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Everything posted by MarkB

  1. That reminds me, I noticed this as well. I assume it's just another bug.
  2. I actually saved a copy of that shoutbox archive, Y4L. Happy Jesus Zombie Day, everyone! Welcome to Opening Day!
  3. And what, pray tell, would be the turn of events which would take place had it not, as you say, "worked"? Are we to expect a wrath of holy hell to be unleashed upon our souls because it didn't "work"? As you can (hopefully) see by now, it has "worked", and you should now be able to download files to your heart's content. But, then again, I assume we can expect a post from you in one of the support forums when a roster you've failed to install correctly crashes your game. I presume that, also, will be filed with empty threats, excessive use of question marks, and other related E-thuggery. Keep it gangsta.
  4. I should hope not. Speak with your pitching coach or athletic co-ordinator to discuss your options when pitching and maybe have a scan done on your shoulder and/or elbow just to make sure there's no unwanted changes to the condition of your arm. Speak to a few people, don't rely on the word of just one person. At 13/14, you should be doing as much as possible to get by on strictly "normal" pitches - no breaking balls. Ask about adding other pitches to your repertoire if you feel you can't live without throwing something other than fastball and changeup, but make sure you discuss the impact on your arm of adding the pitch. You could add a 2-seamer as a happy medium between an actual breaking ball and a fastball, since it will; be a few MPH slower than your 4-seamer, but also a good addition to your arsenal. Good luck.
  5. There are more productive ways of asking Trues to clear the downloads cache. You can see only a couple of posts above yours that another member had a similar issue, he asked about it in a reasonable manner, and Trues cleared the cache on the downloads list, which seems to have resolved the problem. If you did that as well, it would probably already have been sorted. Instead, you decide to make a childish post announcing your false sense of entitlement to 2 downloads per day. Why should you "get another one"? What have you done for the site to warrant getting 2 free downloads per day? Why do you need, as opposed to want rosters for 2010? Is not having accurate rosters for a baseball game going to cause you, or your immediately family or friends, some sort of grave harm which can't be recovered from? Get a grip on reality.
  6. A 13 year old, throwing a slider? Best of luck with the Tommy John.
  7. 494 downloads

    MarkB's 2010 Bright House Field mod for MLB 2K10. ================================================ Bright House Field, Clearwater, Florida, home of the Clearwater Threshers and Spring Training home of the Philadelphia Phillies. Change list: Added the following advertisements; Hooters Clearwater Gas System Budweiser Innisbrook Golf Resort Maintenx St. Petersburg Times Morton Plant Mease ESPN 1040AM Jameson Irish Whiskey Lenny's Tampa Bay Lightning Oakley Coke Zero Romano's Macaroni Grill First Priority Budweiser Banquet Masters La Quinta Kathy Anderson Dermatology Frenchy's Also added the Phillies logo to the jumbotron in left field to replace the "Road To The Show" picture, added a jumbotron image, added Bright House Field banners and the World Champions banner, revamped and updated the left field and right field food stalls and concessions stands - Bullpen Grille and Short's Snacks - and added the highway sign for Bright House Field. I've done my best to get as large a variance of ads as possible, and all of the ads shown in the mod are in the stadium today. I've also tried to get them as close to their actual location as possible - for example, the Budweiser ad being in right field, the Maintenx ad facing home plate from the outfield - but due to the way 2K has coded the stadiums, as we all know, there are some repeating ads. Until a modelling tool is created, we're stuck with it, I'm afraid. Installation instructions ================= Backup your existing stadium_st01.iff file, then copy the included stadium_st01.iff file into the installation directory for your copy of MLB 2K10 and overwrite the original.
  8. Ty, just a heads-up on an issue I noticed with 0.11 of the editor. I made some name changes - Jesus Montero, Andrew Brackman and Austin Romine - and after making the changes, the team names are, well, messed up. Before; After; I have a backup taken before the changes were made, so no biggie. Thanks.
  9. Looking good Roy, keep it up. :)
  10. Nope, you have to overwrite them. Trust me, it makes a big difference. Imagine you have a piece of paper on your desk with "ABC" written on it. You scrunch it up and throw it in the bin. Would it be odd that it's no longer on your desk?
  11. That is, of course, your prerogative. :)
  12. For it to be free would be a nice start. Basically, though, MVPEdit for 2K10. I haven't played 2K10 yet, but as roter editing programs go, MVPEdit pretty much covers it. DangerZ's editor for High Heat was solid as well. From what I've been reading about outfield arm strength, global editing would be good as well.
  13. I wish - you don't want to know how long my "games to get" file is, seriously. Let me know if you want them and I'll get them uploaded.
  14. I have the WCBS 880 feed of the 2009 ALCS between the Yankees and Twins as well, if anyone wants them. They're in .wav format, but I'll convert them to MP3 if others want them. Unfortunately, I don't have the ALCS or World Series.
  15. MarkB

    Windows 7

    So...register it? See here.
  16. With the imminent release of this year;s games, I remembered while reading Y4L's post about the PS3 that I totally forgot about buying The Show '09 for the PS2. I had thought about it last year and decided I'd give 2K9 a chance. I didn't expect The Show '10 to be released on PS2 as well, but it looks like it will be. Looks like this will be a good year for baseball gaming - 2K10 looks much better than last year (and the My Pitcher feature looks awesome, time will tell if it is or not), and as a backup, Sony are releasing The Show '10 on PS2 as well. Props to Sony for that one, not forgetting their old customers. This winter seems to have went awfully quickly. Usually, by December I'm fiending for some baseball, and by February I can't wait, but it seems like I'm saying "already?" to the news that pitchers and Molina's report this week. Of course, it's not a bad thing. I guess I've had too much other stuff going on. The above notwithstanding, I still haven't got my Yankees game collection from last season organised yet. Looks like I'll be needing another 1GB drive to put it off for another year! You can keep your iPhones, your Droids, all the rest of it. The Nokia E71 does everything you need a smartphone to do. Don't even get me started on the iPad. Sadly, I think the GPU on my laptop may be dying, it's been intermittently struggling with playing video. I really hope a clean out with compressed air will sort it when I get home, but I'm doubtful. I really need to get back into sports this year. With spring training fast approaching, what better time to start? Just wish the weather would hurry up and heat up. There's a reason they hold spring training in Florida and not in Glasgow, Scotland.
  17. MarkB

    Windows 7

    No problems running MVP on Windows 7 here either.
  18. It involves a Yankees win, so I'm sure I will. :)
  19. Hey, a Baseball Almanac scoresheet. Not been on there in a while. Great site. Thanks for uploading. :)
  20. Sometimes yes, sometimes no; sometimes it's simply another trick to see if your e-mail address is actually in use or not. You click unsubscribe, they receive the unsubscribe request, know that your e-mail address is active and being read by a real human, and they sign you up to more junk mail. Best thing to do is just ignore it and delete it - 2 pieces of junk mail twice a month are better than 20 pieces a day. Wait...buy another one? So you buy one console that has inherent hardware faults and is not fit for purpose, it dies, ten you need to go out and buy a new one? Damn that! Didn't Microsoft extend the warranty for 360s with the RROD by 3 years? Even then, I'd be getting in touch with them, or doing more research. I don't know about Canada, but here, there's a clause in the Sale of Goods Act 1979 that states that if you buy something that isn't fit for purpose, you're entitled to apply for your money back within a reasonable period of time from the original sale, or a repair or replacement. Why should you get screwed because Microsoft produced an inherently faulty product? You mean pitchers and Molina's. ;)
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