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Everything posted by MarkB

  1. I learn something new every time there's a post in this thread. Thanks Y4L. :)
  2. You're not so bad yourself, my man! :)

  3. I never knew Clemente's body was never found. For such an icon, that's tragic. :(
  4. I've just downloaded it, so if anyone wants a copy, shoot me a PM.
  5. Anyone else just have absolutely nothing to do today? First time in a while I've not had a computer to fix for someone, or anything non-work related to do. It's 1:45am, fixed a laptop, then went out for a drive with a friend earlier, but didn't go to the club. Since then, spent half an hour on the phone, listened to music, defragged some hard drives, then browsed another board for some giggles. I have some accounts to do (which haven't been done since October), but I'm not really in the mood. Might have some dinner then watch a movie or 2. Man, the winter sucks. Makes you want to just chill at home.
  6. Same here. That's pretty much what the film was about; Stump's struggles with Cobb to make the book, with Cobb wanting a memoir of epic proportions about how skilled he was, but Stump wanting to tell the true story. I'm sure it's available on some P2P sites.
  7. The movie "Cobb" with Tommy Lee Jones is pretty good as well. Provides some insight into his life, although I'm sure some of it is fictionalised for the screen.
  8. Thanks for posting this man, it's a nice little guide. :good:
  9. Looks like I might have been just in time to save our little friend - I spent a few days away from home this week and just got back tonight to find this on the wall. This sucker is currently contained between a sheet of paper and a CD cake top...running around circles attempting to find a way out. It seemed to attempt suicide and fake death by jumping from the top of the wall to the floor after I spent 15 minutes throwing a foam ball at it and hitting it repeatedly, but after refusing to move, a direct attack with a kitchen roll tube was attempted, and led to the suicide attempt. Were it dealing with a lesser species, it may have been successful, but it was dealing with a human. A Scottish human. No mercy. I originally had thoughts of letting Shaniquilon Tre" battle the intruder, who I'm considering naming Xerxes, but I think Mother Nature kinda screw Shaniquilon Tre" on that front, so I'm pondering ideas on what to do with it. Quite intrigued as to what kind of spider it is as well, as it's quite a bit larger, and seems more aggressive, than a normal house spider seen around these parts. It's damn hard to get adecent photo through the CD cake top, though, so I can only go only what you can see from the photos of it on the wall. Dylan, ideas for names other than Xerxes?
  10. But Y4L, look at the eyes! He's practically begging to be cared for! The poor little guy is just looking for a home, somewhere to keep him warm in the winter. After that, if he survives, he can be released into the comfort of the spring warmth with his friends, find a decent coke dealer, get stupid with his buddies, tear up a bar, screw a few drunk female ladybirds, have a late-night aphid meal, and eventually be torn apart by a hungry wasp after a night on the town. That's all anyone can ask for, isn't it? *Note: above post made in full knowledge that Shaniquilon Tre" is, in actual fact, most likely a female anyway.
  11. "Magic Mushrooms - on Sunday nights, there's nothing better!" Endorsed by CicrleChange11™.
  12. Just a few things, all of which are awesome in their own way. My most recent 2 litre bottle of Irn Bru was apparently so awesome it decided to ice itself while in my fride. So, whenever I pour a drink, it comes pre-iced. Win. Say hello to my new pet - Shaniquilon. (Thanks to Dylan for the name. ) He's been chilling in various spots on my ceiling and high on my wall for the last week or so, rarely moving, but decided to come down earlier, so I stabbed a few air holes in a container (I have no idea of the origin of said container), added a few drops of water and gave Shaniquilon his new home. He's currently having a drink. Unfortunately, I have no food for him (live bugs are scarce now with the colder weather coming), but I might add a piece of banana if he starts lagging. I don't think he'd much appreciate any other food I have in - think ladybirds like tuna, crackers, oranges, a Subway cookie, chilled microwave meals, chocolate, Oreo's, tortilla chips and ice cream?
  13. MarkB

