Fixed mine by using the following code. Just copy it to a notepad file and name it something.bat (named mine MLB 2K.bat for example). Pretty much what this does is automatically set the date to whatever date is required (I use 6/1/12) and then change it back to the real date when you exit the program. You do have to point it to the proper file location, as yours will assuredly be different than mine. If you save it to your desktop, you can just click it to run the game rather than the shortcut or thru Gamestop app (how I purchased it). Here's the code:
@echo off
:: Save month, day, and year from current date in MM/DD/YYYY format
For /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do @(
Set Month=%%A
Set Day=%%B
Set Year=%%C
:: Set tomorrow's date to today's date plus one
set /A Tomorrow=%Day%+1
:: Save pre-run hour from time variable
set hh1=%time:~-11,2%
set /a hh1=%hh1%+100
set hh1=%hh1:~1%
:: Display current date and time
echo Current date is: %date% %time%
:: Set date to June 1st
date 06/01/2012
echo Date changed to June 1st.
:: Start MLB2K12 and wait for exit
cd /d "D:GS Games2K GamesMLB 2k12" <--- Change this line to your mlb2k directory
echo Starting MLB 2K12...
Start /WAIT mlb2k12.exe
:: Save post-run hour
set hh2=%time:~-11,2%
set /a hh2=%hh2%+100
set hh2=%hh2:~1%
:: If hh2 is less than hh1 increment day, else keep same
echo Syncing date...
if /i %hh2% LSS %hh1% (
date %Month%/%Tomorrow%/%Year%
) else (
date %Month%/%Day%/%Year%
echo Current date is:
date /t