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Everything posted by MarkB

  1. Jim, for what it's worth, I'm looking forward to your new announcement as well. Thanks. :)
  2. Not a YouTube link, but Nick Van Exel is the man.
  3. Man, Y4L, you need to turn some AA on in your graphics card settings. With a brand new system, there should be no reason for that many jaggies. :)
  4. Yep, definite difference. Rap is just that - rapping over a beat, doesn't have to make a great deal of sense, but sounds decent. Hip-pop is the stuff you see most on MTV etc., a bastardisation of hip-hop that's been dumbed down and fed to the masses in the name of hip-hop, but actually carries very few of it's qualities. Hip-hop is more than a musical preference - it's a lifestyle.
  5. On the contrary, super. I hate rap and hip-pop for the most part as well. I'll listen to some rap and hip-pop for the same reason I have random dance, techno and oldies music on my MP3 player - I like how it sounds. Nothing more, nothing less.
  6. I guess I better kill that plan to send you a new mixtape. Random thoughts; Loving the new PC set up. Speedy Gonzalez in PC form. Plays Spore and NBA 2K9 well with nothing more than the onboard HD3200 graphics. Pinstriped unis in MVP look terrible though, even with AA and AF maxed. I'm tempted to think it's something to do with the drivers, but I'm unsure. Shame, too, because everything else looks great. Speaking on NBA 2K9, mentioned this in the shoutbox last night, and still haven't found a solution. Anyone else who has NBA 2K9; can you use different buttons to shoot and steal? For some reason, mine seems to be tied to one button and can't be changed. Using a PS2 controller with PS2-to-USB adaptor. Annoying as hell. If anyone has any ideas, please PM me. Still to try NBA 2K9 via HDMI to my 37" TV. I'm pretty sure it'll look amazing. It looks great on my 19" TFT monitor, but on the TV it'll look fantastic. Just as a standard upgrade, looking around for a new graphics card. Still to do some serious research into what's best for my needs. Was considering a HD4670 earlier as I was going to the store that had them in anyway, but it was an after-market card from PowerColour, couldn't be overclocked by much and wasn't particularly future-proof, so I'm on the hunt for one that fits the bill. Shouldn't be to difficult to find a decent deal. Back to work again tomorrow. Bleugh. New capacitor issues on the Optiplex GX620s. Shoot me now. Can't wait for March 14th - Amir Khan and Marco Antonio Barrera. That should be an epic fight, but it's a big risk for Khan. It's also a lose-lose situation - he wins the fight, people will say Barerra was over the hill. He loses, people will say he's not got a chin and won't make it. Might see if I can get tickets to go down to Manchester with some of the guys. Winter copy of 2600 came in the mail today. Love the picture on the front, and some of the letters are weird and wonderful. I'm you're not a subscriber already and are interested in the sort of thing you'd find in the magazine, I strongly recommend it. Anyone seen a website called Not Always Right? Great for wasting time at work, reading anecdotes of just how stupid some customers can be. Looking forward to opening day. Bring it on. Last random thoughts before Barack Obama takes over in the White House. It's been a long time coming.
