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Everything posted by WundaBreadz

  1. I shall attempt the schedule and editing it as the last piece of the project, most likely I will release two versions the first with the roster coaches and stats and the second with everything including the schedule if it is possible to make.
  2. Great work! Was wondering if you plan to work on the Yankees new AAA logos, jerseys, etc as well?
  3. Sorry the late response, I have been away the past few weeks without computer access but I am back and starting up work on the rosters again. As for the schedule front nothing new just yet but I hope to know soon if the program to edit the schedule to the year 2013 will be released soon. I will try to get into contact with Vlad again about that and will let you all know if I find anything out more on the schedule,. Thanks for your patience and sorry to keep you waiting a little extra longer.
  4. As far as I know as of right now you can't get the 2012 stats to show in Franchise mode and probaly none of the other season type modes but if you want them to show in play now mode and on the roster managment screen, all you need to do is download Vlads Reditor and it has an option to change the player stats so you can add in 2012 stats, although in order to do it you will have to acquire a license firt from Vlad, ordered through Reditor. I'm not on it at the moment so I couldn't tell you which license you need for it or how much it is but if you download Reditor you can easily find out in it how much it is and how to order it, hope that helped a little and if you need any more help with it or something else i'd be happy to help!
  5. I followed the link but it didn't work
  6. Great work friend, hope these are released soon! Especially looking forward to Strasburg!
  7. Well i've found out why it wasn'tediting past first day of season which was because I hadn't changed the Spring Trainin schedule but than I found out that you can't start a season in 2013 so I went to Vlad and he told me that he will release something soon that will allow you to change the start year of a season so it will be possible to make the 2013 schedule or so I believe it will but I'm not sure how the Houston issue will work past a season because the schedules that you have to edit from the past seasons to detirmine future schedules in the game will be against mostly NL foes so i'm not sure if it will be possible for Houston to keep a AL type schedule past the 2013 season in game but if I find anything out I will post it here.
  8. Very cool, how's that project coming along? And yeah i've noticed the contract issue but I think by the time we are into spring training that the 2013 contracts will be announced for those that lack it.
  9. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had updated the Yankees AAA team to there new logo the Railriders and i so could you please share it, i've tried making it myself and it shows up in a game but at team select its just blank and no logo. Any help would be appreciated!!
  10. Still working on it, I talked to Vlad about the schedule issue and it appears there is not currently a way to change the date of the schedule but that he will release something sometime soon that will let you change the date to 2013 so the 2012 player stats will show. Currently I have alot of 2012 stats added in but you can only see them in Play Now mode and at Roster Managment and on Player Cards. I will most likely release the Roster first before I can release a later version with the 2013 schedule if/and when that becomes possible. I'd love to give a projected date for when this project will be released but I can't begin to set a date just yet because it seems like an endless project, but a project I do plan to finish at that lol. I just ordered the 2013 and 2012 prospect handbooks so that will help with creating alot of the minor leaguers and making them as accurate as I believe them to be. With the prospects, I will do my best to get the top 100 in franchise mode to be as close to the actual order they are in real life. Hope to release this soon though as I look forwrd to playing with the roster myself lol but i'd say it will be released during Spring Training or near the end of Febuary if I had to make a current prediction.
  11. I've read the tutorial but I still don't understand what I am doing wrong and why it does not sim past the first day. Has anyone actually edited the schedule and can help me with what they edited?
  12. Has anyone tried editing in the 2013 schedule or any schedule for that matter? I am confused as to which to edit with reditor whether it's schedule actual, current, or all the choices? I have tried with editing schedule actual but the game won't sim past the first day of season? Could anyone help me with this at all please
