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  1. ​Very nice. Just keep us posted on the final release.
  2. ​For point of fact he had Pedroia and Youkilis in the old Red Sox roster. And lord knows the Expos/Nationals could use some help.
  3. I was just wondering on how he had changed the roster. My immediate questions would be; 1. Are you still going with only 1 team for each legend (Fisk on the ChiSox only and so on)? 2. Have you added in more recent stars like Stephen Strasburg, Bryce Harper and Mike Trout?
  4. What roster are you using now?
  5. Hey Homer good to see that up on the MVP 2005 section. I used to go by wonderman back in the EAmods days. I found this old roster of yours buried in my computer files from back then for your old beta. I hope it can help you out. I will attach it. MVP Legends Roster.xls
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