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Everything posted by MarkB

  1. Hmmm...now that is an interesting question. I'll need to remember that one. ;)
  2. OK, how about we all forget this"discussion" ever happened and Spungo can get back to announcing, previewing and discussing his mods in this thread?
  3. Mixed bag this week. Good news first - local exchange has been upgraded to 8MBps internet. Always connected at 2MBps previously, connected last night at 7.7MBps. Thought it was a mistake, so reconnected and got 7.9MBps. Very nice, along with no price change. 14 days and 22 hours until Yankees Opening Day. Melky Cabrera and Shelley Duncan appealing suspension. Good. I was susprised to see A-Rod just allow himself to be tagged out in the last Yankees/Rays game, but if that's what had to happen to allow this little rivalry to settle, then it's worth it. Fun & games and a little extra tension on the field is good, but if it went further, it could have led to some serious injuries. Interested in reading this article when it comes out tomorrow in the L.A. Times. Looks like Tupac may have been right about Bad Boy's involvement in his shooting in 1994. Now the bad; Awaiting blood test results from my doctor - found out on Wednesday that I may have diabetes...not looking forward to that. Back to work tomorrow after one week's holiday. Looking forward to wasting the morning catching up on the 300+ e-mails I'll have received since last Friday. Washing machine damn near went on fire last night...sudden strong burning smell in the middle of a wash. Turned out the motor had died inside. Got a new one fitted today, and need some new brushes which are being done tomorrow. Close call. And some random news; The Pacquiao/Marquez fight last night looked like a good one. Will be watching that tonight. Looking forward to the Khan fight in early April, and the Calzaghe/Hopkins fight in mid-April. The build-up for that will be immense.
  4. I have no idea, but I'd hate to be a cop trying to give the poor S.O.B. a ticket for it. :lol:
  5. Some photos taken recently; Clearing the floors for explosives - this block of flats is to be demolished sometime in the near future. A soon-to-be-demolished but legendary wall - some of Glasgow's best artists have thrown their names up on this wall. A snowy Glasgow on Monday, featuring more of the high-rise flats. I have some videos of this snow as well...rare occurrence these days in Glasgow. On the laptop right now...for some reason, my desktop has stopped resolving DNS host names. I can ping out to my DNS server and any other remote IP addresses, but can't resolve a single host name. Pain in the ***. Flushed and re-registered DNS, no luck. I'm thinking I might need to re-install TCP/IP, which would be a royal pain in the *** with my current network setup. Haye/Maccarinelli last night...didn't quite live up to the hype, but who can blame Haye for stopping him in 2 rounds? After he got up, Maccarinelli almost reminded me of Zab Judah in the Kostya Tszyu fight - he was all over the place. Looking forward to seeing Haye at heavyweight. Next up are the Amir Khan and Joe Calzaghe fights in early April. Should be a good month for boxing. Holiday from work for 1 week...thank God. Planning on spending it getting back in shape. Put on 5 pounds in 6 days last week, so I've been on the weights and the rope since. It's amazing how much a little conditioning can do for your body. If only the roads weren't so damn icy I could do some roadwork as well, but falling flat on my *** and breaking a wrist isn't exactly conducive to a good workout regimen. Bones, the TV show, is incredibly addictive. A friend gave me a copy of the first series on DVD a month or so ago, and I'm on to series 2 now. Very good...plus, Emily Deschanel and Michaela Conlin are incredibly hot. Also recognised T.J. Thyne as Volunteer Officer Pickelstein/Gerald/pothead from How High, and Tamara Taylor in the second series from Senseless. Thank God baseball is back. Looking forward to recording some games on my DVR. I just wish there was more Spring Training coverage. Thanks for the link on the Cervelli story, Y4L, hadn't read that yet. That sucks for Cervelli, he was probably going to be the starting catcher in Trenton this year, if Jesus Montero didn't get it. So much for that plan. Thank you very much, Devil Rays. Expect some HBP in the next few days. I'm really tempted by The Show, but I flat out refuse to buy a PS3, and I need more reports on the PS2 capability before I take the plunge on it. Looks like a fantastic game though. Now if only it were available for PC... Finally, shaving is also a pain in the ***. Is it both safe and aesthetically pleasing to wax your face? Anyways, time to go. Adios.
  6. I imagine it wouldn't be dreadfully difficult to crack the password with some sort of password recovery program.
  7. Well, it's sad, but he needs all the help he can get, and I think he would make a much better president than Hillary Clinton or Ron Paul, to name 2. His foreign policy is more open as well, and I think he might actually look to the problems the nation has right now, specifically, the urban community, rather than lining his own pockets or making himself look good. Here's hoping. I'm somewhat pessimistic, but I would be thrilled if he won the election.