  7. 1021 downloads

    2008 version of Waterfront Park, home of the AA Yankees affiliate Trenton Thunder. I finally decided to update the grass texture from raindelay7's field minimizer to Trues, The Big O and compmaniac's Field Changer 1.2 mod. The grass minimizer was originally used to remove the "shimmering" effect from the grass, but the Field Changer mod made a great advancement in that the grass still has texture, but does not shimmer, whereas the grass minimizer removed the texture altogether. The mod now comes with the Field changer grass as default, although you can find the grass minimizer files inside the "Grass minimizer" folder included in the package if you prefer to use them. If you want to use them and are unsure how to install them, let me know. As always, though, thanks to raindelay7 for allowing me to package his mod with this one for the last few releases. I also updated the stadium select screen image that can be used with the stadium and have included that within this package. Installation instructions ================= Copy the aa02nite.big file from the directory to which you have extracted this file into the stadium directory for your copy of MVP Baseball 2005. The default is C:\Program Files\EA Sports\MVP Baseball 2005\data\stadium. This stadium is compatible with all total conversion modifications of MVP 2005, including MVP '06, '07, '08 and all of the Total Classics and full-season mods. If you want to use the stadium select screen files, copy the WP08SSS.bat, gfxpak.exe and aa02.fsh files from the "Stadium Select Screen" folder into your MVP Baseball 2005 directory, then run WP08SSS.bat. When the file has installed, you should get a message letting you know. From there, just press any key and the batch file will close. The files will automatically be deleted after the installer has completed. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this mod in any way over the years. Full names list is in the readme. If you like this stadium and are willing and able, a donation to MVPMods.com would be much appreciated. MVPMods has existed as a community since 2004 and countless hours of tireless work have gone into making it what it is today - the best site on the internet for modding MVP 2005. No other websites come close to containing anywhere near the same amount of mods, information or knowledge that MVPMods and it's users have of the MVP Baseball series. You will not find this mod on any other sites other than MVPMods and a donation to the site would not only be appreciated by the staff, but also by the dedicated and worldwide userbase which MVPMods has developed over the years. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the stadium! Any feedback is much appreciated - you can post on the forums at MVPMods.com, e-mail me at markb@mvpmods.com, or leave a comment on the download details page on MVPMods.com. Screenshots;
  8. Because instead of having to show complex video and gameplay in a full-screen window, it's showing it in a smaller space, thus not using as much power or processing time.
  9. Off work this week, so going to bed around 5pm and waking at 3am is normal. Appropriately, I've just woken up, and it's 3:20am. :)
  10. Same here. The game starts at 1:05am here and I have work tomorrow, but I could not care less. I wouldn't miss this for the world, and the DVR will be working overtime. I just wish the show started earlier so we could watch all the pre-game activities as well, but, to be honest, given the terrible record of our American sports channel this year (game starts at 12:05am, for example, the show will start at 1:30am and cut 2 innings from the game where no runs were scored), I'm just glad the show starts at 12:50am and gives us a little build-up so we don't miss any of the game.
  11. Look at the date now, and the date when the game was released, The game calculates the ages of the players based on their DOB relative to 2005, when the game was released. The reason they are 3 years out is because it's now 2008 - 3 years later.
  12. I totally missed this last night, but damn, Bernie Mac dead? The dude was only 50. What a damn shame. He was comic genius. R.I.P. to another fallen great.
  13. MarkB


    MVPEdit uses .mbe files, which you generate when you import the game's current rosters from the datadatabase directory. My all-encompassing FAQ list gives instructions on exactly how to use MVPEdit to open rosters.
  14. I cannot believe that I'm reading a post from someone who can't use capitalisation or punctuation correctly, but calls others ignorant. I'll tell you what. Go check out our Official Yankees fan thread. In there, you'll find all sorts of Yankees discussion, a large percentage of it concise and correct with meaning. While the posters opinions may be incorrect in your eyes, read the content of what they are saying. It all makes sense, doesn't it? It's well laid out, formatted, and has clear explanations for opinions where necessary. DOes that make us clueless and ignorant? The fact that we can express our opinions in a functional manner, while you go on spouting garbage and can't even figure out how to use the Caps Lock key? You know what? Skip any other posts in the Yankees fan thread. Check our the minor league updates I make in there. They'll show you about ignorance. If you can find one post of mine in that thread that is laid out as badly as yours, I'll donate my month's wages, which come in tomorrow, to a charity of your choice. As for your farm system - well, all the examples you quoted are currently on your major league team, so I'm not sure if you are actually talking about your farm system or not, but I'll bring out some names that have passed through our farm system and on to the Major League club, in the same way you have. Here goes; Chamberlain Hughes Pettitte Ramirez Rivera Robertson Wang Posada Cano Jeter How do you like that? And even better, the Yankees won 4 World Series championships in 5 years when a few of these guys had just been promoted to the team - Jeter, Pettitte, Posada and Rivera. By the way, for your minor league teams, your AAA team is half a game ahead of ours and our AA team is 6.5 games ahead of yours. Going into the A leagues is pretty pointless as almost everything is unproven there and depends on the league. Between AAA and AA, though, the Red Sox teams winning percentages is .580, while the Yankees is .608. There's your domination. How's that for clueless, ignorant and obnoxious? Now, if you want to have a discussion on the Yankees and Red Sox, we can do that, I have no problem with that. Just start a thread and we can go back and forth all day. But if you want to start throwing around insults, you'll find yourself on the first train out of here.