  13. Hmm interesting, I wasn't aware of that issue but I will look into making sure it all comes together in the end.
  14. **UPDATE** So with the recent news that there will be a MLB2k13 for the Xbox 360 I have put my Xbox 360 project on the backburner for the same project but for the PC version of game. Well iv'e been hard at work on that project for a week or two now and am going all out with it! I am calling it the Ultimate Roster Project 2013. I am editing every little detail that I can for a expanded and ultimate roster experience. I am also working on a Portrait pack to go along with the roster to add updated portraits for players up to the day of release along with a readme document with every players Portrait ID # so if you don't like a portrait of if you want to edit portraits on your own, you can easily do so. I admit I am not the best portrait maker but they aren't the worst. As for the roster I am currently just finishing up the first team which is the Angels. What this means is that I have every transaction up to today correct, correct staff, the top 10 prospects listed by Baseball America as well as what I believe to be accurate ratings based on each players scouting report from a few different websites with a major emphasis for final rating based on Baseball Americas scouting. This includes a players potential rating as well using Ty's editing tool. Prospects 20-50 plus real minor leaguers to fill out the roster of the Angels affiliates are based on accurate scouting reports that I had access to in order to help bring the best and most up-to date roster as possible. That's not all though! I have also watched videos on every prospect/minor leaguer that I could gain access to in order to bring accurate batting stances/pitching styles. It wasn't easy to find these videos for every single player so some may not have the most up-to date stances but i'd say a very good amount of the players have the right styles. I also used different pictures videos to set up how the players looked by erasing most/all generic cyberfaces for all players in the organization to more accurate looking faces as well as what the players wear. So if a player tends to wear high socks more than he wears baggy pants, it's in there. If a player wears one type of shoe majority it's in there!(This Roster will work very well with the Ultimate Accesories pack for download on this site as well as most of the Cyberface packs as I have most downloaded so I was able to set the correct shoe styles and faces and such.I'd defiantly reccommend downloading some before you download this roster once it is released! They are great mods as it already is!} Minor leaguers will also have portraits if portraits are available for the said player. So that's what I will be doing for each team is Tranasactions, Minor Leaguers, staff, ratings for all affiliates updated based on actual sabermetrics and a rating system I have that comes out with what I would hope most would agree to be as close to accurate as possible. I have all transactions up to date currently and staff which includes Head coach with as accurate of a cyberface as I could find, Years Pro updated/added, ratings. So a team that has a great scouting director and a great farm system to match since they have been in charge or from what they had previously done, that teams scouting director you can expect to have a good scouting rating! Same goes for the best medical staffs around..and the worst! I even have added in managers such as Willie Randolph, Manny Acta, Bobby Valentine, and more! Stadium Capacaties are also currently updated. All fake names/players in game are correct and are on correct team or in free agent pool depending on where they really are. A very small portion of them don't currently have portraits but the majority do. Also players have updated years pro, and positions if they have changed a position or if it was listed incorrectly already in game. Once I finish up the minor leaguers from all the teams, I still must edit player stats to player cards from 2012 season as well as any awards the player won in 2012. I will also edit any team/league records that were broken in 2012 and if possible edit the 2013 schedule in. But I plan for the 2013 schedule to be released at a later date so I can release the roster in time for Spring Training or in the middle of Febuary at the very latest. There is just SOOOOO MUCH WORK TO DO!! I hope you all will support and enjoy my work once it is finished and I apologize for the cancelling of the Xbox 360 version!
  15. Yeah i'm pretty clueless on finding the id number. Can anyone help?
  16. For user characters it works but I don't know how to add to the portrait.iff, just how to edit player portraits that aren't in the game and assign them that portrait number. I have not tried My Player but as long as you can edit the players portait id in one of the editing programs than my guess is that it works the same.
  17. Hi, currently working on a portrait pack but had a few questions for the pros around here. First question is how when using the NBaModtool and the portrait.iff file do you decipher the global_id for redditor or for eiting portraits in Ty's Editor? When looming at the numbers listed for each player in the decompressed folder for portrait.iff none of the numbers equal to the portrait id numbers? Is there a trick to getting the global_id #'s from in the folder or how exactly do you locate the id #? And another question, is there any way to add files into the portrait.iff without replacing an existing file an if do, how? Help would be very much appreciated for a final version that is the most up to date it can be, thanks alot inadvance!
  18. Also forgot to mention that when you save the portrait after you edit it, save it as it's name listed on the modtool.
  19. As of right now i'm using ESPN and different team websites. I'd love to know of a place with all newer portraits as I think the current portraits on the team sites are old portraits photoshopped but my guess is they won't have newer portraits up until spring training.
  20. Thanks alot friend! I found it wasn't the cdf that needed editing but that it was just saving the bitmap when saving the .DDS file that was needed. And sure thing, what you need is the NBAModtool and a paint program, I use Gimp for mine. But you find the player you want to edit the portrait of in the Modtool than you export res to the paint program so you get the size of the portrait or you can find out the size on modtool on the bottom left where it shows two numbers next to DXT5. The size is from what I can tell always 256,256. So once you have the size go to your paint program an click file and new. Enter 256 for width and height and pixels. Under advanced options if you use gimp select pixels/pt and under the fill with selection set it to transparency. Now that you have the new page find a portrait of the player and copy the picture. Now load a seperate project up in gimp or your program of choice with the same size of 256,256 but for the fill with selection under advanced options choose background color, now paste the portrait there. Now use the scissors tool and go around the player until you connect the dots back to the original starting point. You should now have the player outlined, click on the player inside the outline and the color around them should dissapear leaving you with the player portrait. Now copy the cutout portait and paste it back into the original transparent image you made and the player should have little checkered squares behind him at this point. Now go to the layers tab and select anchor layer to place the portait into the image. Now all that's needed is to save the image as a DDS file, when the next box comes up after saving as a DDS for compression select BC3/DXT5 and select the little box next to Generate mipmaps. Now go back to the NBAmodtool and go to the player who you made the portrait for and select import res and the portait you just made and it should replace the old portait and have a blue background. Close the modtool and load up the game and enjoy! I hope this helps, I can help demonstrate with images if needed.
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