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Everything posted by DaSteelerz

  1. DaSteelerz

    Grass editing

    No not locked... I actually prefer the darker grass myself. I never even touched the grass at all on any of my stadiums. Looks good. Youll notice a lot of files may give you a hard time so just keep at it
  2. Yeah, I feel the same. I say go with the emotion and act like an adult... well until you get to the dugout and then PARTAY
  3. DaSteelerz

    Grass editing

    Im intrigued... show some screenshots please if you could or be a little more specific
  4. I don't know if updating to 10 will help at all but that is highly recommended for a few reasons. Good thing it's free. Not sure if it will make your situation worse or not.
  5. Lol we've had this discussion before.. I thought RBI looked really cool when I watched it on Twitch.. it's arcadey, fast paced, multiplayer.. the feel was like SNES baseball. In a good way, I must say. 20 bucks is a good price even for my cheap ass.
  6. Sorry, I read it wrong.. but I felt you were against the hipping and hopping
  7. It's just slang! lol... yes, it's "office talk" to the players, don't worry.. You ever hear the hockey play by play guy say "He got some chiclets knocked out" or he "snapped a twig"? Nope, just locker room talk... haha
  8. Lol, yeah I think your defense of "It's gonna make these guys get angry" is just some grown-ups who need a better attitude.. A bat flip hits a catcher? I just can't buy too much into the slippery slope argument for this one. I don't love Harper but he makes a point here. And let's not forget the "WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS" argument. Less kids are playing baseball! Let them have fun. Let them find their hero. Kids don't care about your ERA or your batting average. They want damn near dudes with capes that make heroic plays. The MLB should be finding ways to get these kids into it. I don't mean sell the sport out, but it needs pizazz.. times have changed.
  9. In a recent ESPN The Magazine feature, Harper called baseball a "tired sport" because players can't express themselves without getting the third degree. From the feature: So does the game lack expression? Do you have a problem with a little more celebrating? I respect baseball for professionalism. But I also tire of the baseball purists who complain about a bat flip when Babe Ruth was the dude calling shots to the fences before puttin' it where he said it would go. Nobody forgot that. It was incredible. Legends of time. Do we need to somewhat loosen the belt on this purist attitude and allow for more fun? I say let em play - but I don't wanna see touchdown dances.
  10. More and more of these are coming online for good prices. People on Amazon are writing reviews about how the game is "broken" because they haven't patched it. (Living Rosters/Date bug) So keep waiting. Someone might throw it online in disgust for a good price when they don't know what they have!
  11. Isn't that the fun of baseball? Having to guess where it's going to be thrown... that's half the fun of the game. The other half is making them guess... Sorry not sorry lol
  12. Otherwise research the program "RunAsDate". That's just what I started using because it worked since I've had it.
  13. Yeah we should share more baseball stories and stuff. Eight gunshots in the garage? That's more than a temper tantrum. His apology seems to be written by his attorney! Didn't his daddy teach him not to hit a lady? That 30 games pretty much means they will get rid of him later, and he's trying to butter up the next team with his apology. So I'd be acting right if I were him. I'm just going out on a whim. PS if threads need to be moved it's no big deal just move them!
  14. Sometimes programs create certain "signatures" or "rules" that the files must follow. I'm not sure if this is the case but it can be...
    Better than expected!
  15. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but don't edits have to be done in the Ty's Roster Editor to avoid issues?
  16. I agree, you can learn how to use Blender with JaoSming's tutorials
  17. I'm not sure specifically what you've done to the roster and who originally made the roster. And the annoying stopping and starting of songs when moving to menus is just a part of the game. Unless it happens when you're not moving menus.... which soundtrack are you using?
  18. I wish, but at this time the answer is no.
  19. Cool, man, sounds good, more content is better. Maybe Raiders will take em on and work some magic.
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