looking for? Game bench FPS counter always reads 52 top for me but if I look at monitoring software it is running at 60 strong. Just thought I'd throw this in here just in case, I learned something new anyway. Peace Guys .... Splash
  15. Also if you have voltages right it will still run even if hot, it will just throttle itself down with clocks to help it cool down. So temp doesn't really shut it down or freeze usually, most of the time for freeze it needs voltage on cpu. That's the best I can do for you without seeing your settings ect.
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