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  1. Hello Everyone! What tools do I need to create my own stadiums for MVP Baseball 2005? I would like to create ballparks from scratch. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Nanuuq19
  2. Hello everyone, Are there any hat templates for MVP2005? I cannot find one in the downloads? Nanuuq19
  3. Thank you for everyone's help! I figured out how to save Photoshop templates using PSP. Are there any hat templates out there?
  4. I figured out how to convert PSD files to PSP files. So I am ok there. Thank you for quick responses! I cannot wait to get my mods installed! I have been waiting to do this in a baseball game since I was a kid. 30+ years ago! I want to create all of the fantasy teams that I created when I was younger!
  5. I am trying to find a uniform template that is Paint Shop Pro compatilble but am I having no luck???? Also, anytime I try to click on a link, in different forums, it takes me to sites that are not even relevant with mvpmods???? Any help is greatly appreciated! Nanuuq19
  6. Dear bctrackboi11, Where can I find a uniform template to create my own uniforms? I cant find one in the download section? I need one that is psp compatible. I would love to create fantasy teams for my MVP2005. Any info and advice on doing this would be greatly appreciated! nanuuq19
  7. Hello All! I would like to create my own fantasy baseball league with fictional teams uniforms and stadiums. I would like to know where I can find a PSP compatible uniform template to use? Also, what programs do I need to install my uniforms? Also, what programs do I need to create my own ballparks? Everybodys work that I have seen on this site is unbelievable! Keep up the great work! Any help is greatly appreciated! nanuuq19
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