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Everything posted by EdZero

  1. Is there a way to send it to you by paypal? and also, what if i pay you 30 to pay for the postage, and you can send it right away without waiting for the envelope to get to you and then send back again?
  2. Does it come with the box and everything else or only the discs?
  3. Just wondering who is selling their copy of MVP 05. I'm willing to pay up to 30, not 50-100 like in ebay.
  4. You still have it? and r you willing to ship the game, because i don't live in Chicago?
  5. EdZero

    Quick Help...

    thats a MVP mod not a 2k12 mod. You're in the wrong section
  6. Will you be able to put the Astro on the AL West? Spanish: Podras poner a los astro en la division oeste de la liga americana?
  7. i know this is impossible, but......... is there a way of getting old codes from 2k9, 2k10 from the 2k12 disc? i just want to know if is posible to get batting stance from 2k9, and 2k10 in to 2k12?
  8. i was wondering how do you import the faces and uniforms that you guys create. i keep seeing opoen ty's roster editor, but the thing is that i cant find the program that everyone says in their instructions. can someone help me with this
  9. i know a lot of you will just bash me for this, but............ you can't compare baseball players who played in the 1990s to the one of 1920s, 1930s, 40s, and on. The game changed way too much starting from the 70s and 80s. You can't really make a list of the 25 man all time list. I would say that their should be two different list, the 25 man all time list from 1890 - 1960 or 70, and another the other list staring from the 1970 or 80 - present. The games was way too different in the 20s, and 30s, compared to the 80s and 90s. Pitchers threw harder, there was a different variety of pitches at those time, and so on. So to me there can't be a 25 man all time list, it should be split into two separate era.
  10. Hi guys im new to this modded games stuff so i really don't know how this works so i have a couple of questions. - Can i played all of these mods on a mac for MvP 05 and MLB 2k12? - If yes, how dois it work? how do i install them? i've been looking around but i can't find any sort of posted that could guide me through the hole process. I've been looking for a baseball game to play since i don't have a ps3 and the xbox 360 version of 2k12 doesn't have any sort of mods like the ones i see here that look amazing, and i really want to play mvp 05 again.
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