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Posts posted by AstroEric

  1. Now, I'm going to be very embarrassed if we actually have a member here named Franchise Player....Ok, I just looked it up. We don't have one. Kraw must have added him in.

    We totally used to have a member named FP. I think he must have changed his name....?

    EDIT: You know him better, I think, as d1git4l_cha0s


  2. Can I start the official "Down with 'Delicious Surprise'!" revolution? :)

    But seriously...it seems that alot of the folks who had issues with the 06 mod were complaining about the datafile. Perhaps multiple datafiles would head off these complaints at the pass? Standard, '06 version, and '06 for folks who can't take the heat of the walk fix version?

    Also...I kind of missed the classic uni's.

  3. ..One of the best books I've ever read was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. If you've never read it, you don't know what you are missing.

    I like that she wrote one of the most critically acclaimed novels of the 20th Century, but has yet to write the follow-up, 50 years later. I'd like to meet her.

    Harper Lee grew up with another acclaimed author, Truman Capote, and served as his assistant during the years he was researching In Cold Blood. I assume they show this in the new Capote biofilm (though she's probably referred to by her first name, Nelle), but it hasn't come to theaters anywhere close to me.

    I hate living in the mountains sometimes.


  4. Me at age 11, when our two pitchers got kicked out of the game for arguing, coming in from third base.

    I had three pitches, in the order of the frequency I threw them in:

    1. The hit batsman

    2. The three foot off the plater

    3. The oh-my-God I can't believe it's a strike


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