Well, as I didn't think this thread would become so popular, I didn't have many good ideas. I will say this, and that's someone needs to be in charge of making the Rosters and posting them. I may take that responsibility, but we'll see. I like the ideas so far. We need to decide who is going to work on what, then we all submit them and test them, then make them one big package. That's my ideas...so far.
Also, we need to find out what we CAN edit without breaking copyright laws, and make some BIG changes that we're allowed to do. One of my complaints is when I'm playing in My Player (I'm an outfielder), and when I don't make it to a ball it time, the camera view changes, but I continue to run in the same direction, so that makes me let go of the arrow keys, and place them down again. That's my biggest problem. That, and inaccurate rosters.
I'm up until the Tigers game is over (My hair is all pulled out at this point, and I've told Valverde that he can go die in a hole), so I'll be here to respond to anything else.
[EDIT: Our 3-4-5 hitters will make EVERYONE pay! (I know that this has nothing to do with this, but I had to say it.)]