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Everything posted by MarkB

  1. I think the game just keeps track of the fact that a run scored, and not necessarily when it scored, so since the program is run after the game, it can only see that a run scored, but doesn't know when. If only, yet again. :(
  2. Yeah, same here. I added it in once manually, but it would be cool to have. BrooklynNets - unfortunately, nope.
  3. Tell me about it - I started the game thinking "I'll be finished way before the Thunder pre-game show starts" - I ended up flipping out of MVP, running the BSE, starting the Thunder radio recording, going back to MVP, reducing the in-game volume, then completing the game! Absolute hell! I think I'll take that advice - run it every time I get to extra innings. I'd pay an EA programmer to increase that 100 AB limit. Pain in the rectum. Thanks anyway, man. :D
  4. I wish it was from the middle of the game - the modified times between the files are literally 8 minutes apart, and there was only about 5 minutes of actual gameplay at that time. The first file is from the top of the 19th, the second after the game was done at the bottom of the 19th. I can see the obvious changes such as the number of at-bats and hits etc., as well as the new pitcher, but the game log is a mess. From the in progress game, there is data to the bottom of the 15th, but after that, only the headers are there, and the donation link is at the bottom. From the final, it recorded one play in the bottom of the 15th, with nothing after that - no headers, no donation link.
  5. Ahh, OK. Doesn't make too much difference, though, does it? The program closes just after the crash would have happened anyway. Does it actually affect what is exported? Downloading it now anyway. Should I send those files?
  6. According to the readme file in the extraction directory, it's 1.00. I didn't know it had been updated again. :oops:
  7. When I exported while the game was in progress, it didn't crash. After the game, when I ran it then, it did crash, but made the file. The screenshots are of various things - key plays, pitching changes, substitutions, things of note that I could use to spot a part in the game. For example, I have a screenshot of my manager being ejected - which was after my shortstop was thrown out at second base (and the call was wrong, IMO). They're in order by file name as well, so snap002 would be the second screenshot of the game which was in the first inning, while 065 would be the last - a screenshot of the pitching lines.
  8. Ty, Another extra-inning game, more problems. Would it do any good to send you the HTML files (I made 2, one while the game was in progress and one around 10 minutes before it ended) and see what you can make out of it? I also have a pile of screenshots (65, to be exact) that could help to piece the game back together. Thanks again for a great program. :D
  9. Both posts = :lmao: I've got a decent amount of stuff to post, but my hands and arms won't permit me to type them. :lol:
  10. I still can't stop laughing at that. Random thoughts: Eric Duncan just got thrown out at home plate to end the inning as the Thunder trail 4-2 to Reading. Dammit! Interesting one here. I woke up at 3pm yesterday and so wasn't tired when it camr to my normal bed time of around 4am. Decided to try to sleep anyway, but couldn't. I put some music on, hoping that would help me chill out, but to no avail. So what did I do? Looked around my room, grabbed a sheet of paper, made a sketch of the layout of the room, flipped over the page, re-designed it and started moving around everything in my room. So I've just spent the last 11 hours cleaning and redisigning the layout of my room. This is the first time I've sat down at the PC today, and I've now been awake for just over 28 hours. And it's looking much better. Probably due to the above, my head is beginning to hurt a little. It could, however, be due to the lifting and far too much exercise than should be allowed on a Sunday, especially when it's been on the higher side of 27°c (80.6 F, Y4L ) all day. Thank God the Eastern League umpires have resolved their strike issues. I can't wait until they get back to work tomorow - these replacement umpires are still terrible. Their strike zones suck and they seem to be totally random with calls, or ejections. For example, Bill Masse was ejected a couple of days ago for arguing balls and strikes. The Reading Phillies manager headed out earlier doing exactly the same thing, and did he get ejected? Of course not. Bill Masse then emerged from his dugout to ask why he was ejected a few days ago if the Phillies manager wasn't ejected, and judging from the radio feed, he didn't get the answer he was looking for. I really hate the libraries here. I was going through the books I actually own earlier as I was organising some stuff, and realised that despite reading some really good books over the years, I haven't read many that are better, simply because the libraries here don't stock them. I'm sorry, I don't believe there can be any reason that there is not one single copy of Sun Tzu's "Art Of War" available in Glasgow. It's pathetic, to say the least. And God help you if you want to read something that isn't popular here. There are shelves absolutely stacked with soccer books, but how many do they have on baseball? A grand total of 7. By comparison, there are 1,224 soccer books. Can someone hook me up with a 1-way ticket to New York? Please? My arms are tired of typing already, so that's all for now. Still 4-2 Reading, bottom of the 4th.
  11. Y4L, you need to use that other link I was telling you about, and upload your boxscore.css file to the same location. I'm on YIM. EDIT - The correct link is here.
  12. Save address is the location in your system memory that the reader is extracting the data from - the parts of the memory that MVP is using.
  13. It sure can. Thanks for all your hard work on this, Ty.
  14. One of the patches changed the configuration of the roster files, IIRC. I think it might have been patch 4. Try upgrading to patch 5 and import the rosters.
