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big shmooz

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Files posted by big shmooz

  1. Big Shmooz-Kccitystar unis Models.big

    This version also contains all the minor leagues plus extra major league uniforms that my large Moser Uniforms roster download has. This version also contains a major update in that it has version 1.28b of the uniforms. (I uploaded this before version 1.29 was released but G-D willing the next update will contain hopefully the latest uniforms) I also did some major editing of loads of uniforms that are from uniform slots not associated with the files that KC uploaded. I also corrected some mistakes in the uniforms.big file that EA made. (preview screens that do not match the uniforms) To this version I added almost all the latest cyberfaces dated till Sept.. I did have to delete some minor league cyberfaces plus all cyberfaces from the free agents plus all MVP Legends plus many of the Heroes in order to get many of the newer cyberfaces in, seeing as my cyberface slots are as of now, completely filled. The download no longer contains the Uncle Mo cyberfaces as per his request. As you can see, this upload contains 3 other files (plus this readme & the 2nd readme). Ok... now on to the installation of these files. Simply extract the file to your main mvp 2005 folder using winrar. That's it. The extraction process will do the rest for you. Please read the COMPLETE readme before contacting me with any issues you may have in regards to this download since the readme will probably resolve any issues you may have. One warning, I do suggest reading the readme before installing since this does replace files & you may wish to backup the files it replaces BEFORE installing this download.


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  2. Big Shmooz Moser uniforms Models.big

    To this version I added cyberfaces dated till Sept.. I did have to delete some minor league cyberfaces plus all cyberfaces from the free agents plus all of the MVP Legends & most of the Heroes in order to get many of the newer cyberfaces in, seeing as my cyberface slots are as of now, completely filled. Default E.A. faces are no longer in 2x. Sorry about that, but there is nothing I can do about this. Many of the faces have been updated from the default anyway & those that have been updated in 2X are in 2X in the models.big. To this version there has been a major overhaul in the uniforms. I added for all teams main uniforms including alternates, (plus a few uniforms that are added ones) the 2x catchers gear by Spungo & updated batting helmets for many teams by pbdub. Thanks G-D & Spungo & pdub. I also fixed a problem with some cyberfaces where people were seeing the weird red & green colors instead of some faces. Faces will no longer have the red & green stuff on it because I found the corrupted faces & fixed the issue by adding in the metal bin & name binary files to the .fsh. Please read the readme. It will probably answer any questions you have about this download. If you have issues with this download & have not read the readme, then I am not to blame. Also, please before contacting me with questions about this download, try reading the readme. As I stated above, this should probably resolve any issues you may have.


       (1 review)



  3. Big Shmooz Umachines uniforms Models.big

    To this version I added cyberfaces dated till Sept.. I did have to delete some minor league cyberfaces plus all cyberfaces from the free agents plus all of the MVP Legends & most of the Heroes in order to get many of the newer cyberfaces in, seeing as my cyberface slots are as of now, completely filled. Default E.A. faces are no longer in 2x. Sorry about that, but there is nothing I can do about this. Many of the faces have been updated from the default anyway & those that have been updated in 2X are in 2X in the models.big. Faces will no longer have the red & green stuff on it because I found the corrupted faces & fixed the issue by adding in the metal bin & name binary files to the .fsh. I also replaced the logos.big file that I had put in the previous versions back to the one that comes with your game. No longer are the Astros & White Sox championship logos in there. Please read the readme. It will probably answer any questions you have about this download. If you have issues with this download & have not read the readme, then I am not to blame. Also, please before contacting me with questions about this download, try reading the readme. As I stated above, this should probably resolve any issues you may have.


       (1 review)



  4. Big Shmooz Models.big - Lite Version

    To this version I added cyberfaces dated till Sept.. I did have to delete some minor league cyberfaces plus all cyberfaces from the free agents plus all of the MVP Legends & most of the Heroes in order to get many of the newer cyberfaces in, seeing as my cyberface slots are as of now, completely filled. Default E.A. faces are no longer in 2x. Sorry about that, but there is nothing I can do about this. Many of the faces have been updated from the default anyway & those that have been updated in 2x are in 2X in the models.big. Faces will no longer have the red & green stuff on it because I found the corrupted faces & fixed the issue by adding in the metal bin & name binary files to the .fsh. I also have to thank of course G-D, Hypnoxxx & Totte for the roster & all those who helped them with it. I am also uploading in this version a different models.big. This one does not contain any uniform mods. This is for people who feel their machine can't handle the graphics that the other models.big file demanded. It does have though all the same cyberfaces as the other models.big file I uploaded. Please read the readme. It will probably answer any questions you have about this download. If you have issues with this download & have not read the readme, then I am not to blame. Also, please before contacting me with questions about this download, try reading the readme. As I stated above, this should probably resolve any issues you may have.


