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Everything posted by MissionMaximus

  1. Update 1st page, went back to default settings. They just look more realistic.
  2. Here some examples of MLB2k12 with and without FXAA Tool. Without FXAA With FXAA Without FXAA With FXAA
  3. twnlove your work is amazing. Extreme Quality, Looking forward to more of it.
  4. Yeah it's the 25 men/Generic Faces when I made sure I had 25 men rosters it went away. But you can't use Ty's editor to move players because you get the Black Arms/light Arms bug so you have to do it in game. Also I noticed that sometimes, even when you count them in game and have 25 men when you open Ty's roster editor and click on the teams tab to check each team it will have 26 players listed total for some teams. That's why I think some people still had the generic face bug even though they manually counted 25 players. So use Ty's editor just to make sure every team has 25 players not manually counting, be sure to do player movements in game though.
  5. Got an PM from Vlad, he said expect an public announcment in 7-10 days regarding ReEditor. He said development is in process. He also stated that a schedule editor will probably be in it plus all the functionality from the 2k11 editor, plus some more things.
  6. Got an PM from Vlad, he said expect an public announcment in 7-10 days regarding ReEditor. He said development is in process. He also stated that a schedule editor will probably be in it plus all the functionality from the 2k11 editor, plus some more things.
  7. Yeah I believe your right, I moved Saturation up to 7 looks very nice. Also changed the AntiAlaising setting as follows: BLUR Amount 5 Contrast Threshold 4 Darkness Threshold 4 To change it or any other thing just run the FXAA_Tool Application in your MLB2k12 Folder. Just click on the ToneMap Tab and move saturation up to 7 then save. While in-game you can make changes to the FXAA without saving, just pause then minimize your game and run the FXAA_Tool in your MLB2k12 folder make whatever changes you want then open your game back up to see how it looks. Play around with it to get it where you want it. It looks much better with a bump in saturation.
  8. Hey BSU-FAN when you overwrite the FXAA d3d9.dll with the enb one it will only use the ENB. What you have to do in order to use both ENB & FXAA together. (1) Download and install UAR Photomod 2k12 V2 by Darth Skinett posted by BSU-FAN in your MLB2k12 folder. (2) Download the FXAA Tool but before you install it locate the d3d9.dll and rename it to d3d9_fxaa.dll then install it in your MLB2k12 folder. (3) Locate the enbseries Configuration settings in your MLB2k12 folder and open it with notepad. Then change the following> [PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=1 InitProxyFunctions=1 ProxyLibrary=d3d9_fxaa.dll Save it and start the game, Shift + F12 to disable ENB and Pause to disable FXAA
  9. Same here, a new ReEditor that has corrected the skin-tones of MLB2k12 along with being able to move Astros to AL and re-doing the schedule accordingly. If we had that we could make MLB2k12 last a very long time. If any of you hear anything with the donations send me a PM. Thanks raidersbball20, Kccitystar, DetroitStyle, Wudl83, twnlove, BSU-FAN, DonSpa, Sixers85, dennisjames71 just to name a few of the great modders here that truly makes MLB2k12 and all other PC games the best. With mods installed by these excellent modders there is no way of going back to the Show it pails in comparison.
  10. Without a doubt, maybe all of us should send him a PM? Just to show how much interest we have. A full editor would add a lot more years to the game. Plus save yourself and Wudl83 a lot of time when putting together Rosters.
  11. Wow I'm impressed Wudl83 with what your doing, very indepth. Keep it up. I wonder if there's a way assuming he releases one this year if ReEditor would allow us to change Astros to AL & update the schedule. I wonder if that's possible with it.
  12. Not that I can see. All the Textures from 2k11 Global have been changed, they either are unknown in NBAModTool, a different size as in 256 x 256 textures. The only one the same is texture 178. If only we could get an update with Ty's RosterEditor.
  13. 9-23-12 Changes in Red> Went back to default settings of 1st one looks more realistic It should already be set to what I'm using if not here it is: (ANTIALIASING) FXAA Quality>9 Blur Amount>5 Contrast Threshold>4 Darkness Threshold>4 (SHARPEN) Pre Sharpen Power>3 Blur Threshold>3 Edge Threshold>2 Contour Threshold>1 Post Sharpen Power>3 (HDR) HDR Power>2 HDR Radius>2 (BLOOM) Bloom Preset>2 Bloom Threshold>2 Bloom Width>2 Bloom Power>2 (TONEMAP) Gamma>4 Exposure>3 Saturation>5 Bleach>1 Fog>6 (TECHNICOLOR) Technicolor Amount>1 Technicolor Power>2 Red>2 Green>2 Blue>2 (SEPIA) OFF
  14. Are you also running ENB that would probably cause the crash since both use d3d9.dll application extension. My suggestion if that's the case would be delete the ENB and install the FXAA to see which you prefer. Also if the above is not the cause maybe it's your Firewall blocking the program. Anytime I download a Mod from MVP I right click on the compressed folder etc... and run a scan with my AntiVirus program then if it's OK, I then right click on the folder again then select properties, under General Tab click Unblock, then apply.
