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Everything posted by WithAuthority

  1. hey thanks for trying to help. I dont know how to answer the hardware specs question but i have a really good computer, it runs all the 2k games fine. It did work i nthe past without freezing before windows 10 but i didnt play too extensively. I dont know what you mean by display drivers, or how i would do that, or know if the yare up to date. I think it is the .exe yeah---the game is running, then it disappears and its closed out.
  2. I know this game is a few years old, but can someone tell me how to stop all the crashing? I'm scrolling around the menu, - crash. Im scrolling through teams in roster management - crash. I save a roster---crash. A game starts- crash. No popup box, nothing, it just closes right out. I'm on Windows 10 Please help!
  3. No thats not the issue I'm having. I know it is a 2k11 file. I am trying to edit this 2k11 file in reditor, which reditor says I can do. When I load BSU July in Reditor, I get errors. When I load BSU April in Reditor, I dont. Do you know why this is? I just want to edit the July roster to reflect teams and lineups as the April one does. I was going to do this by copy and pasting. I loaded BSU July 2011 in my game, i scroll around the teams a bit, boom crash. WTF!?
  4. One of the things that bugs me is that when I launch MVP, it doesn't just let me use my Xbox 360 wireless controller from the menu to game. I have to sit by my computer and click around the menu's. Is there a way to disable the keyboard entirely, and only use the controller. Can you use the contorller for the menu's? I don't see why not.
  5. yes only reditor. Can you test the roster to see if it works in your game? And if it crashes when u save? please.
  6. Reditor does support 2k11. Its just weird, some rosters open up in Reditor, and some give me an error. Sometimes in mlb 2k11, i save a roster, and my game crashes. I dont get it. This is even before me doing any editing, just using others rosters I was told the reditor issue was from parsers.dll file, but i delete it, then it just pops back up im banging my head against a wall here Yet hte problem doesn't happen with mlb 2k12---yet
  7. Really??? Wow! Whats wrong with it I wonder. Does it work in your 2k game? I think its because when i save, the freaking game crashes
  8. Thanks for trying to help. The problem im having is with one file. Are you able to get it to open in Reditor?2011 July BSU.ROS2011 July BSU.ROS? 2011 July BSU.ROS
  9. Can't use reditor at all!!!!!!!
  10. What roster are you using for these?
  11. Not impossible but difficult. You have to copy and paste what you need and fill in the rest. Does anyone know how to fix the Reditor error pictured? I cant do anything with any of my rosters when that pops up
  12. Everyone tries and fails----until someone succeeds.
  13. I'm watching you mister ;)

  14. Can you change my username to "WithAuthority" please?
  15. Thanks! Incredible how many weird glitches this game has
  16. Well I have figured out a way to do it...but im having major issues with Reditor unfortunately
  17. What exactly would be the motive for such a silly thing I wonder?
  18. Off topic but since its an mlb 2k12 issue, do any of you guys know why saving my roster in the game closes the game to the desktop? Strangely, it appears the roster does save with no issue....but why?
  19. i cant do anything in reditor because this keeps happening
  20. Just wondering what compatibility errors there are when it comes to 2k12 rosters on 2k11. Am I able in any way to take a 2k11 roster and use it on 2k12 without issue? I have Reditor
  21. I actually removed Windows Defender completely after this mess
  22. Your a god. That fixed my problem. It's safe to say you got me out of a pickle in this case brad
  23. Could you help me with changing my username?

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