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Everything posted by WithAuthority

  1. Hey, did you ever make a Barry Bonds?

  2. We already have the perfect game, its called All Star Baseball 2004
  3. Thanks for preserving these works
  4. Thanks so much for working on this. Just wondering how you were able to avoid getting the franchise crashes while doing this much editing? It seems any time I modded a roster, I got the spring training or draft crash. Any info on how to avoid this would be appreciated!
  5. Hey I am working on a fictional mod for MLB 2k

    1. Karelaf


      Regards, men you can pass the face of Jonathan schoop that I have is very old and looks very bad

  6. Hey Jack, we've talked a bit in the MLB 2K Retro Roster thread. I appreciate al lthe work you have done. I just wanted to know if you had any experience with making uniforms in MLB 2k? I am working on a Fictional Roster, that takes place in the 1970's.

    1. Karelaf


      Those files you uploaded for the 2k so that they are

    2. jack805td



      I do. I made some of the unis i uploaded. I'm going to update the descriptions of the files.

      I would be interested in doing that.

    3. Karelaf
  7. RedMC supports MLB 2k12? I didnt think that was true
  8. Can u post ingame screenshots please
  9. cant get ahold of vlad, its been a few months
  10. Hey Hanny, you did a great job with the Yankees. I see they are complete. Will you try another team now?

    1. Hanny


      yes i try cubs now

  11. You just wait and see mister. You just wait and see.
  12. Brilliant Hanny, please continue!
  13. Thanks!!
  14. Looking forward to what?
  15. Are any MLB 2k10 files compatibile with 2k11 or 2k12? Like jerseys, or stadiums, etc?
  16. Where's the bunting?
  17. Between the 1998 mod, and the 2005 roster, I actually believe about 95% of player faces would be already completed.
  18. A 2000-2001 roster for MVP 2005 would be really cool
  19. MLB 2k11---why hath you foresaken meeeeeeee
  20. Yes. Some rosters for 2k11 work, thats the weird thing. Some don't, and give me an error. But thats the least of my problems considering I cant even play 2k11 without crashing.
  21. So your having the same issues? Thanks for your help, Im still not able to get it working. I can't reinstall it because I no longer have the actual game so I dont want to lose all my files because I cant get them back again.
  22. I have the reditor tabs
  23. Hey i tried what you said. I loaded the default roster. Crash 3 seconds into performance benchmark. Crash after 20 seconds of scrolling through roster management. Probably other places too. My PC also suggested to put it in compatibility mode. I tried 8- same crashes. i tried 7 ,same crashes. I'm cursed
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