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    Many subjects catch my fancy... baseball is of course a prominent part of my life. It goes way back to my childhood like so many here. A Past-time it is called, and no name could fit it better.

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  1. @acbeer I feel your pain... The exact same thing happened to me on my second season and I dedicated so much time to that playthrough. I played 50 - 60 games in the first season and was game 19 in the second season when all of a sudden... SMACK DAB BLAMO and then nothing... nothing was happening, just a frozen screen. no matter how I tried, even when I choose to play the game that was causing me problems, when the game was over it froze on the next screen. So I don't know about the whole not the same amount of players on the minor league team thing. I could play the game fine, it iis as SOON as it was over or if I tried to sim it. ALWAYS the same thing... FREEZE RAY hit my screen... In the end... I reinstalled everything and updated to the latest rosters and made sure I had all the current Stadiums, the Updated global.iff, as many faces and portraits that my sanity would allow, and started again. This playthrough I decided to go strictly Manager mod, cpu vs cpu for all games and I never had a crash or frozen screen. I simmed all the way up to the all star game, every game I watched or at least had it played out at real time. 80+ games and I didn't have a problem. I was testing a new datafile that I concocted out of the plethora of datafiles on this site. I learned so much and created what seems to be the most realistic statistically speaking games. I am in the midst of gathering data and posting my results with EVERY action I took pain painstakingly written down. As well as a comparative datafile template to show others what I changed. Long story short... ... Sorry dude... no answers... never figured why that ever happened. Only that it happened to me the same way also. Best of Luck.
  2. I will definitely get ya some suggestions. I really like your faces. They look very sleek. Impressive... so nice that you are back in business again.
  3. Is there a list like this for 2k12? I have the combo file (That had both MVP & 2k) that Kraw included in his portrait tutorial for 2k12, but that was dated as accurate as April 15th, 2013... Just curious, the fact that its maintained so well for mvp05 is great, just curious if 2k12 had something like that also. I couldn't find it on the forums, so probably not :-(
  4. You did it again!!! You are so awesome! I primarily only play manager mode lately and I have tweaked the game to fantastic results, but your cpu vs cpu rosters are so nice. Thank you. I'm going to be posting my indepth tweaking of mvp05 to MVP14 status for those that use manager mode. Using your previous roster mod, I played manager mode (cpu vs cpu) up to the all star, every game so that I could get some good results and I am very pleased. But these rosters will only improve that, so I'm probably going to start a new season and play (cpu vs cpu) up to the all star game again. To compare. I'll post the results of course. It took roughly 18 days of consistant manager mode gaming to reach the all star. And that was going thru 6 -10 games a day, with a few off days due to conflicting schedule. The kewl thing is that you can play a game, swith to cpu vs cpu and go about your day until it is over. Run BoxScoreExtract, save and start another game... rince and repeat. Anyways, I won't go off anymore on this post about the procedures or results anymore, only wanted to say thank you for all that you do to make this game better and funner than ever before. Thank You....
  5. As always, very nice likeness. Your faces look really nice.
  6. So, I looked around but couldn't find any information. I know that MVP05 has an awesome "Player ID List" that is always being maintained and added to and all that good jazz! But, what about 2k12? I can't seem to find a list that links Player names to Face Id's or even Potraits! I know you can look through the editor and find them and adjust them and so on... but like lets say I wanted to create a cyberface for a minor league rookie that hasn't been Id'd yet... what would I do? Just find a gap in the "play_head.iffs" and mark it down as this new players? I understand that the Rosters from MVP05 has so massively have changed and so many players have retired and so with those expired player Id's, other player Id's can be created and so on. Eventually this will need to happen with 2k12... So am I just not seeing a list or shall I begin my own... If one has already been created that would definately be much more appreaciated. So any ideas? BTW, the work with the MVP05 player Id's is wonderful...
  7. You are so awesome! Your adjustments to players are very precise... thank you
  8. Interesting, good idea. I wish I had the time to learn how to do portraits & cyberface to help out. I will learn how eventually for my own benefit at the very least. But until my work schedule dies down a bit, the time is just not there. Great idea though.
  9. Just an update from my end... I finished getting all the inside edge for my franchise. In total it only took 2hrs 50min to do all 30 teams. It took awhile at first, but once you get into a groove, you can manage it in 3 hrs or so. At least for me. I've already noticed an improvement On how the cpu vs cpu plays. Very intriguing...i hate to say it, but I don't think I can ever go back to playing a franchise with adding this long inducing step. It seems to be worth it though. Thank you so much for all you add to this game BSU. All your hard work does not go unnoticed.
  10. So did this work? Because whenever I use a modified 2K12mlb.exe file in place of the default one, the screen freezes at startup. I really wanted to use one of these overlays. F I use the default exe and the other files, I get the overlay but none of the statistics. I'll attach a pic when I get back from work if my description is tough to understand. Thanx
  11. Wow BSU, you weren't kidding! It takes a LONG time... I spent about 2 hrs and I have 8 teams done so far... haha. Oh my, monotonous I wonder if Ty's edit program reflex changes to the team budget if I change players contracts from there. I'm at work right now so I can't check to see that yet, just a thought. But... I'm not even sure if you can change the contracts with that program... hmm, well disregard all if I'm grasping at straws at that one.
  12. Thank you BSU for explaining how... and oh my yeah, if y'all got a v4 already available for posting, well sure [emoji2] But thank you for sharing how it's done nonetheless...
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