    Windows 7

    Lies. It works fine.
  14. MarkB

    Site Issues

    Might be because my inbox is full, it desperately needs a clean-out. Give me a few minutes. EDIT - Try it now, should be fine. Sorry man.
  15. The U.S. is a country full of crazies. No offense to anyone that maybe from the U.S., or have American roots, but my God, I look back with horror at the last 30 years. :)
  16. I didn't get out of bed until 4pm, so it's still Sunday to me. Not done this in a while. Very glad to see a sweep of the Red Sox this weekend. On Thursday night, I said I'd be happy with a 2-game split, so a 4-game sweep is very good territory to be in - 6.5 ahead of the Sox in the East when only a few weeks ago people were starting to say "The Yanks are a cinch for the playoffs - in the wildcard", a demoralised Red Sox squad leaving New York, A-Rod seeming to have his power stroke back again after a 66-game drought, and the starters coming around very well. The fifth spot is still a huge question mark, but if we can win 4 of every 5 games we play for the rest of the season, I'm sure any Yankees fan will take that. I never realised at the time what a blessing getting made redundant from Dell would be. I offered to take it before it was even offered as I wasn't happy in the job any more and was looking for new things anyway, but since I finished on June 18th, almost everything has went to plan, and I'm happier on a daily basis than I have ben in years. I've moved into my own flat, gained quite a lot of independence, started working out again, going for runs in the mornings when I'm up late for no reason, spending more free time with friends and getting things done, been on a last-minute-arranged holiday, made more money in a month and a half than I have in a year fixing PCs, and can live to my own schedule again. If I want to stay up until 7am to watch the Yankees game, I can. No more 2 inning games, then catching up at work the next day. I might even start playing ball again. ...speaking of which, I pitched again for the first time in at least a year or so yesterday, and it went very well, considering the conditions. Just really a mess-around in the park with a few friends and some kids (which meant it was baseball one minute, then slow-pitch softball with a tennis ball and tennis racquet the next), but I got in about 60 real pitches on flat ground. Not only that, but the shoulder is feeling great, as it had started hurting last week while playing catch for some reason. Just regular "day-after-throwing" pain today. Played the outfield for the first time in years too. Toward the end, we ended up with 6 fielders and a pitcher on each team, a set of chairs or me, regardless of the team batting, as the catcher, and 5 bases. No idea what happened there. Did get plunked once in the back of the calf while taking some BP, though. 3rd pitch from a guy who's never played before. Could be a lot worse, no pain at all due to the location. Yep, those lines are the marks from the stitching on the ball. For the record, the BIOS on Gateway systems sucks. No way to change the HDD mode to ATA or AHCI, thus, when attempting to install XP, if your CD doesn't have the drivers on it and it's a new laptop, hence, no floppy drive, you're SOL. "Setup did not find any hard disk installed in your computer". Thank you once again, Bill Gates. I hope you die a slow, painful death. Found this site yesterday - it's a site you can go on to and type in seemingly anything for the world to see, sort of like a huge, ASCII-based shoutbox like we have here, but with no names. I started an MVPMods one yesterday, located here. Also mentioned in the "Cool links" thread, Youtuberepeat.com is pretty cool. Still cannot find a copy disk 1 of 100 Years of the New York Yankees. Got disk 2, which is great, but would be nice to complete the collection. For the record, Glasgow City Council and its employees, as well as, to a slightly, but only very slightly, lesser extent, Glasgow City Council's Housing Benefit department, are all *****. Pure, unadulterated, "we sent you the right form with the wrong information and you filled it out wrongly because you ticked an option that's no longer available because we sent out an old form that needs updated but hasn't been updated yet and we didn't let you know that, so you messed up", "give us a reason why you require your benefits to be back-dated because moving across the city with no car, a house full of stuff and no access to non-public transportation isn't good enough", "we don't have a telephone number that you can call without paying exorbitant call charges and getting a terrible attitude from the socially retarded more-like-an-ape-but-passes-for-human-because-calling-them-an-ape-would-be-insulting-to-primates" *****. Hmm. Yes. The more I look around, the more I wonder how in the hell I managed to fit all this stuff that I have in one room in my old house. It's crazy. I love the fact that when I first moved in, I was barely getting 4Mb, but now that the line is being trained, it goes up every time the link is activating, so I'm now just over 6Mb, and my upstream is twice what it was at my old house, which is very nice for seeding. One of my customers sent me a text today, asking which was better - his Toshiba Equim laptop, or his Acer laptop. No specs, no model numbers, nothing. Just as well I've used them both in the past, otherwise I'd have no idea. Still can't find a way to get Paint Shop Pro 8 working on XP 64-bit. Pain in the ***. And finally, the sun is starting to change the black over the hills to a shady blue, so sunrise approaches at 5:23am in Glasgow. With that said, I'll wrap it up. Have a good week, gents.
  17. The message is pretty descriptive and self explanatory. Remove the read only attribute from the hist.dat file.
  18. That's the thing, we're not charging anything for access to mods. If people don't want to or are unable to obtain a subscription, they can continue to obtain mods for free.
  19. Finally updated the links. Most should link to the correct location for downloading files now. OEdit is no longer available, so I'll e-mail the author and see if we can arrange something to get it hosted here.
  20. Well, there are plenty of datafile mods available, so yes. A search of the forums and downloads section should provide the answers you're looking for.
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