  15. Hey Y4L, it it's not too big a drive, I'd go grab Ron's autograph. It's sad to think this, but you never know when your next chance will be, if you get one at all. As for you, tfoley427, you're an embarrassment to Red Sox fans everywhere. Get a life, and a clue.
  16. You need to learn some respect. You're cussing a high-school girl out over a dance? It's bad enough that you're doing it anyway, but over something so minor and unimportant is crazy. As for my random thoughts, I have too many to post about. Trues would need to get another new server to contain a random thoughts post from me just now.
  17. Here's some early random thoughts; "...and now recognised by Ring Magazine as the new lineal light heavyweight champion of the world - Joe Calzaghe!" Firstly, screw intellectual property being used by corporations. It's just wrong. Someone had uploaded the whole Calzaghe vs. Hopkins fight on YouTube and I had just settled down to watch it again before going to bed. What do I get when I click on the 9th and 10th rounds video? "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Home Box Office". Yeah, well screw HBO, and their copyright claim. They make enough money as is. Great fight from Calzaghe. He got caught in the first, but, as he does in a lot of fights, changed his style to match the opponent and I don't think he lost a round after round 4. Bernard Hopkins - wow. Don't get me wrong, he's a boxing hall of famer, no doubt. But he also needs a star on the Hollywood walk of fame for his performance on the low blow when he took a break. Yeah, he did get touched below the belt, the key word being touched, as opposed to punched. If he had been hit with a devastating blow right to the nether regions, it's understood. That's why they have the 5 minute break. But he didn't. His acting after the decision was good as well, but not quite as good. He may believe that he won the fight while he was in the ring, but if he watches the video, he'll see he was outclassed by a younger, better, harder fighter who simply wanted it more. When I first saw Joe Cortez was refereeing the fight, I thought Calzaghe had no chance. Cortez didn't do much, if anything, to convince me that his performances in the last few years have gone drastically downhill, but the fact that he managed to get Michael Buffer to introduce him as Joe "Fair but firm" Cortez to make him look good in the event of an unpopular decision for Calzaghe was hilarious to me. Fun fact - there were more Welsh fans than Americans in the Thomas & Mack arena for the fight. No really big fights to look forward to for the foreseeable future. Amir Khan is waiting to see if Nate Campbell will fight Joel Casamayor but is scheduled to fight someone in June - no-one knows who. I'd like to see him face anyone in the top 5 apart from Yuri Romanov, who only has 4 more fights than him. Fighting an experienced veteran such as Juan or Julio Diaz would be more risky, but would be an excellent test to see how he handles someone that has been in the ring for a long time, and would be a good showcase for the worldwide audience before a Casamayor/Campbell fight. At this stage, he has nothing to learn from someone with only a few more fights than him. Anyway, baseball... Yankees slipped below .500 with today's loss to Baltimore. Kennedy just doesn't look good on the mounds, doesn't look comfortable. Good to see Harlan Chamberlain getting better, and Joba make an appearance tonight. 