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Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. I KNOW I'm going to sound stupid, but what is this "Beyondo"? I googled it, and can't find it...am I missing something? EDIT: Never mind. I'M DUMB AND I KNEW IT!
  2. Wudl, this this cool! I was thinking about doing something similar, then I saw that someone already started it. If you still need help, I could take some pain off your shoulders. I'll be willing to do anything. But, I wanted to suggest something (that maybe I'll just worry about doing) I understand how you are completely focused on players, but I think we should edit the Coaching Staff's ratings also. I could just take care of that if you wanted, but I would need some ideas for the equations. I just wanted to add Mike Redmond and Walt Weiss to the game, and change the ratings for some of the Tigers and Blue Jays coaches (Jim Leyland is cool, but (no offense) he's not that good). If you think it should be worked on, and if you're cool with it, I'll take care of it.
  3. Oh...well...we could use THAT title screen, but I was going to make my own. I WILL NOW SAY THAT THE TOPIC OF THE MLB 2K13 IS BEING MOVED TO THE ONE MADE BY JAY16509, AND DECLARING THE WINNER MIGUEL CABRERA.
  4. Same problem here. Surprisingly, I'm NOT an administrator on my computer (family CPU), so I can't just change the calendar willy-nilly. Members of the forum are working on a 2k13 mod, and I hope we can change the code that connects to the servers, and change it to our own. In the meantime, is there a DIFFERENT way around this so I don't have to change my calendar every time I want to play?
  5. Well, no offense to anyone, but if I could get an answer to my question, which was: ...I may be able to suggest some stuff, because I had some wicked ideas. However, I would be willing to take the Title Screen, and some of the audio, if that's ok with everyone else. Now, not counting my chickens before they're hatched, but it's looking like Miguel Cabrera will be our cover athlete. [EDIT: To make it a real vote, we need more voters, so please encourage others to vote, or, if he wanted to, Trues could have a forum-wide vote.]
  6. But, with the code, if we just said it was a mod to the game, and gave full respect to the 2k crew, wouldn't it be legal? I'm kinda comparing this to Minecraft, mostly because I make mods for the game, and that's adding, editing, and deleting code.

  8. My hair is lying on the floor right now

  9. Well, as I didn't think this thread would become so popular, I didn't have many good ideas. I will say this, and that's someone needs to be in charge of making the Rosters and posting them. I may take that responsibility, but we'll see. I like the ideas so far. We need to decide who is going to work on what, then we all submit them and test them, then make them one big package. That's my ideas...so far. Also, we need to find out what we CAN edit without breaking copyright laws, and make some BIG changes that we're allowed to do. One of my complaints is when I'm playing in My Player (I'm an outfielder), and when I don't make it to a ball it time, the camera view changes, but I continue to run in the same direction, so that makes me let go of the arrow keys, and place them down again. That's my biggest problem. That, and inaccurate rosters. I'm up until the Tigers game is over (My hair is all pulled out at this point, and I've told Valverde that he can go die in a hole), so I'll be here to respond to anything else. [EDIT: Our 3-4-5 hitters will make EVERYONE pay! (I know that this has nothing to do with this, but I had to say it.)]
  10. @Yankee4Life, I always seem to ignore the Copyright crap before I do something, so thank you. . Well, I guess the best we can do is mod it legally. @kccitystar, I know how to program in Java and C#, and...that's about it. Though I've never tried to make a mod for MLB 2k12, if it becomes necessary, I may take a crack at it. @scottbilly, I would totally do that in the My Player mode if we could. Like the way the voting is going so far. In case you were wondering, I voted for Miguel Cabrera.
  11. Well, since the 2k Sports crew is deciding to end the MLB 2k series, I think that the people in the MVP Mods forum should come up with a BIG update to 2k12 to make it 2k13. Change the Cover Athlete, some of the games code, etc. There are people in this forum that could end up doing this. Maybe not as far as I'm thinking, but good enough for PC gamers to download it. The poll on this is just a short list. If you want me to add someone, just comment it. I think, however, the forum should have a BIG cover vote. Maybe I'm just dreaming this, and it will never go anywhere, but I wanted to put it out there so someone may pick it up. As for me, I'm not that talented...yet. [EDIT: MAJOR ANYBODY THAT WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THE MOD FOR MLB 2K12 TO TURN IN INTO MLB 2K13, PLEASE GO TO THE TOPIC STARTED BY JAY16509. ALSO, THE WINNER FOR THE COVER IS MIGUEL CABRERA, REGARDLESS OF THE RESULTS OF THE AL MVP]
  12. Hey! This forum has really cool stuff that I use a lot, but maybe I missed it, or it's not on here, but I have a question. Is there a tool that I can use to create/edit custom batting stances and pitching animations? I see the .iff files of them in the folder which contains them, but I don't see a way to edit them. There are a couple that aren't like the pitchers, and I have a couple that I want to make. So, is there a way?
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