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File Comments posted by DaSteelerz

    New Yankee Stadium

       626    7

    Did you make this or is this Dennis James' work and if so did you get permission?

    Thanks for pointing this out (months ago but still), I see some of my work in here too. At least ask or credit someone before taking their shit. Actually, about 75% of this is just taken from my 2K stadium, and some of it is Dennis James' as well

  1. great work, is anyone doing a 2015 version of Wrigley field?

    If you mean with the new scoreboards and all that.. well you'll need to figure out how to import the 3D models into the game... already tried... I hope you can crack it.

  2. I just had a quick question. This is an MLB2K12 texture editor but it says you can only import/export up to 2009 .iff files. Can you confirm this for me? I am new to this so please excuse my ignorance.

    From 09-12 textures

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