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Everything posted by AstroEric

  1. In addition, please, no one waste your two daily downloads on any mod that has "AstroEric" listed as the author. --Eric
  2. 224 downloads

    Thanks to Homer for helping out with the o-editing! This face # replaces that of former manager Phil Garner, and comes in two versions -- one with glasses, and one without. Though the glasses are more authentic, due to the limitations of cyberfaces, they don't always look right -- especially if Coop gets mad. Texture by AstroEric. O-Edit by Homer. 2x Texture Base by Kraw.
  3. In these parts you'd better not talk about Payton "New Jesus Christ Almighty He Will Lead Us to the Promised Land" Manning that way.
  4. This is a great idea for a mod, HFLR. Kudos to you for the idea!
  5. Será el Día de Acción de Gracias, porque él sirvió un pavo! Sentaos, niño grande!
  6. We totally used to have a member named FP. I think he must have changed his name....? EDIT: You know him better, I think, as d1git4l_cha0s --Eric
  7. That guy was like my arch-nemesis for awhile. I dunno why.
  8. Here's a question, Ty. Did that guy who promised the $10,000 to whomever could come up with this sort of program ever pony up any money at all? --Eric
  9. 216 downloads

    Install with Kraw's Installer Thingy. Or else.
  10. This year has flown by. I've almost been married for six months!
  11. I only place value on Uncle Mo. If we had a fantasy MVPMod team, he'd be my first round draft pick. In fact, from now on, I will call him Mojols.
  12. Can I start the official "Down with 'Delicious Surprise'!" revolution? But seriously...it seems that alot of the folks who had issues with the 06 mod were complaining about the datafile. Perhaps multiple datafiles would head off these complaints at the pass? Standard, '06 version, and '06 for folks who can't take the heat of the walk fix version? Also...I kind of missed the classic uni's.
  13. 314 downloads

    Thanks goes to Hory for ending hours of headache by pointing out that there's two numbers to change in the text of the fsh file!
  14. 187 downloads

    Houston Astros Brad Ausmus Cyberface - #562. Use Kraw's Installer Thingy to install. This mod is dedicated to my Mom and sister, who both used to put up with watching Astros games simply for the occasional glimpse of Ausmus without his helmet on. --Eric
  15. I was in the County spelling bee as a kid. Got third place out of about 100 kids. Lost on the word phlox. I'll never forget that word as long as I live. --Eric
  16. No, but I read the graphic novel in it's original American serial form. It's swell as all get out. --Eric
  17. 158 downloads

    In honor of Taylor Buchholz's first major league appearance against the the Nationals, here's a touched-up version of Bodhiball's Buchholz face from his Down on the Farm 5 pack, with his permission. I've gotten rid of the smile lines, reduced the glare on the cheeks and touched up the eyebrow a little. To install: Use .Kraw's Installer Thingy. Simple as pie. All three files go in models.big. Thanks to Bodhiball for the base stuff to work with.
  18. 246 downloads

    Preston Wilson in an Astros jersey and cap. I usually install using EAGraph. Size = 2X. Go Stros.
  19. My favorite Bond girl is Diana Rigg, in OHMSS. I love her as Emma Peel too. I wouldn't expect Clemens to go anywhere else but Houston or retirement. --Eric
  20. 241 downloads

    Unzip all files, along with GFXPAK.EXE, to the main MVP directory, run install.bat and enjoy!
  21. 127 downloads

    Unzip all files, along with GFXPAK.EXE, to the main MVP directory, run install.bat and enjoy!
  22. 87 downloads

    Unzip all files, along with GFXPAK.EXE, to the main MVP directory, run install.bat and enjoy!
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