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Everything posted by MarkB

  1. Yes, it would be a stupid question. How about this - can you tell me if what new features Microsoft will introduce in Windows 8? Other than what Microsoft have said already, no, you can't - you'd be guessing. What makes you think that we have some sort of inside information on what 2K will do for 2K11? How are we supposed to know if 2K will change their file format for the rosters or not? They might change, they might not. The only people to ask that would know the answer are 2K, and good luck with that. Wow, where did you dig this gem of wisdom up from? And final warning - less of the insults. When you're that bad at them, though, I almost feel sorry for you.
  2. And what business is that of yours? You ask dumb questions, people will think you're dumb, and you'll get dumb answers. You want to ask dumb questions, ask away, but don't be surprised when people treat you with the respect your question deserves. And less of the insults.
  3. The more I think about it, the more I think he must have been on some kind of experimental type of LSD or something.
  4. A shrink would have a field day with that guy. Jeez.
  5. Ah, sorry about that. If you PM Trues, he should be able to sort something out and make arrangements for the file to be uploaded to the downloads section.
  6. Very nice, thanks Tony! You can upload it here as well, if you want to.
  7. Do you have any background with audio editing? Any at all? The new file is created by the program when you click "Save". The same as pretty much every single program made for Windows which has a save facility. You open a file which already exists, click save, and it overwrites the original. You're making something really simple look incredibly difficult.
  8. Happy 4th of July guys, have a great day. (It's windy and raining here. Can someone buy me a ticket? )
  9. Without listing mouse movements, I think that's about as step-by-step as it can get. I followed those instructions use Cool Edit Pro 2.1, and they worked fine. PEBKAC.
  10. Here we go. After this week's Yankees @ Dodgers series, here's a time-warp back to 1949, with games 3, 4 and 5 of the '49 Fall Classic with the Yankees and the Brooklyn Dodgers. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get a copy of games 1 and 2 to add to it. History was made in game 5 of the series, with it being the first World Series game finished under artificial lights. With the '49 Dodgers roster featuring Roy Campanella, Duke Snider and some guy named Jackie Robinson, and the Yankees having Yogi Berra, Phil Rizzuto and Joe DiMaggio, it was definitely a matchup for the ages. You can download it from here. Also, the 1941 All-Star Game. The 9th mid-summer classic took place in Briggs Stadium in Detroit. With a list of perennial all-stars on the rosters, if you don't know many of the players in this one, you don't know baseball. Download from here. Enjoy!
  11. Thanks again, Y4L. Christ, I totally forgot about this. I'll get them, and my next upload, the 1941 All-Star Game, uploaded tonight.
  12. As far as I know, if you purchase it from Digital Download or Steam, they provide you with a code that you can use. Did you purchase the game via Digital Download or Steam, or did you download it from somewhere else on the internet? Hasta donde yo sé, si lo compra en descarga digital o de vapor, que le proporcionará un código que puede utilizar. ¿Compró el juego a través de descarga digital o vapor, o que se descarga desde algún sitio del Internet?
  13. As far as I'm aware, you just create a new account on MLB Today and create a new username and password of your own choosing. I don't use it though, so I couldn't be sure. 2K should have to support creating accounts on MLB Today without the original DVD as they sell the game via Digital Download and Steam, but given the number of epic fails I've seen from them, I wouldn't guarantee full functionality on that either. Hasta donde yo sé, que acaba de crear una nueva cuenta en la actualidad MLB y crear un nuevo nombre de usuario y la contraseña de su elección. Yo no lo uso, sin embargo, por lo que no podía estar seguro. 2K debe tener para apoyar la creación de cuentas en Hoy MLB sin el DVD original, ya que venden el juego a través de descarga digital y de vapor, pero dado el número de la épica no he visto de ellos, yo no garantizaría la plena funcionalidad de eso. Pedimos disculpas por cualquier error en la traducción. :)
  14. My God, I watched 30 seconds of that and feel as if my ears have just been raped by Godzilla. Maybe I'm too left wing for my own good, but all I see in those pictures is a whole hell of a lot of fun. Stool thrown through window of large corporate entity? Check. Stomping on police cars? Check. Raging fire from police car in middle of open street, with civilians nearby? Check. When's the next flight to Toronto? Meanwhile, the top 10 stories on BBC.co.uk involve Glastonbury, England epically failing at the World Cup yet again, brothels being banned in Australia, and a re-link of a story from '06 about sitting straight being bad for your back. Ahh, well. If you're against anarchy, though...just be glad the raiders in Toronto weren't wearing Guy Fawkes masks. If they were...well, suffice it to say that stool wouldn't be going through a window.
  15. Thanks for covering for Y4L today, Dylan. The weekend wouldn't be the same without the random thoughts on a Sunday updates from someone! I can't believe I haven't heard about Toronto being torn to shreds - the fact that they just put up a fence and ignored everyone outside of it is just crazy - how naive can they possible be? Did they honestly think that everyone would be utterly well-behaved when the whole city knows that almost all of the police are inside the fence? I remember you mentioned that the G8 and G20 were happening in Toronto and we had some discussion about it in the shoutbox - I had no idea it was so soon, though. Although, I can add a random thought of my own. I hope the next G8 and G20 summits are here in Glasgow, and are equally well-planned. We could do with a boost to the economy. Not the government's economy, the people's economy. With our VAT going up to 20% in January, we could do with some extra income, and I'd be more than happy to relieve some very large retailers of some very large TV's and some very expensive stereo equipment. Anarchy in the UK!
  16. Translated from Google; Two things for anyone reading this - one, please don't send anyone who requests it your username and password for anything. Hopefully, no-one around here would be gullible enough to do it anyway, but you never know. Second, if you actually make some mods, then you may be added to the Modders group. Until then, you have the choice of purchasing a subscription or dealing with the 2 downloads per day limitation. And whether nunez0212 has any idea what I'm saying in this post, I have no idea. :lol:
  17. Everyone whose status says "[insert name here] has not set their status" is a damn liar!

