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Everything posted by WundaBreadz

  1. Ahh thanks, the largelogos was the one I was missing. Much appreciated friend!
  2. Ah thanks, I had to change the team abbreviation bak to SWY and now the Railriders logo shows up, appreciate it!
  3. This is what I have, but I can't see it anywhere in the game, any help on understanding where to edit for franchise to show this logo would be appreciated!
  4. Hi, I am trying to update the Railriders logo into game an have everything for them changed except for the loading screen before a game where you pick lineups, I looked theough the FAQ and tried editing where it said in the global.iff but I think it has changed because I couldn't find the loading screen pictures in global.iff. Could someone help me with locating where to change this at, thank you!!
  5. Also I am trying to add in the Railriders logo on schedule but the same issue comes up except it is a blank space instead of old logo. Helpppp lol
  6. I have the allstar_wipe.iff edited but the all star game still shows up as the old logo on schedule. Does anyone know what to edit in order to change this to the 2013 logo?
  7. Was wondering, is the All Star Game held at Citifield with this scheule or is it still take place at Kansas City? I have a 2013 All Star overlay but don't want to put it up unless I know that the stadium for game is correct lol
  8. So i've edited in the new All Star Game logo for 2013 and with the 2013 schedule on here now it would seem all that's left is to change the stadium for the All Star Game from the Royals to Mets. Does anyone know how exactly to edit this with Reditor or another tool? Sorry if it's already possible to do it in game, I haven't tried it but I want to change the default stadium. Thanks for any helps or tips!
  9. Unfortunate new discovery, I have the minor league coaches edited but in game they show up as fake names, not sure the issue or if there is a work around but the Mlb and free agent staff is still all set.
  10. ----UPDATE---- -Done- Contracts based on real contracts/estimated guesses for the players who still have to go through arbitration. Managers for system based on lots of research. Potential ratings using Ty's editor for all real players. All fake players converted to real player names with real portraits. Updated minor league team names. 2012 stats for all players on Major league teams. Ratings for Angels and Astros, and all free agent catchers. Angels minor real leaguers. All transactions to date, updated daily. All hidden batting/ pitching stances and cyberfaces done. PLAYERS WITH CHRONIC INJURIES UPDATED MLB/TEAM RECORDS UPDATED -working on- Astros minor leaguers. Fake players-to-real players career stats. Athletics player ratings. 2012 team/player awards. -to do- -finish all teams player ratings and minor leaguers including player attire and stances for minor leaguers. Import 2013 schedule. Finish working on portraits for all player in game and as many minor leaguers a possible. Update generic cyberfaces (most are already updated)
  11. I think I will have to load up the xbox 360 mlb 2k12 and manually edit the pc team records using the xbox to know which team record is which. My point though is that I will be able to edit all forms of records that need to be edited such as adding Barry Bonds' records in since his name is unusable in MLB games as well as othe players whos names were not able to be used.
  12. So i'm editing all the records and I have all the mlb records updated but for team records i'm having trouble figuring out how to tell which team is which. I am using reditor, does anyone know how to tell which record is for what team? Help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Updated ballpark capacities as well, not sure if it shows any difference in the games though.
  14. Decided to add in chronic injuries for the players that need it, so that's now updated as well.
  15. My guess is he meant ratings and years pro as well as accurate looking cyberfaces. Atleast thats how I edited them lol
  16. After I finish all the ratings I may do that, not sure yet though kind of want to release it as a finished product but we'll see haha
  17. Thanks! I'm trying my best to update everything so it is an actual Ultimate Roster update as the name i've given it says lol, i'm not looking forward to the scheule part but I may release a version with the schedule first and than a version without it because i'm not quite sure how I will tackle that but there is a post on here with the 2013 schedule and I will try to import it into the roster and transfer Houston to the AL but that will come last lol
  18. Yup, for the fake players who are actually real. If you search hidden batting stances mlb 2k12 on google or another search engine i'm sure you'll find it right away lol
  19. Also alot of nicknames have been added in, forgot to mention haha and uniform numbers are current but numbers change through spring training so I will edit that one last time before release which I hope to be as soon as possible!
  20. Was wondering if you will be releasing this and the Phillies AAA mod soon, really lookin forward to both!
  21. ----UPDATE---- -Done- Contracts based on real contracts/estimated guesses for the players who still have to go through arbitration. Managers for system based on lots of research. Potential ratings using Ty's editor for all real players. All fake players converted to real player names with real portraits. Updated minor league team names. 2012 stats for all players on Major league teams. Ratings for Angels and Astros, and all free agent catchers. Angels minor real leaguers. All transactions to date, updated daily. All hidden battig/pitching stances and cyberfaces done. -working on- Astros minor leaguers. Fake players-to-real players career stats. Athletics player ratings. -to do- -finish all teams player ratings and minor leaguers including player attire and stances for minor leaguers. 2012 team/player awards. Import 2013 schedule. Finish working on portraits for all player in game and as many minor leaguers a possible. Update generic cyberfaces (most are already updated)
  22. Thanks, all contracts are now finished and up to date the most that I could make them. Thing is, most contracts past certain yers have to be based on guesses and what seems like a good projected salary for the said player. I think I've done a pretty good job on the contracts though for the players who's contract info isn't available or for the arbitration players. I'm finishing up the potential ratings for all real players now than I will tackle the rest of the ratings from the Oakland A's through the Yankees if you were goin from left to right in the teams tab. I also am working on all the free agents ratings as well as the stats for all fake players who I have changed to real players with their portraits correct. I am considering releasing the roster and than the portraits at a later time but I may wait and release them together as I have done a good portion of the portraits but there are still many to be done including for all minor leaguers I can do portraits for. Just need to figure out how to create portraits from scratch first, if anyone knows how to do that help would be appreciated!
  23. -UPDATE- So as I said a few posts above, I have been away for a little bit until a week ago. I have resumed work on this project but have been relativly busy to put all my time an effort into it as I would like to but I still have every intention of dinishing this roster. Currently I have the Angels finished and Astros just about finished with minor leaguers. I am currently editing all the free agents stats, ratings, needs, yers pro, and potential than I will complete the Astros minor leaguers an move on to the A's and so forth from there. I just got my Baseball America Prospect handbook for 2013 recently so that helps alot with editing minor leaguers to be as accurate as I would expect them to be had they been included in the game. I also have free agent, and all level managers set up so each level above A has thir true manager for the team. I plan to do Sinle A managers eventually before releasing the roster but not to sure I plan to do the pitching coaches, etc for the teams under the MLB level yet because it is already ALOT of work without that already. I unfortunatly don't think I will be able to release this roste in time for the season as I originally hopes but will try to get it out ASAP. Thanks again for the support, hope to get this done soon!
  24. Thanks alot! Glad you figured this out friend, it was something I was not looking forward to editing with my roster when the time came for it lol. Great work, I am about to try to import it now onto the PC version!
  25. Sweet! Thanks for all the hard work friend.
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