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Everything posted by WundaBreadz

  1. For a blank green texture do you just click file new and change the color under stylize to a green tint?
  2. Nope he isn't playing as far as I know but his portraits in game so I created him haha.
  3. Thanks, I figured out how to work around the arm skintones! Just 3D modeling i'm having problems with and getting tatoos to be very visible because currently I have tatoos on Elijah Dukes I am working on, because he has tats on his neck but in game they barely show up, is there a way to better edit tatoos in? They also don't seem to show when I paste them in green texture
  4. Hello is there anyone skilled in the art of cyberfaces that could help me out a little with this aspect and having a better feel for how to use this program or any other 3D model ediing software? Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the response, i've tried editing the skin tone in both Ty's tool an Reditor several times and nothing seems to be working. I created three cyberfaces for three african american players and only one has the right arm skintone. Is there any tips you or anyone could provide towards fixing this problem? Thanks again!
  6. Thanks friend, I will look into it. Currently working on a Nationals pack for the generic players, but an issue that's come up is the head skin tones of a darker players is different from the skintoe of their arms. Do you or anyone else know a solution around this problem?
  7. Hello, how exactly do you edit a players hair to be long or short on a cyberface or do you have to use the Reditor choices of hair of change a players hair length?
  8. 354 downloads

    Decided to take my first crack at Cyberfaces beginning with Nationals pitcher Ross Detwiler with a updated 2013 look with facial hair. Just extract the file to your MLB 2k12 Directory folder and changer Detwilers face id in TyWiggins Roster editor to 3017. Enjoy!
  9. File Name: Ross Detwiler Cyberface File Submitter: WundaBreadz File Submitted: 26 Mar 2013 File Category: Faces Decided to take my first crack at Cyberfaces beginning with Nationals pitcher Ross Detwiler with a updated 2013 look with facial hair. Just extract the file to your MLB 2k12 Directory folder and changer Detwilers face id in TyWiggins Roster editor to 3017. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  10. So I noticed that a good few of the WBC jerseys are already up for download but was wondering if anyone plans to finish up all the teams? I remember China was missing, Canada, and a couple of others. I'd do it myself but I really haven't been able to figure out the paint tools and the green screen as well as some other thing involved with making uniforms. I plan to release a WBC roster and portrait pack down the road and would love to collaborate with someome on the jerseys and overlays, thankss!
  11. For number one If a player has started in the past, depending on how long ago it was and based off of study into each player as well as scouting reports and statistics/savermetrics I ten to give them fair stamina and what I thinkreflects them. So because a player is a converted close or reliever but has been a starter than they won't have a terrible stamina rating. I haven't yet reached the Reds nor studied much up on Chapman yet but if he has been a starter and can be one than I will do my best to reflect that in his stamina and as for the portrait packs I will list which ones I have used when I release the final version defiantly! Currently i'd say the first 3-4 pages of cyberface downloads are in the game but I haven't yet gotten into downloading the rest of the packs I want to use but once I finish up with ratings and minor leaguers as well as a few other touches like final rosters, jersey numbers, and lineups than I will ge into downloading more cyberface packs and listing which ones I used.
  12. Thanks and Sorry I downloaded a good amount of cyberface mods on here so some don't match up like with the player you are pointing out, he has a downloaded cyberface from this site and that was the player head Twnlove assigned him so I changed it to that. I'd reccommend downloadin the Wei-Yin Chen cyberface off of here to fix the problem. But also alot of players on teams still have generic faces because i'mesiting the faces as I go along ediing each team so in the last and final BETA I plan to release until this project is finished only the players on the Angels, A's, and Astros hve updated faces. And than alot of cyberfaces I have downloaded and imported into game with some being changed which was why I reccommended downloading some of them off here in the description. I can try to change that in the final version though, i'm sure it isn't har to change the name of the file but I have to first make sure the said player head isn't in use by another player.
  13. Nevermind I figure it out, if anyone beeds help doing it I be glad to help!
  14. What I did was use the roster from MLB 2k13 sent to me by Sask3m, unfortunately I deleted it and moved it from the recycle bin so I couldn't link you it but an alternative is to download my roster which I will link you at the bottom of this post, use Reditor and copy and paste each column in the correct place from the schedule sections into your roster and save it, send it back to your MLB2k12 save directory and load the roster up in game and start a franchise or whatever mode you want and you should have the 2013 schedule in your game.
  15. Can't really help but if noone else can help you, i'd contact Vlad about it. He still replies to emails as I just messaged him the other day about a program he told me about that he would eventually work on so that you could edit a franchise mode date so if you wanted a true 2013 schedule it would be possible. Sorry again, and that sucks that Profars name isn't in game when it should be!
  16. Yes once I complete both that is my plan because if I release the roster alone, or go on releasing BETA versions than the portraits will show the wrong players for anyone who downloads it, i'm guessing a few portraits show up wrong now because it didn't cross my mind at first so now I am going to wait to put any updted versions up until I can complete both and I have been hard at work on the portraits, have a good portion of the minor leaguers I have made so far with actual portraits as well as a decent amount of major leaguers.
  17. I will release, but no more BETA versions because the portraits aren't going to add up from here on out, some probaly already don't for people since my portrait pack isn't done and release yet. But expect a roster and portrait pack from me in the ner future lol
  18. I also have finally figured out how to add portraits to game which I didn't know before so tht aill add to the final experience once finished as I will be able to do alot of the minor leaguers portraits!
  19. So i've decided I am not releasing anymore versions of this until I have a final version as well as a portrait pack. For those who have downloaded this, I am guessing you may have noticed some portraits to be wrong. That is because I have replaced portraits not in use and until releasing the portrait pack, they will not show up the way to you that they do to me. I apologize for the length it is and has taken me to create this as I don't hve much free time currently and for those who may have been waitin for an updated version. I am sorry for the inconvenience and farewell.
  20. Sorry I will take this to the PM's, I am trying to close this topic but I can't figure out how to do it, again sorry and I will deal with it on my own.
  21. So why do some people on here act like i'm a bad guy when all i've done is help and ask for help and than work on a roster so people will have one? It dosen't make any sense, and some people on here seem to be like little high school cliques, why is that and what exactly makes people think of me as a bad person because I don't understand and don't feel welcome in this community despite trying to help out?
  22. Hey now there is no such thing as a dumb question! As for the questions for number one go with what you want to do, personally I deleted my longtime franchise to work on this roster and that is what i'll use once it's done. The roster and schedule will be together in .Ros file. Lastly a far as you don't overwrite your franchise,sliders, etc. than you hould have no issue with overwriting your stuff!
  23. "For creating new portraits its very very easy. Just save the dds with the target portrait id as a name, for example, 1905.dds. Then run the tool called portrait-builder that comes with TiT select the folder where the dds files are and you'll get with a file called mlb2k10.7z install that file with TiT and that's it." So I did that, I change the portrait_id value to .0007 since that is what I was trying to use for this player, I go into game and there is no portrait for the player? Anyone know what i'm doin wrong?
  24. Is there anyone with experience with the total installer thingy and creating portraits? I have followed a few tutorials exactly as they have said but for some reason the portraits even when assigned id #'s not in use still don't show up and i've been at this the past 4 hours yet still have bot been able to figure out how to get these portraits in the game, is this tool not work anymore?
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