1 inning of hitless relief, 1 walk, 2 Ks. Still can't get my head around the Farnsworth suspension. I hope Daniel Cabrera gets some severe punishment, after all, he hit the same guy twice in one game, whereas Farnsworth didn't hit anyone, and only came close once. I better stop...the sarcasm meter is overflowing. Finally got around to releasing the 2007 Waterfront Park mod. God, it took long enough. Hopefully I can get some decent photos and get the 2008 one done much quicker. Also, if anyone can help with some things in the park, please let me know. Scranton win 1-0 over Rochester, Trenton win 5-3 in 11 innings with Ramiro Pena's go-ahead single. Last non-baseball thoughts... Work last Friday, left at 2:30pm on a 6:30pm shift. Felt like crap due to a flu - severe headache/migraine, general lethargy and exhaustion. Off on Monday, back in on Tuesday with some symptoms, but OK to work. Slight cough, runny nose, watering eyes, the usual crap. Cough gets worse through the week. Wake on Thursday, sore throat. Thursday night, coughing up blood and almost vomiting from coughing so much. Off on Friday, go to doctors - chest infection with damage to throat lining. Sick line, off work until at least Monday the 28th. Woohoo! Still not feeling great though. On the positive side, it's a week off work, and my abs are getting a severe workout from the coughing. Negative side - the muscle mass I'd built up recently has all but disappeared due to lying in bed and doing nothing with no training at all, not even dead weights, and the ab improvement is only just visible due to the thin layer of fat that's developed where the muscle was due to no cardio for 2 weeks. Arms looking rather skinny compared to how I'm used to seeing them now. Lost 5lbs in the last 2 days, and 3½ of that is probably muscle. Battle Royale. Download it. You like it, buy it. Great film. (Yeah, I'm encouraging copyright violation. Sue me.) 2 things I would stab a Jehovah's Witness for right now - a Subway chocolate chip cookie or a chocolate cupcake. Neither of which I have at this particular moment in time. I need to figure out some way of finding a good shot of the apartment blocks that are being demolished in summer. Should make for some very nice photographs and/or video, some of which I might circulate, if they're any good. I love my MSDN license. If you need one reason, just one reason to work for a large I.T. company, the MSDN license is enough. In short - free access to almost any Microsoft product you can think of, along with product keys, and no need to screw around with cracks or activation hacks. And the only reason I say "almost" is because I'm not sure if it's every Microsoft product, but I haven't looked for one that's not been there yet, and they have a very wide archive. Having damaged throat lining sucks. You get the pain from your chest due to the chest infection, as well as the pain from your throat, then you need to spit all the crap from your chest out. Nasty. Regarding my earlier thought, forget the cookie and cupcakes. I just had a thought - why would anyone actually need a reason to stab a Jehovah's Witness? Finally, you've never seen humour until you've seen a Glasgow junkie, mangled out of his face, attempt to walk in a straight line while holding an open container of food in one hand and trying to control a German Shepherd in the other. Laughing that much cannot be good for my throat, but screw it - it's worth it. :lmao: TQ's new album, Paradise, it pretty good. Rather addictive. Eyes closing, sleep time. Have a peaceful week, everyone. Gift for all: some rather humorous images. (This looks like it was taken in a Dell technical support lab - all Dell equipment on show. I recognise the systems, and I have a feeling I know exactly why he kept getting that BSOD. Yes, it is a technician error. To be there at the time would have been funny as hell.) The following contain adult content, so don't click on them if you're underage or are offended by strong language. Yeah, everyone knows that won't stop you clicking on them, even though you're 12 and are depressed that you can't find any swear words in the dictionary. I'm just covering my ***. http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/3664/1208640628589vm3.jpg http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/6312/1208640715896kb2.jpg http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/7847/cork6qtrc6yz0.jpg In closing, lolcats rule us all. The sooner we admit it, the less we will be harmed.