  15. That's true, actually. I'd eat garbage rather than that crap again. I was sick the next day, too!
  16. Show me at which point I said anything even similar to "BitTorrent files are illegal." Go for it. Try to find even the smallest morsel of a post that I made saying that - you won't. I know BitTorrent files aren't illegal, that's why I made the original post mocking the MPAA and their cronies for raiding yet another organisation that was using them. I also didn't say there are two sides "of the BT angle", as you put it. I pointed out that there are different ways to discuss it. If you can't see the difference, then you're an idiot. I'll agree with you on one thing, though. Yes, totally. However, look closer, that's not what I said in my last post. What I actually said was this; Read this: the "or" indicates the I was giving multiple examples of essentially the same thing, while the and indicates that I was making a different point. Read it again. The red text indicates part 1 and the blue text indicates part 2, the rebuttal text that goes against part 1. Try reading posts rather than skimming them - it leads to much better communication. The phrase "trashing" is commonly used to indicate the collection and/or use of items that have been discarded by their previous owner, whether they actually put it in the trash or left it in the middle of the street. Again, it helps to know the facts before posting. The neighbour works nights, so I don't think she'd have been too happy if I banged on her door at 3pm, while she's sleeping, to ask if I could take a PC that she had left outside. Having worked nights previously, I sure as hell wouldn't be happy if it happened to me. Now, is there anything else you wish to say before disappearing for another few weeks, or maybe a month or two, then posting another of your jersey samples?
  17. It's probably better if you know the facts before you start making posts about it. No digging through anything was involved - it was left outside, beside the bin, on the concrete. No different than if someone had dumped it outside in the middle of the street. I wasn't talking directly about Bittorrent - I was discussing a news item related to a site that provides Torrent links. Do you not see the difference between saying "You can get this game for free at [insert preferred destination here]" or "Here's a link to get the game free..." and discussing an item of news that is being reported around the world, and stating your opinion on it? That's where I'm bringing up opinions from - I was stating mine. You're perfectly entitled to say what you want along the lines of my use of the winking emoticon, but it wasn't intended to be clever - it was intended to let you know that I didn't intend to disrespect your post.
  18. New version is great, Ty. Thanks. :)
  19. If you're ignorant enough to throw out a perfectly working system, then why shouldn't someone with the knowledge to make the software work take it? You throw it out into a communal area, it's fair game. Why is that funny to you? I don't understand. Are we not allowed to have opinions or something? ;)
  20. Totally, that would work. Thanks. :)
  21. What about copying the players from the batting order to the fielding section, and just exporting zeros for their fielding stats? Obviously, the player would then have to have an at-bat, but that's pretty likely anyway. Kraw didn't have those in his sample boxscore, so I didn't put them in. I can put them in if you like.
  22. Just completed first game with latest version and kraw's layout (nice job kraw). It's up here. Just a few things. In the fielding section, as you can see, a couple of players, Harvey and Niles for the Mudcats and Lopez and Howard for the Thunder, share the same position. It looks like the program takes their first position from the rosters and uses that for the fielding section, as the batting section correctly shows where they actually played in the game. Also, is it possible to list the players who did play in the field, even if they didn't actually record any chances to make a play? I liked the section of neojonas' layout that showed the total averages for items, such as team BA, fielding percentage and team ERA in the totals row, but kraw's only has the totals for single items, such as hits and assists etc. Could the averages be added? Otherwise, really, really nice, yet again. :D
  23. Very weird. I'll try to figure it out. Thanks Ty. :)
  24. Well, I'll be using the most recent version now for sure. If the first 2 innings are actually the last 2, that's not too bad as it can be copied to the end...I think. Have the actual results of the first 2 innings been overwritten then? Just looked at the file again, but it doesn't quite match. If the 1st inning is actually the 13th, Michael Coleman would have been up twice in it, being intentionally walked once and singling once, whcih obviously couldn't happen unless the Biscuits batted around, which they didn't. Confusion abound. :? Thanks Ty.
  25. Ty, not sure if you can help here, but I'm hopeful. I played a game earlier which was exceptionally long - I finished it in the bottom of the 14th with a walk-off single. All fine and good, but when I ran the May 31st version of the Box Score Extractor (haven't gotten around to sorting out my recent files yet, hence, not using the latest version), I came across problems. The program found the memory location without any problem, but when I hit H for the home export, it worked for a second or two, then I got the XP error message with the crash analysis. I checked the directory to see what it had output already, and it had created the new file, but it was cut-off in the 13th and was really weird. (Michael Coleman, who hits second, was apparently leading off the first inning - didn't happen, and there are quite a few innings where there are errors in outs) I ran the program again, and it crashed again. The output was exactly the same. The game log which I've worked on and corrected as best I can is here. I've only attampted to fix the actual log, not touched the stats. The exact file that the program exported is here. I can also upload the test.dat file, or any others, if it would help. I had a feeling that there would be a problem with the at-bat logs resetting after the 5th at-bat...looks like it definitely found some problems. Also, when I tried to go back into the game, it crashed again. It only started crashing with the most recent May 31st version after the exporter was run, but this one must have cost me a few thousand MVP points in stolen bases. No biggie, they're useless anyway. Just a pain. Any ideas on how to recover the happenings of the game, if possible? Thanks again!
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