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  5. Initstaz.zip

    The thing is as UncleMo discovered, the initstaz.big that comes in the package will cause the game to crash. This download when installed to the data folder will overwrite the previous corrupt file & the game will then run fine. I corrected the problem for the next version of the download so there will be no need to reinstall this file once the next version comes out G-D willing. Installation instructions... Unzip to your main MVP baseball 2005 folder. That's it. P.S. this update is the same. I only corrected a typo in the instructions & corrected which section this download is stored in. Those who already downloaded this have no need to download it again.


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  6. Big Shmooz datafile

    I just wanted to add some info here. The sliders when using this datafile should be set to minus 42 for infielders speed. (both CPU & User... manual & MVP) This is VERY important that you do so. Otherwise you will find that infielders will be able to grab almost every ground ball. You may also want to add power a bit to perhaps plus 10, but that is more a personal preference issue. Bullpen fatige at 20 Fatigue grace at - 15 Foul ball frequency at 40 (both user & cpu) User outfielder speed at - 10 (both manual & MVP) CPU & User catch errors at 50 (you may want to set that a bit lower for CPU in dynasty mode) All injury sliders set to 40 (you may want to set that a bit lower for dynasty mode.


       (1 review)



  7. Ultimate plus Big Shmooz mbe

    Only use these rosters in conjunction with the models.big file I uploaded from Oct. 6th & on. Otherwise your game will crash. Also make sure to uncheck the read only on the models.big file before installing the cyberface. Do not forget to put it back into read only mode after you are finished installing the cyberface. Also, make sure that before you install new cyberfaces, that you check that they do not conflict with cyberfaces numbers I have assigned in these rosters. The reason for this is quite simple. This is because it is quite likely that those numbers are already assigned to a totally different cyberface in my models.big. If they do conflict, simply change the cyberface # (the .fsh .orl & .ord files) to the one you see already assigned in the .mbe file. I also have to thank of course Hypnoxxx for the roster & all those who helped him with it. To install cyberfaces on your own, I recommend you use eagraph.exe. If you do not know how to use eagraph.exe... just go to this site... http://www.mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=12345.html The first post has detailed instructions on how to install cyberfaces with eagraph.exe.


       (0 reviews)



  8. default generic faces.zip

    For anybody who just wants the default cyberfaces, here they are already compressed in a zip file & ready to go. Simply extract & insert them into the models.big with eagraph. (make sure to uncheck the models.big from "read only" before doing this & to put it back to "read only" after doing this. Otherwise over time your models.big file will become corrupted.)


       (0 reviews)



  9. Big Shmooz Rosters V1.1.zip

    This is my roster which I edited from the UR 2.35 rosters Version 1.1
    (I am not affiliated with the UR team) This roster is updated to August 1st.
    This is for those who don't use mvpedit & still want to insert the latest rosters.
    I am also including the latest cyberfaces.
    Only use these rosters in conjunction with the models.big file I uploaded from July 22nd & on. Otherwise your game will crash.
    This includes the latest cyberfaces of Toronto by Jogar84 Since Brandon League has multiple versions, I uploaded all of them in a zip file (the one unzipped is the one with green glasses)

    Also, make sure that before you install new cyberfaces, that you check that they do not conflict with cyberfaces numbers I have assigned in these rosters. The reason for this is quite simple. This is because it is quite likely that those numbers are already assigned to a totally different cyberface in my models.big. If they do conflict, simply change the cyberface # (the .fsh .orl & .ord files) to the one you see already assigned in the .mbe file.

    I also have to thank of course Hypnoxxx for the roster & all those who helped him with it.

    Installation instructions...