  18. Moved to the MVP '05 Support forum. Ladslad, you need to check out this thread and post the information requested in it. That way, we know what kind of config you're running and can help out.
  19. 266 downloads

    It doesn't have a great deal of information, but for those looking for it, here it is.
  20. 1228 downloads

    The MLB 2K10 patch 1.1 for Digital Download and Steam users. I am not 100% sure if this will work for Steam users as I'm not one of them (thankfully), but I see no reason why it should not. Contained within the .ZIP are 5 files; mlb2k10_v1.1.1.1_ddsetup_patch.exe - the patch installer. If you use this, you won't need to worry about the other 4 files. If you have any issues with the installer, please see the notes contained in this download. mlb2k10.exe, english.iff, loc.iff and roster.iff - these are the 4 files which the patch changes. If you don't want to use the installer, just extract these files to your MLB 2K10 installation directory and overwrite the originals. (Don't forget to make a backup.) Any problems, please post in the forums.
  21. 637 downloads

    Nice and simple - the official MLB 2K10 PC patch, version 1.1. After launching the patch, it may take a few minutes to install - possibly with a message stating that it is determining your disk space requirements or validating the installation - at which time it may stop responding to Windows commands and seem like it has crashed. Chances are, it actually hasn't, and it just busy installing the patch. If you have any issues, please click the Patch button, then do not interact with the window (or, if you can avoid it, the system in general) until it has finished. If the installation has not completed within a few minutes (give it 5 to be safe), it probably won't work, for whatever reason. Try again if you want, or simply download SeveredSoulX's .ZIP file here, which simply contains the 4 modified files, then copy them to your MLB 2K10 installation directory.
  22. Ask and ye shall receive. Thank you for posting the others man. I've now doubled the size of my radio game collection - to 4. I'll get the other ones I have - games 3, 4 and 5 of the 1949 World Series - up later tonight or tomorrow afternoon.
  23. I don't have many radio broadcasts, but here's one of the few I have managed to get a copy of - the 1960 World Series between the Pirates and the Yankees. The 1960 Pirates team featured eight all-stars but went into the Series an underdog against the strong Yankees squad of that year, featuring its own list of all-stars - Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, Yogi Berra, Elston Howard and Whitey Ford, to name a few. The Yankees went on to score more than twice as many runs as the Pirates did in the Series, but as we all know, that says nothing about the overall result. Listen for yourself to hear how the 1960 World Series played out. Game 1: Art Ditmar vs. Vern Law Game 2: Bob Turley vs. Bob Friend Game 3: Wilmer Mizell vs. Whitey Ford Game 4: Vern Law vs. Ralph Terry Game 5: Harvey Haddix vs. Art Ditmar Game 6: Whitey Ford vs. Bob Friend Game 7: Bob Turley vs. Vern Law Game 7 turned out to be a true baseball classic. You can download it from here. Enjoy!
  24. For some reason, baseball today doesn't seem to have the same fire, the charisma, that the old players had. If a player did even half the things they did back then today, he'd be fined so much that he'd be on less than minimum salary. He'd be on double-A wages. :lol:
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