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Everything posted by WundaBreadz

  1. Hello, I am working on a portrait pack for tge upcoming season but have come to a standstill. I know how to edit the portraits and import them with the NBA modtool to the point that the portraits show in the game on the roster managment menu. Now the problem is that under lineups and pitching rotations and in games the portrait shows as either the original portrait or a combination blur with the original and new portrait together. I believe it's because of the portrait.cdf file as I have been editing portrait.iff but I am not quite sure. Could anyone with experie ce making portraits or that knows how to do it give me a pointer or two here? I'd love to make an updated portrait pack for the community but don't want to release it if it's still not a finished project. Thanks for any tips and help in advance!
  2. Hi I was wondering if anyone has made a updated version of the Astros jerseiesyet for 2013 for the pc. It would be greatly appreciated!
  3. I do have something like that used for speed, clutch, and a few other statistics. And I have gotten my guru license for the pc version of reditor so I most likely will do everything listed above for the pc version of game as well but I can't give an exact date not a projection of when one of the projects will be finished due to the amount of work it takes to get everything down and finished but it should be atleast by the end of month.
  4. I edit the ratings mostly based on different statistics of fangraphs.com, so for instance with tendencies i'll look at this past seasons percent as well as the past few seasons and career average of sstrikeout,groundball, walk% etc and give the average to the player but I try to have a greater influence on what the player did the previous season for there final ratings. Same goes for pitch velocities except there I base it more on the average of the most recent season because it probaly gives a better indication of the pitchers velocity in the present. I get the pitch types from fangraphs as well and the % the pitch is thrown from the around same area.
  5. So i've figured out how to edit the portrait packs but I still don't understand how to create new portraits for players not in the pack. Any help understanding how to add to the portrait pack or edit the fake faces would be appreciated!bi plan to releases an updated version of the portrait pack but to make it the best I possibly can I need a little help on how to edit the players who have no portraits, thanks in advance!
  6. As of right now for the pc bersion I can only edit the players and minor leaguers but I have ordered Guru license for Reditor so I should be able to edit more soon for the pc version and yes I am using the portrait pack and will edit the players that need editing since the last update although I haven't been able to figure out how to add new portraits, just how to edit portraits already being used so help with that and understanding how to add portraits to the pack would be greatly appreciated!
  7. So i'm now working on two projects, the project listed above as well as an updates roster for the pc version of game. The release of both may not be ready for a little bit as it is so much work just to do one but I will keep you all updated and hope you support my work and enjoy it once it is finished, I promise it will all be up to date as if you were playing a whole new years game!
  8. I'm pretty sure you can as I created Elijah Dukes and assigned him his real portrait but I didn't actually create the portrait I just used his older one from 2k10. No idea how to create portraits though and assign them.
  9. Hi I am currently trying to figure out how to make portraits for MLB 2k12 and have searched around for tutorials but haven't found anything that leads me in the right direction. If there is a tutorial somewhere or someone that could help lead me in the right direction for creating portraits for players in the game it would be greatly appreciated!
  10. Are the values the same as with Reditor? Like for instance listed above Kip Wells is 3342 and st=3. Does that mean I find the cyberface value of 3342 under the appearence tab and assign Wells with the appearence tab id# or are the two programs cyberface values totaly different? Sorry if this has been asked, I'm just a little confused and still new to this but any response back and help would be much appreciated!
  11. Help with player appearences and cyberface values would also be greatly appreciated to help for an even better experience once the project is finished, I am using Vlad's Reditor 2 tool to do all of this and haven't quite been able to work on the players in game faces except for some of the fake players. But if nobody can help with the appearence values I will doy best to figure it out for the community to enjoy the most realistic experience to having a mlb 2k13 version of game.
  12. Hi, I am newer to this site but starting a week and a half ago after learning there wouldn't be a MLB 2k13 I began working on a major project on Mlb2k12 to bring it up to date for the coming season. I have made alot of progress but there is still much work to be done with the overhaul. I would give a projected finish of about a week and a half to two weeks before I am done but once I am I will upload the roster file on to 2kshare as well as a link with the actual file download just in case not all the updates show up on 2kshare. The following list is what I have worked on/am working on as well as future plans for once I am finished with current version. I hope you all will give the project a chance and enjoy it once it is finished. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is for the Xbox 360 version of game. Currently working on -Updated ratings and pitch speeds based on actual stats and sabermetrics of 2012 season. - Updated ballpark capacities. - All transactions up to date of when file is uploaded with up to date contract situations for all players. - Player stats from 2012 on player card. - Updated 2012 team records and team stats. - Updated staff and ratings. - Fake players have real names and right skin tones. - Real Portraits for most fake players. - Projected 2013 lineups and rotations set. -Real minor leaguers and top prospects for all three minor league levels as well as major leagues for all teams. - 2013 schedule.(If permits. Haven't quite gotten into this part yet, but it may not be possible as Houston is now in the Al and the standings would probaly be all kinds of messed up for Stros fans in franchise) - Updated years pro/rookie eligibility. - updated player weights and positions. - 2012 award winners listed on player cards. Future plans - Updated team records for any records broken in 2012 season. - Minor league stadium capacities and 2012 team records.
  13. Do these values only work on Ty's editor or can they work with the program Reditor 2 as well?
  14. Alot of free time. Sorry I poste in three messages, my phone kept acting up and posting before I was ready to post lol
  15. Hahaha I know what you mean it does take quite awhile to do just one franchise but I have al
  16. Working on huge roster update with more realistic stats, no fake names, prospects, all transactions since last roster update, portraits for fake players, and up to date coaches as well as schedule if possible to download from 2k12 share as well. It's been a week and a hf since I started on it and will be another week or so til I finish but I promise it to be as close to authentic as possible! It's for the Xbox 360 by the way!
  17. Is there a way to update the portaits of players on the Xbox360 to more current portraits? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  18. Has anyone been able to insert the Astros new jerseys and logo into Mlb2k12 for the Xbox360? If so could someone please help me to understand how to do it or send me in the direction of a Modding tool to do it much thanks!
  19. Is there a way to do this with the Xbox360?
  20. For these, do you go under appearences and change it there in Reditor 2 or where do you change the manager cyberfaces using reditor?
  21. Hi, I have the Reditor 2 and Guru license. I was wondering is there any way to use the program to add a second wild card team in the game and is there a way to edit the Astros to there new logo and jerseys? Thanks for any response and awesome program!!
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