    These are the dat files. It is to be inserted into the database folder which is a subfolder of the data folder.
    Also... you must also install the .fsh, .ord & .orl files that are in in here. (make sure to uncheck the read only box on the models.big before installation & to check it back after installation)
    To install the cyberfaces, extract the .ord .orl & .fsh files anywhere you want on your hard drive. Then just use eagraph to install these files. No need to edit mvpedit for these players, & no need to compress the cyberface files as this has already been done.
    For those who do not know how to use eagraph.exe, go here for instructions...
    Detailed instructions on how to do it are in the first post.
    Please do not use these .dat files unless you plan on installing the cyberfaces.


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  10. Latest trades portraits.zip

    A bunch of portraits that update the latest trades. This includes Colorado, Oakland & Dubois & Gerut (Cleveland & Chicago)

    These are not the best but at least they have the players in their current gear.

    Installation instructions... Open eagraph.exe & inser the portraits. Thats it. They are already compressed & ready to go.


       (0 reviews)



  11. Boston Portrait update.zip

    Boston Portrait update.

    Bradford 1004 Cora 1031 Graffanino 0323 Kapler 0449

    This is not the best, but at least it is them in their proper gear.

    Just insert with eagraph to your portrait.big file. Thats it.


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  12. Cyberfaces for UR 2.35 Plus modified by Big Shmooz.zip

    This is a collection of I believe all the cyberfaces that have been uploaded to this site by all the cyberface makers. The only thing I did was compress them (when needed) & changed the numbers when needed in order to fit them into the ultimate roster 2.35 which I adjusted.

    I dedicate this to all the cyberface makers who have contributed their time & effort in order to make this a better game.

    Heres to you... Jogar84 & Terminatorkorea & Kccitystar & Tribetime26 & bodhiball & Zach & JDF42. (If I forgot anybody, again I deeply apologize) (again... order of names does not denote order of appreciation, as all are appreciated equally.)

    This file can be used with any .mbe file I uploaded that is dated till July 18th.

    This download is perfect for people who want to use my rosters & at the same time only use a dialup connection. The file is much smaller because it does not contain the models.big.

    How to install...

    Simply use eagraph.exe to install this to the models.big file. Thats it, nothing further need be done as the files are already compressed.


       (0 reviews)



  13. KevinMench.zip

    Fixed Kevin Mench cyberface to be used with Big Shmooz updated roster based on Ultimate 2.35 With Kccitystars uniforms version models.big.

    If you do not install this & try to play as the Texas Rangers with this models.big & rosters, the game will crash.

    You will need to install this via eagraph.exe (very simple to do) after unchecking the read only box on the models.big file. To do this process, simply navigate in windows explorer to the models.big file & unlock it before you add more files to it. How to do this is very simple. Just right click on the file, then choose "properties", & uncheck the box that says "read only". After you have done this, you can install more files to your hearts content. Just remember to put the file back to read only after you have done this, so that you will not in the future have a problem that MVP baseball corrupts your file.


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  14. Polanco.zip

    Fixed Polanco cyberface to be used with ALL versions models.big. You will need to install this via eagraph.exe (very simple to do) after unchecking the read only box on the models.big file. To do this process, simply navigate in windows explorer to the models.big file & unlock it before you add more files to it. How to do this is very simple. Just right click on the file, then choose "properties", & uncheck the box that says "read only". After you have done this, you can install more files to your hearts content. Just remember to put the file back to read only after you have done this, so that you will not in the future have a problem that MVP baseball corrupts your file. This is the default cyberface that came with the game. The updated cyberface version is corrupted & causes the game to crash when playing with him. So use this instead


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  15. Nakamura.zip

    Fixed Nakamura cyberface to be used with the lite version models.big.

    You will need to install this via eagraph.exe (very simple to do) after unchecking the read only box on the models.big file.

    To do this process, simply navigate in windows explorer to the models.big file & unlock it before you add more files to it. How to do this is very simple. Just right click on the file, then choose "properties", & uncheck the box that says "read only". After you have done this, you can install more files to your hearts content.

    Just remember to put the file back to read only after you have done this, so that you will not in the future have a problem that MVP baseball corrupts your file.

    I take no credit for the making of this cyberface, I am simply uploading it to correct an error in the models.big lite version I uploaded.


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  16. Big Shmooz Rosters


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