  18. 668 downloads

    Well, the prediction for a 2007 release before the '07 All-Star break was maybe just a little over-ambitious. Sorry it took so long, but here, finally, is a release of '07 Waterfront Park. I actually did most of the work on this stadium in May 2007, so I was well on-schedule for the ASB release, but regular life took over, and it's been on the backburner since then. In all honesty, I've forgotten how many things I've changed in 2007, but I think it's safe to say a whole lot. All of the represented stadium graphics should be up-to-date for the 2007 season and I've added quite a few details - again, I can't remember all of them. You may notice the retired numbers on the restaurant behind home plate. I know they look ugly and don't match with the colour of the restaurant wall, but it's either have that and deal with it or wait another 3 or 4 months until I get some time to fix it. Since summer last year, I have been having a lot of trouble finding the time to update the park even further. I have a long list of things I'd like to add or change in the stadium, but either don't have the time to do it, or don't have the time to gain the knowledge on how to do it myself. Both are very frustrating. So, if you know your way around modding stadiums in MVP '05 and are willing to help, please let me know and we'll see if we can work something out. Two of the more important things I'd like to add are an accurate Trenton background to the stadium and the river behind the right field wall. Even if only these were added, I think it would bring a whole new dimension to the stadium and would improve it drastically, so any help in this department would be much appreciated. Also, if you live in the Trenton area or can get any photos of the inside of Waterfront Park, these would also help a whole lot. I'm waiting for summer to kick in so that I can get some work done on the 2008 version, as I can see quite a few changes already, my normal photo locations seem to be running short of shots of Waterfront Park, so all I can really do is wait for some more photos. I'd really love to get a truly updated 2008 version done with the stadium background and right-field river included to go along with the Thunder's re-branding for the 2008 season, but unless some assistance comes from somewhere, there's not a great deal of chance that the 2008 update will be much more than graphical, which would be a huge missed opportunity. Copy the aa02nite.big file from the directory to which you have extracted this file into the stadium directory for your copy of MVP Baseball 2005. The default is C:Program FilesEA SportsMVP Baseball 2005datastadium. If you want to use the stadium select screen files, updated EA grass textures or FEENG.LOC file to correspond with Waterfront Park, download the 2005 Waterfront Park and install the files according to the readme file contained in that package. I'm looking for updated photos of the stadium so that I can update the stadium select files. If I find some, I'll update this download with them. If you like this stadium and are willing and able, a donation to MVPMods.com would be much appreciated. MVPMods has existed as a community since 2004 and countless hours of tireless work have gone into making it what it is today - the best site on the internet for modding MVP 2005. No other websites come close to containing anywhere near the same amount of mods, information or knowledge that MVPMods and it's users have of the MVP Baseball series. You will not find this mod on any other sites other than MVPMods and a donation to the site would not only be appreciated by the staff, but also by the dedicated and worldwide userbase which MVPMods has developed over the years. Enjoy!
  19. I'll join you in that club my man - I've got one as well. Was scheduled to work until 6:30pm on Friday, left at 2:30pm after a 1 hour lunch. With the way I felt at lunchtime, thank God I worked that extra time at the end of my shift the last few months. Made up the 4 hours almost perfectly. Now, it goes down as time in lieu rather than sick time. This cracked me up. :lmao: Someone's been studying their adjectives! :lmao: That's probably a good thing. What's it called? I'll probably want to catch it, Pacino is a legend. My thoughts; Another win for Amir Khan last weekend. Campbell and Casamayor for the undisputed lightweight title, then Khan vs. winner. Downloading last night's Clinton Woods vs. Antonio Tarver fight now, looking forward to watching that tonight, then Calzaghe-Hopkins next Saturday. Some great fights happening these days. God bless P2P. Got my eyes on a new DVD player since my old one packed up - Sumvision Pheonix, HDMI output, upscales to 1080p, region free, plays DVDs, DivX and XviD AVIs, has USB and SD/MMC inputs and has subtitle support as well. Great little player, and cheap too. Only problem is, it's on promotion and hardly anywhere has it, went through a lot of hassle this week to get it reserved, but finally got it done. Picking it up on Wednesday...hopefully. Got some new threads last week on a rare shopping trip, surprise pickup of the day being this; The amount of people who don't know how to use wireless internet correctly is amazing and sad. Well, funny as well. Wardriving FTW. For anyone who remembers my April Fools Day prank on a work colleague (here if you didn't read it), I finally told him the truth on Wednesday, and it was a sight I will remember for the rest of my life. The most I have laughed in one single day at work. And finally, Yankees @ Red Sox tonight on ESPN, looking forward to seeing Phil Hughes...and watch our UK commentary guys attempt to make things up about him because they haven't done enough research. Hope everyone has a good week.
  20. If Rick Roll becomes the theme tune of the Mets, I may begin to hate them more than I do already, which I didn't actually think was possible. The Earth will shatter.
  21. Stickied. Very nice thread, xiberger. Thanks! :D
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