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File Comments posted by DaSteelerz

  1. Basically it's a small funny bonus addition to a game which is otherwise serious (usually). Sometimes they are hidden things that developers and editors sort of hide in the game to be found. This "easter egg" is quite obvious, but I added it just for fun for this release.

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - FOX V2

       3078    18

    Just like the ESPN version, this isn't supposed to be perfect: there may be some files that I completely missed out on and that I haven't replaced, so sometimes you might still notice the game playing the same stock music.

    I actually have no problem with this, just adds more songs and variety!

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - ESPN

       2160    26

    Awesome man. I can't wait to download this when I get home. This will make the game much more immersive. I'm looking forward to later releases already!

    By the way, your English is fine. Better than some who have it as their native tongue. :) thanks again!

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