  15. Yes it's a Graphics enhancer like sgtpeppers stated. To see the differences just hit Pause/Break keyboard shortcut to Disable/Enable.
  16. Yes we can. Like I said we could assign texture 178 (Darkest Black) to either skintone 3(167) or 5 (174). Briefly going through Ty's Editor more players seem to be assigned skintone 3 than 5 with a sample of 38 players assigned either skintone 3 or 5 it came out with 27players with skintone 3 and 11players with skintone 5.
  17. I did a little testing on this to see if we could do a work around, made a green skin texture and inserted it one at a time into each texture slot in global- 167,169,174,175,178,185,189,192 After installing it one at a time I started the game and checked only skintones 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 showed up the green skin and skintone 11 seems to have textures 178, 185, 192 (all dark players) combined. When I insert Green Skin texture into texture 178 all DarkestSkin (Black Players) appear in-game with green skin. When I insert Green Skin Texture into global texture 185 players with skintone like Adrian Beltre, Pablo Sandoval, Prince Fielder show up with green skin. When I install green skin texture into global texture 192, players like Matt Kemp, Kenley Jansen show up with green skin texture. The problem we have is all of the above players in the RosterEditor show up with the exact skintone of 11. When trying to correct Darkest players (that gets messed up, when editing in Ty's RosterEditor) adjusting skintones does nothing, because all Black players are combined with the 11 skintone. I found that skintones 1, 3, 5 are mainly white players, while skintone 7 is mainly Asian players, skintone 9 is mainly Hispanic players, and then 11 is all Black players (light, Med, Dark). We could adjust the global to make maybe skintones 3 or 5 which would be global textures skintone 3-167 texture, skintone 5-174 texture but then we would have to correct the skintones of those players. The following is what I found when running my green-skin test: SkinTone 1 = 169 Global Texture SkinTone 3 = 167 Global Texture SkinTone 5 = 174 Global Texture SkinTone 7 = 175 Global Texture SkinTone 9 = 189 Global Texture SkinTone 11= 178, 185, 192 Global Textures 0 [*]Quote [*]Edit
  18. Love the editor, it's Great but the skin tone needs an update from 2011 (11-skintones) to match 2012 (8-skintones). Messing up Dark skin players when editing with Roster editor. I did a little testing on this, made a green skin texture and inserted it one at a time into each texture slot in global- 167,169,174,175,178,185,189,192 After installing it one at a time I started the game and checked only skintones 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 showed up the green skin and skintone 11 seems to have textures 178, 185, 192 (all dark players) combined. When I insert Green Skin texture into texture 178 all DarkestSkin (Black Players) appear in-game with green skin. When I insert Green Skin Texture into global texture 185 players with skintone like Adrian Beltre, Pablo Sandoval, Prince Fielder show up with green skin. When I install green skin texture into global texture 192, players like Matt Kemp, Kenley Jansen show up with green skin texture. The problem we have is all of the above players in the RosterEditor show up with the exact skintone of 11.
