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Posts posted by WundaBreadz

  1. Thanks friend and thanks for sending me the roster for MLB 2k13 without that I don't know when I would have gotten the schedule in nor found some records broken lastseason, i'll be sureto give you a shoutout when I upload the next BETA!

  2. Is there a way to set all of a column top on down to the same thing? For instance with the schedule it has 2013 but for it to show in game it has to be 2012 and that is ALOT to edit. Any help would be great, thanks!!

  3. I want to apologize, apparently the schedule sent over but it looks like i'll have to go through it all and manually edit every 2013 date to 2012 because it shows up a blank GRRR!! No worries though I plan to get the schedule imported if it's the last thing I do!! Sorry again I wasn't able to test it before I uploaded it. I plan to fix this ASAP!! Btw does anyone know if there is a way with Reiditor to edit all of a column so it would be easier to change the 2013 to 2012?

  4. With Reditor it is possible to do except that a blank space appears in the NL central. I also am not sure if they show up in the team standings page in AL West but they do show up on the franchise home page in AL West standings.

  5. Honestly I wish I could help with that bit I still don't quite understand how to identify portrait id numbers, I asked people myself and every answer I got was to use Ty's editor but I have no clue how to find i using it still because as you said the id numbers an portraits don't add up right, best of luck to you though friend!

  6. I will give mention and use it no more, but truth be told the majority of my work is my work as I said, I only used the calculator because the tutorial he sent was written out like he released it for the public to use so I thought it was okay to use it and I will mention I used it in the roster description when editing my roster for some ratings but NOT all the ratings like he is trying to say that I stole all of his work because I have been working on this since the end of December before he even gave me that calculator so that is an outrageous claim that all of my work is stolen, none of it I considered stolen because as I said I thought it was okay to use it since it was written for people to use and understand. I apologize for being inmature would you please unban my ip home adress and I will use the calculator no more now engage in these actions for the sake of the community? I have learne my lesson, I know this site dosen't play around now and won't act up anymore.

  7. I am not trying to be like the chinese copycats, I can bury this and put it behind me and I hope you can do the same just tell me what it is exactly you want as I will give you the credit you deserve and where it is due or whatever it is you want. I don't think you should put all my work down the way you are saying it is all a big copy when the majority of it is my work. Applogies for not asking as I thought you had put it out there already because the way it was written in the turorial seeme like you wrote it for people to use so I did, but as I said I did not use it on many of the ratings an only for Composure for pitchers and contactfor hitters, and even than NOT every hitter and pitcher. I'm sure my minor league ratings are alot different than yours and I said I have the A's done too btw which dosen't seem to resemble yours at all not thay much of the Stros or Angels system does either. So do you want to bury this and I will mention you in the download info as credit for your calculator for some of my ratings or do you want to go on the way this is going which solves nothing?

  8. You act like every rating is copied, the only ratings I ever would get imput for were composture and sometimes the contacts skill. Speed, power on down, tendenies is ALL me. I don't know how your ratings look as I only skimmed yours to see how it was, I gave you a good rating on it by the way! but obviously some ratings will come out similar for instance you gave Carlos Pena a 80 while he is in the 60 range on mine, how is that a copy jesus dude calm down.

  9. I gave you credit above, read up. If it makes you any happier I will ask now may I use your calculator for the occasional check on a rating I am unaware of as I pretty much have done and not on ALL of my edits like the proposterous claim you have put out because I use my system way more than I have used yours, because just that it is mine and this project is mine so making that claim is not cool at all. And yeah I am still relatively a kid so duh? I don't do this project for self esteem I do it so the community has a roster since there is no mlb 2k13 and so I have a roster, jesus I may act like a kid but you act like a Douchebag.

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