  8. Got a new phone today - not new as such, just a hand-me-down from a friend. Motorola KRZR. I had originally given it to my mother last week, but it's too complicated for her to use (how did I guess that? ), so I'm on it. Decent little phone, looks good too. Anyone else still waiting for Immortal Technique's new album, "The Middle Passage"? It was originally scheduled for 2005, but has been pushed back repeatedly, and even the 2007 release, which wasa supposed to be pretty certain, has now gone by the water. Apparently, he's working on new tracks to maybe make it into a double-CD pack, but it would be very nice to see it this year. 3 years is long enough. I've finally managed to copy files from my DVR and get them playable on my PC. Just working on the subtitle conversion now and I'll be set. God, winter without baseball is boring. Bring on Spring Training. Looking forward to the Amir Khan fight next weekend. The original opponent pulled out due to injury, so now Khan will be fighting someone from England and defending his new title rather than possibly gaining another one and going global for the world title shot. Also, Joe Calzaghe vs. Bernard Hopkins in April. I love Joe, but I think his unbeaten record might be at serious risk against B-Hop. That was said about Jeff Lacy as well, and Joe destroyed him, but Hopkins is a whole different class of fighter. Joe will need to be on top of his game for that one. Back to work after a week's holiday. Not looking forward to it, especially after a recent desk move left me sitting next to the boss and in front of the guy I speak least to in the whole team of 20 guys. My desk, and monitor, have some serious tilt to them now - instead of sitting beside the boss, my angle makes it look like I'm facing him instead. Finally backed up and reinstalled the OS on the desktop PC, so that's back up and running again now. The new PSU helped as well, as the old one was on its last legs - a 250W PSU running a 2GHz CPU, 512MB of RAM, around 700GB of total HDD space, an all-format optical drive and a 128MB graphics card, as well as multiple other external USB devices and 3 case fans will start to struggle quite quickly. Hope everyone has a good week. :)
  9. Well, it's only mentioned in...let's see, pretty much all of the Wu-Tang Clan albums, their old PlayStation game, and almost anything and everything to do with the Wu, so yeah, it rings a bell. :)
  10. Co-signed, I like - the only problem is that the signature limit here is 475x125. Could you resize it? Anyone had a chance to catch the new Wu-Tang album yet? I've seen quite a lot about it with a lot of the Wu members not being happy with the product and the way it was produced, but not had a chance to catch it yet myself.
  11. First, and most importantly, good luck with the surgery, Y4L. Now, randoms; My elaion at seeing Amir Khan destroy Graham Earl in 72 seconds last night was soured slightly by seeing Floyd Mayweather Jr. take out Ricky Hatton in the 10th round. That said I learned a new level of respect for Mayweather that I didn't have before, due to his actions both in and out of the ring. Dominating inside the ropes, gracious in victory. I still think that having his name among the greats of all time may be a bit much, but he's definitely a worthy champion. Even in retirement, Lennox Lewis can't keep his mouth shut. The weekend always goes far too quickly. The off-season is dragging on already. Bring on Spring Training..with Phil Hughes. Looks forward to seeing how Tyler Clippard does with the Nationals in a full-time starting role. Sad to see him leave the Yankees, but understandable. 16 days left until Christmas - can't wait. The sooner this crap is done with, the better. Copying data files from my DVR hard drive is becoming pain in the ***. I'm having to connect it to my laptop running a Ubuntu LiveCD and try to get it to mount the drive when the partition that the files are stored on doesn't even have a file system. What a pain! Haven't shaved in 8 days, feeling like a bit of a gorilla right now. Add another item to the "to-do" list for today. Finally, it's very hard to type when you have a plaster on the end of your ring finger. Peace.
  12. Hmmm..well, if you've reinstalled 5 or 6 times already, I'd doubt another one under the same circumstances will make any difference. Try installing with an administrator account and see if that helps - playing and saving the profile on both the admin and user accounts.
  13. In that case, I have no idea why it's not writing the file, sorry Albie. I'd maybe check to see what the read/write permissions are on the My Documents folder, what type of account you have (for example, are you installing with an admin account, then playing with a user account etc.) and see if a ny other programs are somehow blocking the file being written, but it's probably better just do perform a clean reinstall and see if it works from there.
  14. Check the various user accounts listed in Documents and Settings to see if it's maybe being created in another user's folder for some reason.
  15. Just came home from the first Muslim wedding (or any wedding, for that matter) I've attended, and it's an experience everyone should see at some point in their life. A great ceremony, most fun I've had in a long time. Now, random thoughts are short, because I'm absolutely shattered and start work in just under 6 hours. :lol:
  16. To stimulate conversation, thus allowing you more exposure to language, and the correct usage of it, as well as punctuation and grammar?
  17. Congratulations on completing the MVP Caribe mod, HFLR, it looks great. :D
  18. abc - you must have a really good contact inside Dell! ;)
  19. abc, and anyone else that's ordering/has ordered a notebook recently, just a heads-up on why you might be waiting longer than normal for it to be shipped to you - there is a worldwide shortage of LCD screens right now. There are only a few companies in the world (4, IIRC) that manufacture LCD screens, and they simply can't produce enough right now to cope with the demands they are getting, so orders are taking longer than usual to fulfill. I ordered a notebook on the 18th of July and was given an estimated delivery date of August 18th, which I fully expected to be pushed back, as we (Dell employees, or the ones in my team, at least) received a notification of this for customer queries back at the start of July. It was pushed back to the 5th of September on August 10th, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it delayed again. In short, if you're looking for a notebook really quick, consider one that you can actually see and touch, as there is quite a delay on them right now.
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