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Everything posted by PizzaLove

  1. Thank You for this Mod Excellent Work!
  2. Awesome Mod wow Thank you so much for this guys!
  3. Thank You for all your hard work modders! So much fun
  4. Thought I would post "rolie's" instructions for installing Cyberfaces (easiest way for me) - If you have any other questions for this I can help ya You need 2 programs to start - (1) Mvp edit (2) bigGUI.exe "1. Run bigGUI.exe (included in zip) 2. Goto File>Open 3. browse to your models.big file (probably located at C:\Program Files\EA SPORTS\MVP Baseball 2005\data) 4. Open models.big 5. Goto Edit>Import then search in this zip file for the player you want to install. 6. ie. If you wanted to install Gagnes new face goto folder named Eric Gagne then select all three files ("c150.fsh c150.ord and c150.orl") click Open 7.click Yes in pop up to replace all three files. 8.Select the three files in the bigGUI windows that you just imported (you may have to scroll window) 9. goto Edit>Compress (it should now list Yes under the Packed Uncompressed tab by the files) 10. goto File>Rebuild. WAIT a minute UNTIL screen refreshes. and that's it. do this for each player you want loaded. the reason I seperated the faces is because it would be too confusing to try and load them all at once. You would have to memorize each file number imported. 11. luanch MVPedit to edit the the face numbers for new players listed. 12. goto appearance tab to edit the face number for these 4 players"
  5. Wondering if someone could please create a Cyberface for Jose Canseco + Josh Donaldson (existing or new) with Long hair and Sunglasses please?
  6. Hey! Download this facepack by "rolie" - it has Step by Step instructions on how to install Cyberfaces using the program "bigGUI" So simple you can't mess it up - wish I could have found this a few years ago
  7. Nevermind - figured it out by "Rolie's" guide helped out step by step
  8. Hi everyone! Sorry if these questions have been answered before or this is the wrong place, but I couldn't find a detailed explanation on this: (1) I wanted to export the Roberto Alomar Player + Cyberface from the "1998 Mod" and import it to the "1994 Mod" but not sure how to do it? - I know how to use MVP Edit and import/export players but not sure how to move Cyberfaces using "Installer Thingy" or "Total Installer Thingy" (can you use either or is there another way?) (2) If there is a full guide or how to create Cyberfaces for players (including the longer hair, adding sunglasses or a gold chain)? - I want to start contributing by doing Cyberfaces for certain players who played in the mid 80's to early 2000's To be honest, I never even knew what a "game mod" was until someone explained it to me a few years ago and I found this site and fell in love with all lots of Mods here (especially the ones from my era). The way the Stadiums look with the real Ads, the Tv "Overlays", the realism of Players Cyberfaces/Uniforms from different eras from Ruth to Donaldson - all of this made it the most fun game ever to play for me. Very thankful to everyone here who has helped create these gems. Any help or insight you can give would be appreciated - Thank You
  9. It's been 2 years since I downloaded this. My favourite mod and game possibly ever Thank you for this so much!
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