  19. File Name: FXAA Tool (Graphics Mod) for MLB2K12 File Submitter: MissionMaximus File Submitted: 17 Sep 2012 File Category: Miscellaneous This is the FXAA_Tool (Graphics mod) Nvidia FXAA 3.11 is created by TIMOTHY LOTTES Injection method created by [some dude] code added and arranged by: [some dude] BeetleatWar1977 [DKT70] Violator fpedace Instructions: Unzip and extract to your MLB2k12 folder, while in-game you can disable/enable it by Pause/break key on your keyboard. To make changes simply run FXAA_Tool ingame. I want to thank the following modders because I use all of their work which is excellent: Thanks raidersbball20, Kccitystar, DetroitStyle, Wudl83, twnlove, BSU-FAN, DonSpa, Sixers85, dennisjames71, Pena1 just to name a few of the great modders here that truly makes MLB2k12 and all other PC games the best. With mods installed by these excellent modders there is no way of going back to the Show it pails in comparison. 9-23-12 update: Went back to default settings. They look more realistic in game. Without FXAA With FXAA Without FXAA With FXAA Without FXAA With FXAA Without FXAA With FXAA Click here to download this file
  20. Version


    This is the FXAA_Tool (Graphics mod) Nvidia FXAA 3.11 is created by TIMOTHY LOTTES Injection method created by [some dude] code added and arranged by: [some dude] BeetleatWar1977 [DKT70] Violator fpedace Instructions: Unzip and extract to your MLB2k12 folder, while in-game you can disable/enable it by Pause/break key on your keyboard. To make changes simply run FXAA_Tool ingame. I want to thank the following modders because I use all of their work which is excellent: Thanks raidersbball20, Kccitystar, DetroitStyle, Wudl83, twnlove, BSU-FAN, DonSpa, Sixers85, dennisjames71, Pena1 just to name a few of the great modders here that truly makes MLB2k12 and all other PC games the best. With mods installed by these excellent modders there is no way of going back to the Show it pails in comparison. 9-23-12 update: Went back to default settings. They look more realistic in game. Without FXAA With FXAA Without FXAA With FXAA Without FXAA With FXAA Without FXAA With FXAA
  21. Here is the FXAA Tool I'm using in MLB2k12. It looks Outstanding in game. Along with all the great mods downloaded here from MVP. Instructions Download, Unzip, Extract all contents to your MLB2k12 Folder. To enable/disable use Pause/Break on your keyboard. To make changes just run the FXAA_Tool while in game. Note I would disable AA in-game. https://rapidshare.com/files/4036846081/FXAA_MLB2K12%20MYSETTINGS.zip
  22. The base on ball tendency I listed should be base on balls allowed, my mistake. I feel going by K/9 for strikeouts would inflate some relievers K% also the same in regards to BB/9. Going by K% & BB% would eliminate that because some pitchers face more batters than others.,What I was referring to inregards to K% and BB% was this scale on FanGraphs in regards to k/9, k% and bb/9, bb%http://www.fangraphs...<br /><br /> In regards to Relief Pitchers I find this statistic of great value when evaluating Relief pitchers. http://www.fangraphs...pitching/sd-md/
  23. I was figuring out a formula for pitchers. still working on some things but will post kind a what I got as of now. This is in regards to pitchers. Pitch Speed (velocity)> Fangraphs list all the pitchers pitch velocity average. So add +2 to each pitch average to get your max mph velocity. Pitch Tendency>Fangraphs has the % number of each pitch thrown. If a pitcher has anything below 1% disregard that pitch. Base on balls allowed> Multiply BB% by 5 then subtract by 100. example from fangraphs they have 4% base on balls listed as excellent so you would say a pitcher has a 4% base on ball rate on Fangraphs> 4 x 5=20, then 100 - 20=80 so that particular pitcher would have a 80 base on ball rating. Another example 10% is listed as awful base on balls on Fangraphs. 5 x 10=50, 100-50=50 so that pitcher would have a base on ball rating of 50. Strikeout Tendency>Multiply K% by 3.3 Example: Pitcher has a K% of 25% you would multiply 25 x 3.3=82.5 round that off to 83, so that pitcher would have a 83 Strikeout Tendency. Another example 10% listed as awful on Fangraphs. 10 x 3.3=33 so that picture would have a 33 Strikeout Tendency. Groundball Tendency> Go by GB% so if a picture has a 40% Groundball rate that would be his groundball tendency. 40 Groundball Tendency. Contact LHB/RHB>Going by fangraphs pitching stats against LHB/RHB Subtract batting average by 100. Example .200 LHB Average 100 - 20=80 so that pitcher would have a 80 contact rating against LHB's. Durability>Average games per year on DL last 3 years. Subtract from 100. Stamina>Average pitches Per Game. Still working on Composure, Clutch, etc.
  24. In regards to Pitching or more specific Relief-Pitchers my suggestion would be to go with the Shutdowns/Meltdowns (FanGraphs;check glossary for explanation). For pitchers that would be my choice to use with Clutch rating for Relief-Pitchers it's alot more indepth than blown saves or holds.
  25. In regards to movement: This site will give you the horizontal/vertical movement league avg. of all the pitches from 2010,2009,2008 http://pitchfx.texas...<br /><br />FanGraphs is the best. When you create an account you can customize what you want it to show plus the pitch identification has gotten alot better now seperating 4-seamers from 2-seamers. Also check the glossary on FanGraphs they have tables of each stat category that gives you an idea of whats good to excellent to average.
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